Ethical Provisions in the Psychology Profession

Subject: Psychology
Type: Argumentative Essay
Pages: 1
Word count: 496
Topics: Communication, Emotions, Ethics, Social Issues

This paper intends to equip the conference participants with the knowledge relating to the ethical standards requirements in the psychology profession. Being a clinical-oriented profession, the need to educate potential and existing professionals on the ethical needs of the profession is the basis for creating this poster presentation. The psychology ethical grounds are an aspect that is too crucial to the success of a psychologist as they make their contribution in the line of duty (Snyder & Anderson, 2009). This poster presentation paper intends to uncover the purpose of educating on the ethical grounds and the possible outcomes the presentation would present to the profession. 

The importance of conducting professional conference presentation is to bring together innovative ideas from students and professionals, who participate in the profession. The presentation will cover aspects of confidentiality, competency, record keeping, human relations and ways of solving ethical issues that might arise. It will concentrate on ways to improve the ethical requirements psychologists need to input as they practice their profession to ensure that the patient’s information delivery is not violated. Confidentiality is a clinical requirement, where all clinical professionals ought not to disclose patient information unless necessary (National Association of School Psychologists, 2010). This presentation will equip the participants on the confidentiality provisions and the exemptions to the confidentiality clause.  It will be incorporative of the ability of the psychologist to relate with patients and the people in the surrounding. The relation the contact the professional creates with other people can be essential and at times unethical (Manchak, Skeem, & Rook, 2014). This presentation will draw the line between professional and unethical human relations for the psychologists. This presentation recognizes that unethical practices can happen during professional service delivery (Haeny, 2014). It seeks to address ways in which unethical issues and discipline cases can be addressed in the most professional and appropriate way. 

This presentation seeks to solve and real-life ethical provisions experienced by psychologists. The main agenda is to ensure that psychology-oriented students and professionals are aware of the ethical requirements of the profession. There are different psychology associations, which seeks to guide their registered professionals on the ethical requirements. This presentation will equip the participants with knowledge of the psychological associations and organizations, how to get registered and their different ethical clauses. The presentation is expected to provide a platform where the psychological association representatives will share their knowledge with other participants of the conference to elaborate more on their ethical provisions. The conference student participants will be able to acquire the untold ethical requirements that the experienced professionals encounter in their routine tasks. Other than educating the students on the ethical expectations of the profession, this presentation offers the opportunity to have a mini-experience of their future career positions and requirements. The contribution achieved through this paper to psychology professionals is by being elaborative of the varied ethical concepts that are in practice and those that can be implemented.

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  1. American Psychological Association. (2010). Ethical principles of psychologists and code of conduct: Including 2010 amendments
  2. Haeny, A. M. (2014). Ethical considerations for psychologists taking a public stance on controversial issues: The balance between personal and professional life. Ethics Behaviour, 24(4), 265-278.
  3. Manchak, S. M., Skeem, J. L., & Rook, K. S. (2014). Care, control or both? Characterizing major dimensions of the mandated treatment relationship. Law and Human Behaviour, 38(1), 47-57.
  4. National Association of School Psychologists. (2010). Principles for Professional ethics. 
  5.  Snyder, C. M., & Anderson, S. A. (2009). An examination of mandated versus voluntary referral as a determinant of clinical outcome. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 35(3), 278–292. doi:10.1111/j.175-0606.2009.00118.x
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