A Global Organization’s HRM Practices 

Subject: Business
Type: Analytical Essay
Pages: 3
Word count: 868
Topics: International Business, International Relations


The global HR managers have to tackle the cultural diversity in an organization, distinctively. As a result, it is important to understand how various HR functions such as promotions, performance reviews, hiring and recruitment, benefits, compensation, and management development are largely affected by the cultural differences that exist within an organization. The organization chosen for this paper is Google. In fact, oftentimes, Google is said to be an exemplary organization for providing the best benefits to its employees. 

The thesis statement of this essay is “to dissect the role that is played by the culture in HRM practices of an international organization”. 

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The workplace diversity often affects the interpersonal relationships and their development within an organization. Alternatively, the diversity in workplace, in fact, increases the responsibilities of the HR managers to a greater extent. Even the department remains accountable for taking care of various functions that should remain aligned with the legal system of the employment world. 

Google ensures that the recruitment is done according to the candidates’ talent instead of focusing on their caste, creed, religion, race, ethnicity or nationality. Even the company does not differentiate between men and women’s work efficiency. As a result, all these are not taken into accounts during the recruitments (Google, 2017). Furthermore, the same corporate culture can be witnessed during the employees’ promotion, fairness, benefits, and other aspects as well.  For instance, the organization took proactive steps when it decoded via a feedback process that women are not likely to nominate themselves for the promotions. In fact, pay equality can be observed vividly from the company’s end. The above-mentioned approach to compensation was shared by the organization to the entire business world so that other organizations can also adopt the same technique. It not only helps the Googlers to thrive in a diverse workplace situation but also several efficient candidates receive their deserving designations. On the other hand, the philosophy of cultural diversity in regards to the hiring and training processes are also followed for the LGBT employees as well. Some of such LGBT policies are distinct enough to endow them their deserved employment rights. After all, it is Google who can tailor their benefits to such a larger extent so as to cater every employee’s need to the core. Therefore, it can be said that the organization provides equal opportunity to each and everyone. Arguably, it is not the fear of legislation but true concern for the employees that Google abides by the equal opportunity laws and regulations. 

On the other hand, it is observable that the cultural awareness training sessions are extremely important for an organization where several talented employees are recruited from different parts of the world. As a result, in order to increase the cultural awareness within Google, all the employees are trained largely. For instance, the employees are either exposed to the real-life platforms where they can interact with various interesting and culturally diverse people or they are given proper trainings regarding the benefits of diversity and other related aspects (Al Ariss, Cascio & Paauwe, 2014). When various people can bring on fresh ideas to the table it definitely helps the organization to become successful. Hence, it can be understood that the HR managers can set examples pertaining to the cultural diversity in a company by implementing their best leadership techniques. Google also tries to treat everyone equally thereby achieving the maximum amount of productivity from the employees’ end. 

Another important genre is workforce management, for which the HR managers are concerned about, the most. Google is competing in the business world phenomenally. It is possible only because of the HR experts working within the organization (Stahl, Björkman, Farndale, Morris, Paauwe, Stiles & Wright, 2012). In fact, diverse perspectives are required so as to formulate a new strategy or a new product. Experts in different fields can come together and generate various new ideas. In this way, different issues can be addressed largely, within an organization. Google has actually changed the entire dynamics of HR practices thereby creating various new trends in the employment world. In such a scenario, it is visible how several functions pertaining to the HR are addressed by the managers of Google, from the perspectives of cultural diversity. Furthermore, the culture also varies between the Generation-Y and Generation-Z employees. For instance, the Generation-Y employees may remain comfortable with the conventional work methods as the same helps in even more evaluation. On the contrary, it can be witnessed that the Generation-Z employees are more concerned with the shortcuts and technological advancements. As a result, the later employees are likely to demand advanced technologies from the company. The above-mentioned aspects are again focused by the company for maximum efficiency. For example, the Generation-Y employees are provided training in all the updated technologies. 


From the above-discussion, it can be inferred how the selected organization, i.e., Google is actually trying to cater with the employment laws of all the developed nations. As a result, the HR managers recruit and promote various employees according to their eligibility and talents irrespective of the religion, ethnicity, and caste they belong from. On the other hand, female employees are provided adequate equal opportunities in the workplace as well. 

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  1. Al Ariss, A., Cascio, W. F., & Paauwe, J. (2014). Talent management: Current theories and future research directions. Journal of World Business49(2), 173-179.
  2. Google. (2017). Fostering a fair and inclusive Google
  3. Stahl, G., Björkman, I., Farndale, E., Morris, S. S., Paauwe, J., Stiles, P., & Wright, P. (2012). Six principles of effective global talent management. Sloan Management Review53(2), 25-42.
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