Price calculator
How is the price calculated?
We calculate the price of a paper based on 4 key factors: type of paper, academic level, number of pages, and the deadline. Also, if you opt-in for additional services, such as a 1-page summary, initial draft, copies of cited sources, extra quality check, or SMS order status updates, the price will increase.
How many times can I ask for revisions?
You can ask for revisions an unlimited number of times during 14-30 days after your paper was written, depending on the type of work. Shorter papers, e.g., essays, book reviews, reports, have a 14-day free revision period. Longer papers, e.g., term papers, thesis papers, dissertations, have a 30-day revision period.
Do you have a money-back guarantee?
Yes, according to our Terms & Conditions, every customer receives a money-back guarantee. If anything goes wrong with your order or your plans change and you won’t need a paper anymore, you could file for a refund.
Can you write my paper on the same day?
Yes, we can write a short paper within 1-3 hours. Longer papers will require at least a day. In general, on, deadlines vary from 1 hour to 2 months. We guarantee to deliver your order within a specified deadline or return your money back.
Do you offer any free services?
Yes, we have a number of free services that come with every order despite its type, difficulty, length, or urgency. The list of free services includes: title page & bibliography, APA/MLA/Chicago/Turabian formatting, 14-30 days unlimited revisions, unlimited sources, simple language, subject-matter expert assigned.
How to opt-in for additional services on your site?
On the order page, during step 3 of the ordering process, you’ll see the full list of additional services that you can add to your order and boost the quality of the final variant of your paper. Our additional services include: 2nd version from another writer at half the price, plagiarism report, full text of sources, high priority status, quality check, initial draft, 1-page summary.