Benton Visual Retention Test

Subject: Mental Health
Type: Informative Essay
Pages: 2
Word count: 637
Topics: Alzheimer's Disease, Memory, Perception

For the brain to understand and differentiate between what makes sense and what does not matter, it needs to identify the object by sight. Therefore, visual perception process helps an individual to absorb what they see, organize it in the brain to make sense out of what they perceived.

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According to Harrison (2012), visual perception tends to diminish at some point in life mostly for the elderly due to their age while some children tend to have difficulties in visual perception. Hence, Doctor Benton developed a test to offer a short analysis of immediate nonverbal memory to replace the famous digit span which was impervious for emotional as well as subject-tester impact (2012). Having been developed in 1946, Benton published the test in 1965 and its new version is the fifth edition. The test is typically used to evaluate the visual awareness, visual retention as well as visual constructive abilities.


The Benton visual retention test is intended to be administered individuals for children from the age of eight and above as well as adults who tend to have problems with their visual memories and perceptions. The test measures the visual memory that has been available for some time with the aim of reminding an individual the existence of different previous issue or events they were involved.

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The test manual was useful since it illustrated that omission; distortions as well as correct errors are more sensitive to developmental changes. Due to these errors, children tend to perform poorly in a subject like mathematics as they advance their studies compared to when they were in lower classes. Therefore, the test is essential for visual constructional abilities and visual memory skills for people of all ages.

Development of the test

The information I have about the test was carried out on children as well as adolescents with learning disabilities to assess their memory impairments. Some of the methods that were used while conducting the analysis were though filling the questionnaires by parents. Parents had to indicate the medical history of the child, academic progress as well as information on growth and development of the child. On the other hand, children were engaged in subtests on a verbal scale intelligence quotient in every subject, for academic scale they used the extensive range achievement test 3 as well as the use of English for communication purposes.

Test Administration

Depending on the average subtest that the administrator ones to include determines how long the tests might take; however, the average time in a day might be twice. The level of training required by the administrator is to ensure that they lack learning disabilities; hence, these administrators are such as psychologists, psychiatrists among others (Peijnenborgh et al., 2016).

Norm Information

The most appropriate population to engage in such a test are children above eight years and teenagers, since they tend to undergo developmental changes due to growth as well as an advancement on their ages.

Reliability information

The reliable results attempt to describe cognitive characteristics among kids with diverse patterns of academic dysfunction especially in mathematics. Hence children with dysfunctional math progression ought to be more vulnerable to errors due to their visual memory.

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Validity Information

Also, these results proofs construct validity illustrating diverse memory functions for children with the selective mind; hence, information form the research supports the clinic validity on how memory constructs are sensitive as children advance in age. The strength that I noted from Benton visual retention test is that it illustrates both qualitative as well as quantitative data; hence proving a more comprehensive interpretation since it provides international error scores and varying types of errors. On the other hand, significant weakness relies on how empirically valid is it to analysis these errors as they vary for children and teenagers with learning disabilities.

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  1. Benton Visual Retention Test. (2012). Encyclopedia of Alzheimer’s Disease: With Directories of Research, Treatment and Care Facilities,
  2. Harrison, P. L., & Flanagan, D. P. (2012). Contemporary Intellectual Assessment, Third Edition : Theories, Tests, and Issues. New York: The Guilford Press.
  3. Peijnenborgh, J. C., Hurks, P. M., Aldenkamp, A. P., Vles, J. S., & Hendriksen, J. G. (2016). Efficacy of working memory training in children and adolescents with learning disabilities: A review study and meta-analysis. Neuropsychological rehabilitation, 26(5-6), 645-672.
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