How to Get an Academic Scholarship: Is It Possible?

Updated: March 15, 2023

Education in college is critical when it comes to job searching and career opportunities. However, as we may all know, college education in the United States may be really expensive. Studying in the best colleges may cost you thousands of hundred dollars, and not every family will be able to handle those expenses. And in this case, you can start thinking about scholarships as the solution to your financial struggles. The scholarship is a perfect way to avoid loans and just remain focused on studying. We know that it sounds great, but still, you will have to try hard to receive your scholarship. No worries though, with our article you will quickly understand how to get an academic scholarship.

Why You Should Start Looking for a Scholarship Right Now

If you happen to often catch yourself on a thought: “How to get a scholarship for university?”, don’t delay with the solution. It will be great if you start searching for options at least a few years before graduating from high school. Do not put the choice of scholarship off, and to make it clearer for you, we have collected a number of reasons that would help you understand the importance of your college scholarship.

  • You will become independent. The best way to become more stable financially is to apply for a good full scholarship that will cover your expenses for education. After that, you can forget about times when you had to do everything as your parents told you. With the help of a scholarship, you will be able to build your own life, make your own mistakes and learn what you really like.
  • You will boost your chances of entering a prestigious college. Getting a scholarship is not a task that everyone can achieve. And college professors know that. Thus, if in your application essay, you will mention your successful attempt to get a scholarship—be sure, it will definitely stand you out from other applicants.
  • You will prepare a good base for your future. Another reason why you need to immediately start thinking about scholarships is that it will bring great effort to your future career. A lot of popular companies every year are looking for students who receive scholarships to propose their positions based on their education.

What Scholarship Types Are Available For Students?

There are a lot of different types of scholarships for students in the USA. Many applicants think that if they do not have exceptional grades in high school or if they are just studying well, then the door to their future with scholarships is closed. Nevertheless, we’d like to dispel this myth and prove to you that despite the grades, you will be able to find a suitable scholarship for yourself. Read the section below and get useful info on how to get a full scholarship.

Academic Scholarships

First and the most famous type of scholarship to which most applicants usually apply is the academic scholarship. This kind of scholarship requires excellent marks, perfect knowledge of the main subject, and exceptional skills in professional areas.

For example, if you are fond of engineering, there is a great chance to apply for the A. James Clark Scholars Program. It is a merit-based grant for U. S. citizens and permanent residents.

Also, you can apply for the Ole Miss First Scholarship Program at the University of Mississippi. The scholarship will cover a 4-year educational program of $4.500 yearly.

For more examples of academic scholarships in 2023-2024, check this source.

Athletic Scholarships

When applicants start asking themselves: “how to get a full-ride scholarship?”, sometimes people may forget that there is another great way of receiving a scholarship that is connected with sport. That is a much easier way to receive a scholarship because a lot of colleges and universities offer scholarships to their students who have exceptional skills in some sports activities.

For LGBTQ+ high school student-athletes in the Washington D.C. metropolitan area, there is a perfect chance to apply for an athletic scholarship that offers a $2.000 program.

Check this site to look at all the examples of athletic scholarships for the 2023-2024 period.

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Extracurriculars Scholarships

But don’t despair if you’re not a sports fan, a lot of colleges and universities provide a lot of scholarships for other activities. For example, if you like to draw or if you’re interested in arts in the year 2023 you can apply for the Beinecke Scholarship Program. This scholarship provides a grant in the amount of $35k for your studying and, by the way, $5000 you will receive immediately after successful completion. You can also search for such scholarships if you’re into dancing, acting, and other kinds of activities.

Other Scholarships

If you want to understand how hard is it to get a scholarship, we want to tell you about a few other options that might be useful for you as well. There are a lot of other scholarships and we do not want a separate section for each of them, because then our article will become lengthy. Instead, we decided to gather some other most interesting scholarship types in this section. We really think that one of these scholarship types will be pretty useful for you, so that’s why below we have collected some unique and appealing scholarships that we were able to find.

  • First-generation scholarship. This kind of scholarship is regularly provided to the applicants who will become the first persons in the family to attend college. However, that doesn’t mean that it will be easy, since you will have to go through a lot of stages.
  • Religious scholarship. When searching for how to get a university scholarship, you should also draw attention to your confession. The fact is that there are a lot of scholarships based on your religion. So if, for example, you’re a catholic you will have the opportunity to apply for Annual Catholic College Scholarship. And there are plenty of scholarships for other confessions you can view here.
  • Major scholarships. Another great way to get a scholarship is to find one that will suit your major. For example, if you’re brilliant in math or science, or any other subject, you will easily find a lot of scholarships that will suit your preferences.
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How to Get a Scholarship For University: Three Main Steps

In this section, we’d like to discuss with you the main steps that will help you to find out how to get a scholarship in high school really easily. Despite the obvious simplicity of the pieces of advice that you will be able to see below, a lot of students neglect these important steps, thereby complicating the process of obtaining a scholarship for themselves. We assure you that once you will try to follow these steps you will get your scholarship without any difficulties.

Start Applications For Scholarships In Advance

If you want to succeed in your scholarship applications, you need to start thinking about that in advance. Do not expect that you will find a scholarship after a week or two. This process requires much more time, so you will have to check a lot of different scholarships to finally find the one that will suit you the most. That’s why we suggest you start this process as soon as possible and then your chances will increase significantly.

Choose According to Your Preferences

Another essential piece of advice to which you should draw your attention is that you need to look for scholarships that will suit your preferences. We are sure that you understand that there is no point in applying for some scholarships in which you’re not interested. For that reason, we suggest you make a special list that will help you to orientate in different scholarships that you like and as a result choose the one that you will like the most.

Continue to Search Even At College

Even if you will not find a suitable scholarship till the start of your college, that doesn’t mean that you need to give up and stop searching. Instead, we suggest you keep searching and as a result, you will finally be able to find something that you will like. We assure you that if you will show great results and show your purposefulness, you will achieve your goal.


As you understand, the scholarship is an essential part of the life of every student. A lot of things like your finances, independence, and even career will depend on the fact if you will get the scholarship or not. In our article, we tried to explain to you the main points of this process and provide you with a general understanding. However, there will be much more to do, and if at some point in your life, you will understand that you need some help, we will be there for you and will be happy to provide you with full assistance during your choice of suitable scholarship.

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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