Communication skills using Herons 6 category interventions


John Heron developed the model to assist the practitioners in serving their clients in the best way possible. The responses fall into six categories namely; prescriptive, informative, confronting, cathartic, catalytic, and supportive (Yürekli 2013, p.102). In a prescriptive type involves giving instructions by the nurses to their clients in a directive manner (Píšová & Kostková 2011, p.295). In most scenarios, the person being addressed is always naïve and does not have the full knowledge of whatever matter at hand. In addition, it can, however, take an advisory form.

An informative category is where the intervener conveys information to their subjects to instruct and give guidance and the best direction to take. The practitioner will, therefore, be introducing new knowledge to the clients that are relevant to their needs and demands. The experience will be interpreted to attract one’s desire to participate more (Fogle 2015, p.1). However, when done excessively, it can interfere with the self-motivation of the clients towards learning more.

The confronting category is where the practitioner has a task of challenging the attitude of their customer in a positive and constructive manner (Fogle 2015, p.1). The initiative will help the subject to adopt a new attitude they had no information about, and at the end, the person will get relief out of the distorted behavior. The cathartic category is very vital to clients, as it will help them get relieved from distress and emotions (Píšová, & Kostková 2011, p.295). It will alleviate the victim from the psychological problems without any disruption in a systematic way.

Besides, the catalytic category has a mandate of instilling in the clients self-identity and getting to know how to solve their problems (Rakhshan & Moghaddam 2015, p.675). It will help individuals involved to be more responsible and have a better control of their life, by having a mastery of the best ways to handle emotions and social conditioning. Lastly, the supportive category that validates the self-worth and value of clients thus boosts their self-esteem (Rakhshan & Moghaddam 2015, p.675). It addresses the actions, attitude, qualities and creations of an individual. However, it does not agree with the misidentification of the clients.

Six Senses Framework

The six senses framework is an initiative that is geared towards the provision of high-quality care to the elderly. To start with, a feeling of security that makes a person feel secure and free from any physical threats as it is more than the physical concern. A sense of belonging makes a person feel part of the society and the surrounding without exclusion. To add with, a feeling of continuity makes people not to forget about their experiences but use them to change their lives. A sense of purpose is significantly important as it defines the purpose of one’s existence that can make one accomplish something in their lives, thus a sense of Achievement (Maben et al. 2012, p.87). Lastly, a sense of significance points on the importance of every individual, and we should care for our personalities.

Sense of Security

A sense of security makes an individual feel safe and secure within their environs and vicinity of stay as the environment should be free from threat. Within the residential care home employment opportunities also exist, that makes it different from a regular workplace. The elderly are placed in living within the non-institutionalized environments, which is a home like setting. An individual who exists in such homes needs extreme dependence with different needs. However, such people should be offered much freedom as possible in choosing the best way on how to run their lives (Fagerström et al. 2011, p.1310). The success of such residential care homes depends on the kind of stuff opted to work in them, as high profile staff will provide high-quality care and services to their clients.

Sense of Be Emotions longing

A sense of belonging makes an individual feel that they are part of the community through the provision of a conducive atmosphere for daily operations at will. The feeling of belonging is achieved by serving all the meals in one large dining room that accommodates everybody, and doing parties as well on the same platform. Residents within the care units are encouraged to maintain contact with their loved ones because family and friends are healthy for mental and social wellbeing (Raman 2014, p.5830). Freedom of spending in own rooms is a priority as there are many places meant for entertainment purposes. Nevertheless, communal areas are available, some of them with a favorable environment for studying, while others provide areas for socializing, and these operations are done just at will without restrictions.

Importance of Communication Skills for Nurses When Developing Professional Relationships with Service Users, Careers, and Colleagues

Communication acts as the primary stem in service delivery within a hospital set up. Through an effective communication skill, the nurses can conduct a successful consultation with the patients to identify the challenges or complexities faced by the client. The patient will be able to disclose much content not shared with the doctor, and giving many detailed explanations that could not be said to the doctors due to poor communication skills. Also, good communication skills enable the nurses to work it out and manage to communicate to their clients even in a noisy environment by having a good memory of the demands of patients. In addition, communication assures the patients excellent delivery services by putting them at ease, by taking their concerns seriously and engaging them (Mullan & Kothe 2010, p.375). Talking to the patients at length makes the nurses understands their illness much deeper, thus making them get relieved from their fears and concerns.

Effective communication, therefore, stands out to be more than the quality of service offered in a health care unit, as it can optimize the patient’s involvement. However, frankness and honesty are the fundamental requirements towards the achievement of an effective communication skill. The two elements make the patient develop confidence in the nurse and not to draw up any form of suspicions, and misunderstanding. Within a health care unit, excellent communication skills help in building therapeutic relationships, which is the center of service delivery (Ryan et al. 2010, p.1). The services offered will be unique to each patient because they speak out their problems differently due to the god rapport created out effective communication skills.

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