Gun Violence Essays

42 samples found
essays on this Topic
Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 846
Rating: 4,7

Reasons why Gun Safety is Important πŸ”₯ trending

Gun safety ensures that gun holders handle them with care to prevent violence involving firearms, such as mass shootings. In the past, gun violence has been…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 951
Rating: 4,5

Effectiveness of Gun Control in Combating Crime πŸ”₯ trending

Crime is perceived as one of the most significant challenges facing our contemporary society, especially violent crime, which is often regarded as one of the most…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 879
Rating: 4,9

Gun Control Laws: Why they Should be Abolished πŸ”₯ trending

There is an extensive debate in the United States, on whether to allow gun control laws to thrive in the country. The Democrats and the Republicans…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 851
Rating: 4,9

Is gun control an effective way to control crime πŸ”₯ trending

Gun control is the legal measure intended to restrict or prevent the use or possession of firearms. Gun control is a more sensitive and controversial issue…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 927
Rating: 4,9

Joe Biden’s position on gun control πŸ”₯ trending

The presence of gun violence in the US has increased significantly in recent years. However, gun reform remains a highly partisan topic as Republicans and Democrats…

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Subject: Education
Pages: 3
Words: 644
Rating: 4,5

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting πŸ”₯ trending

Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting is one of the deadliest school shootings in U.S. history. The shooting that happened on December 14, 2012, took twenty-eight lives…

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Subject: Education
Pages: 4
Words: 1000
Rating: 4,9

Analysis essay on Texas school shooting πŸ”₯ trending

IntroductionOn 24th May 2022, a young man named Salvador Ramos invaded Texas School and fatally shot 19 students and two teachers. The tragedy left 17 others…

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Subject: Education
Pages: 2
Words: 573
Rating: 4,9

The Media’s Shape of Society on Mass Violence

Sometimes the media is driven be the urge to get more readership and views. The media does not necessarily aim at telling or relaying stories to…

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Subject: Art
Pages: 2
Words: 637
Rating: 4,5

Lyrics Analysis of the Song Hit EmUp by Tupac Shakur

Hit Em Up by Tupac Shakur is a song with many dimensions that warrants a lyrical analysis. The song is set on a sad mood and…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 815
Rating: 4,7

California Assault Weapon Ban

IntroductionAfter the 1989 California shooting that killed a teacher and 34 children, followed by the 1993 killing of 8 people, there were proposals of legislation to…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 814
Rating: 4,5

Gun Control and Mental Illness

The United States has reported substantially massive levels of gun violence compared to other countries. However, despite the popular misconceptions in the wake of gun violence…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 875
Rating: 4,3

Pros and cons of gun control

Gun control entails the enforcement of laws or measures for restricting access, possession, or use of firearms. However, with a significant uptick in gun-related crimes such…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 3
Words: 869
Rating: 4,9

Teachers Should Not Carry Guns

The debate on arming teachers, or allowing for legislation that allows teachers to carry concealed weapons on school grounds, always comes to life after a mass…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 1012
Rating: 4,7

Gun control debate

The aspect of gun control has, for years, formed the basis for debate in many countries worldwide as it has become the most controversial and emotional…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 891
Rating: 4,9

Charleston Loophole in Gun Control

The United States has always been a country of individuals who are free to be themselves. This freedom was only obtained after numerous battles by those…

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Subject: Media
Pages: 4
Words: 1075
Rating: 4.4

The Impact of Media Violence on Children and Young Adults

IntroductionViolence is not a new phenomenon for the humanity, considering the fact that the history of humanity has been marred by different kinds of violence, for…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 914
Rating: 5,0

Why gun control does not work

Most individuals view guns as sources of violence and crime unless they are being used by individuals who are part of law enforcement. The majority believe…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 9
Words: 2286
Rating: 4,9

Gun policy

There has been a surge in the cases of school shootings in recent times. The increases in school shooting cases have attracted attention of international media…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 6
Words: 1642
Rating: 4,9

Gun violence proposal essay

AbstractGun violence has become one of the hot topics in many avenues of discussion across the rest of the US in the recent times. Such developments…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 5
Words: 1402
Rating: 4,9

Campus сarry

Campus carry denotes the sets of laws and regulations that provision for the possession of guns in university and college campuses within the US. Different states…

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Yes, we give free access to our essays, so you do not have to pay to download them. However, do not submit them as your papers.

Essays on gun violence became one of the major writing assignments in the United States since, in this country, the problem is very current. When writing your paper on using weapons as a protection or violence tool, you may apply to our database and find answers to any troubling question connected with gun control, reasons for crimes, and laws regulating all these issues.

Gun Violence Essay Examples: Expert Answer to Debatable Questions

America is the number one country that suffers the most from the mass shootings of its citizens. We can often hear in the news about terrorist attacks by armed criminals against civil people or even children at school. It is rather controversial to know that the country where the people have the right to possess guns may die from such a loyal attitude toward the weapon.

So, teachers often assign essays about gun violence to raise the problem and make students realize all the dangers of weapons in the hands of mentally ill people. Moreover, it immerses learners into the issue before they have a legal right to buy it and become potential criminals. Or evoke responsibility for their actions and make them become law-abiding citizens who never solve any disputes using guns.

Use Sample when Writing Essay on Gun Violence Finding Yourself Deadlocked

If you need to write a gun violence argumentative essay but feel that you are not an expert in this question or have scant writing experience, apply our samples as guidance for perfect writing.

Grasp Valuable Ideas for Your Essay

Writing a gun violence argumentative essay without enough facts or engaging information to launch the writing process is hard. So, you just need to skim some professionally written samples to tune in the creative mood and produce papers that deserve the highest grades. We have such examples in our directory, and any user may look through any free templates to draw inspiration.

Perfect Formatting: Problem Solution

It is a well-known fact that teachers pay attention to context and essay structure. You may find such perfectly-formatted samples to follow in our database. Moreover, all of them are written in compliance with academic writing standards. In addition, in the list, you may also meet topics related to gun control and violence to be emulated.

Trustworthy Resources: All in One

Credible data is essential when writing on sensitive and vital topics connected with the law and justice. Our authors rely on gun violence essay samples’ latest information and law amendments. So, when looking for resources for informative and reliable papers, you may save time sticking to the thoroughly selected data in our samples. Moreover, in each essay, you may find a bibliography and apply it as well.

Experts’ Helping Hand

The top quality of our authors ensures academic standards. Each writer in our team is an experienced degree-holder with deep knowledge of the subject he works on. So, as you may see, all the samples respond to the highest writing requirements and are unique.

Turnkey Gun Violence Paper: Professional Writing Assistance

If you need assistance writing an argumentative essay about gun violence but can not find a suitable sample to stick to, place your order with precise instructions, and get a ready-made paper in the shortest time. In addition, our team is ready to provide any law assignment writing help for a fair price.

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