Table of Contents
In the play Antigone by Sophocles, there is a remarkable conflict when Antigone and Creon are caught between the law and the family. Creon is the King of that time, and he has prohibited the burial of a deceased soldier, even if it is a relative, regardless of whether it is family or the rule is unjust, it is still the rule, and Antigone is not justified in her decisions, notwithstanding the situation. The audience can take either side, whether Antigone performed the right decision by not following the law and prioritizing her family, or whether the law is so crucial that no other consideration matters. The part of destiny and free will grasps a significant part in all of Sophocles’ plays, most notably in Antigone, and it is truly prominent.

Polynices’ motivations and destiny
Polynices was banished from the kingdom and was almost not accepted by his family. He ends up becoming the commander of his army as they wage a war for power, and even more horrifyingly, he battles his own younger brother. Throughout these events, his sister Antigone pleads with Polynices to withdraw his army back to Argos and stop this war. Polynices maintains a lot of self-respect and strives to show himself that he can be big and that he doesn’t belong in the world as he has been treated. For a man who is viewed so unfavorably, he appears to be a strong man who would achieve anything to defend his family. The upsetting thing is that his family doesn’t even seem to be willing to cause him to have his confidence back, apart from Antigone.
How King Creon determined his fate
King Creon sealed his fate by utilizing the law as a preventative measure. He enforced that all the people in the country obey him and do what he commands. He stated explicitly that no one was permitted to carry out the burial of Polynices. Likewise, he preordained his destiny so that no one would desecrate him. This was brought back to haunt him when his son committed suicide after learning of the death of his fiancée Antigone. Upon receiving this devastating message, his wife also committed suicide. Creon could not come to terms with the reality that he had made a terrible mistake. He had decided his own destiny, and that inflicted more pain on him than anything else. If he had only allowed his own will to prevail, he could have seen the whole picture.
The purpose and destination of Antigone
Antigone’s purpose would be meaningful if she could give her brother a proper burial, so she vows to achieve this no matter what. She doesn’t mind that Creon has prohibited her from doing so. Her fate is determined, and she makes this clear in a conversation with her sister Ismene. A woman who behaved like this in the time when Sophocles composed this play would have been in deep turmoil. Antigone believes that she possesses free will and can express herself as she wishes. She responds to King Creon after she is captured, and this is a very striking thing that would not have been done by anyone at the time. Antigone felt it was her responsibility to provide a decent burial for her brother. She lived in a mindset where she had free will and didn’t mind what others might think about it. It is absolutely incredible that a person from a time like Sophocles could create a work that was so far beyond its time. Women were allowed to look out for themselves and take charge of their fates, and that is undoubtedly impressive to modern audiences.
The tragic outcome of the play
As Creon witnesses all the people he cares about dying in front of him, he realizes that his destiny is ruined. Creon observed that free will was previously accessible to him, but now it is gone, his family is dead, and the most dear people are gone. He allowed the authorities to manage his destiny; we can assume that he saw his free will in the manner in which he governed everybody and in the laws he passed. Sophocles portrayed Creon as a feeble figure who did not concern himself with anyone else and used his position of power to influence his fate. Antigone is the protagonist that many people aspire to be. We wish we harbored the similar feeling of caring and free will as her. She stands up for herself and demonstrates that equality and immoral laws cannot transform how you feel.
To sum up, Sophocles designed the fates of Creon, Antigone, and all the remaining individuals. Antigone was a person who was so restrained by the family’s authority that in a sense it was her destiny to die and be by her brother’s side. Creon viewed his fate as a chance to grow stronger and be perceived as a dominant figure. He made it possible for his family to die, and this proved to be his destiny for all time. Sophocles produced one of the most magnificent plays of all time, where every hero exercised the freedom to express himself as he wanted and to act as he wanted. It astonishes that he was successful in composing this wonderful play and maintaining the reader’s attention for numerous days.