FDA Professional in Childhood


Actually, there exists a variety of interesting issues one gains in the process of studying the development of children in today’s society. Children are always helpful at birth but in due time they start gaining skills rapidly that would aid the slow development. There are certain characteristics that will dictate the behaviour of a child. They include a child’s intellectual and cognitive development, his/her language development, and improvement in both his /her personal, social, and emotional development. Linkages of all these factors will strategically help up us study their behaviours. 

In this report we shall major on child A and his/her performance in the community incorporating the cognitive and intellectual capabilities. Furthermore, it will discuss how the child reacts to instruction that is set out by Adult A which makes us understand more of his/her behaviours. It will review the intellectual and cognitive, language and personal, social and emotional development of Child A. Child A is a male, aged seven years and seven months old and is the second child in his family (McCormack, 2018).  He is from an Asian background and lives with both parents and a sister who is 10 years old.  He is in year three in a primary school which is local to where he lives.  He and his family are bi-lingual however he speaks fluent English.

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Intellectual and Cognitive development

The level of intellectual ability also known as the IQ level is thus referred to as the capacity of an individual to solve out certain tasks that would be as a result of various cognitive processes. These processes can range to different ability of reasoning, retrieval of importance ideas or information from one’s memory, rapid visual identification, verbal productivity, sequential reasoning, working memory, declarative memory and much more. Intellectual measures all these processes in order to make sure those problems are worked out in a more efficient manner. According to the observations collected intellectual and cognitive development strategies is significant tool in the evaluation of a child’s cognitive strengths and weaknesses (Gribben, 2018). Modification of the child’s processing ability including his/her educational planning, remediation of deficits, modification of curriculum to take advantage of the child’s learning strengths will accommodate the child in a sufficient manner to ensure that he meets the daily requirements, thus revealing greatly the power of an outstanding intellectual ability.

According to our observations, from child A it is recorded that he/she possesses a high level of intellectual ability, this is shown due to the child A being more sharp and comes out as a first priority when the teachers inquires or introduces a certain topic in class. The incorporation of skills like child A language development process, personal, social, emotional developments it’s postulated that there is a high level of IQ. Observable characteristics that show that child A has a high level of intellectual cognitive abilities include;

  • Child A was able to think about what method to use to solve the maths problem he was able column method according to schoolage children are better at the skill of remembering than are younger children. Experiencing more of the worlds, older children have more to draw upon when encoding and recalling information.
  • Child A was able to follow instructions and where needed he ask questions to clarify his understanding of given tasks. In school, older children also learn how to use memory strategies. Creating humorous lyrics, chunking facts (breaking long lists of items into groups of three’s and four’s), and rehearsing facts (repeating them many times) help children memorize increasingly complicated amounts and types of information. 
  • Child A was able to complete task successfully with given instruction by adult during lesson this shows memory skills.
  • Child A following being in a capacity of remembering the set instructions by Adult A in order to solve the mathematical problem.
  • Furthermore the aspect of verbally fit where child A is able to speak out in front of the class which shows a high level of intelligence since children with a low IQ of less than 100 are not in the capacity of doing all these.

Understanding of Child A Language Development 

Development of a child’s language ability is a fundamental aspect in the overall growth of a child. This is because it aids the child’s ability to communicate out efficiently, comprehending an individual’s feeling concerning a prospect, and the ability of expressing themselves to the society. Nevertheless it also supports in situation such as maintaining and development of relationships, and the problem solving aptitude (Raghavan, 2011). Teaching a child how to comprehend, utilizing and enjoying certain language is life threatening aspect that should be considered for a child to learn how to read and write.

According to the observations forwarded it is postulated the Child A has an improved language an also tries to improve further due to the aspect the he confront Adult A and ask what it that pronunciation of the word, “sparking.”, child A also turns out to be proficient in her language development skills this is as a result of Adult A 

Personal Development

During the process of children development there are personal attributes that come alongside them. Personal development in a child revolve ion and around the development of talent and potential, awareness and identity, and the contribution to the realization of children dreams and aspirations. From a child’s initial state of development, these factors is always encountering through an individual’s life (Alexandrova, 2015). Personal development in children involves a great variety of things and it helps children understand their abilities and the responsibilities they have to execute in their way of life. Personal development skills are never taught in school and thus referring to child A in observation three child A is able to digest the question and writes down a poem by the help of his visualizing ability. This is because child A can see and imagine and create out ideas thus putting them on paper. 

Social Development

The social development of a child depends on some factors; one of such is the nature of their family and education experience. From the look of things, it seems that social development affects our children intellectual and cognitive abilities. According to our observation Child A seems to be coming from a well-established social background. This is shown in observation 2 when Child A’s computer breaks down and is instructed by Adult A to sit alongside Child B a smile is shown on child A’s face showing that he was fit in interacting with child B furthermore child A treats child B fairly by directing child B to fill information in the computer and shows how to get the internet picture (Nicholls, 2009). All these factors are contributing greatly to the development of child A sociability since his/her parents contributed greatly by allowing child A interact freely with friends.

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Emotional development of Child A

Most specifically emotional development always occurs in the early stages of life and thus children should learn these emotional developments in the early worlds. Different children have different emotional reaction and thus they tend to be excited or sad. Emotional development can be strengthened by paying closely on ones feeling and figuring how to manage the feeling in the most appropriate way (Kathleen, 2000). All this can be achieved through the acknowledgement of every child’s emotional response and being in a position of comprehending and accepting the feelings in an effective way. It’s postulated the child A emotional conduct was enthusiasm since the child tend to smile always when any issue arises. This show a positive emotional impact on the child A way of life. 

Relationship between Personal Development, Social Development and Emotional development of Child

There is a close relationship between the Personal, Social and Emotional Development (PSED). All this can work alongside with the efficient communication physical and the language development in an individual’s life. These are prime areas since they are areas that pin down the prospects of a child’s learning and development capability. During birth of these new born they always experience the world through the frequent interaction with others and also involving themselves physically in the environmental activities (Schady, 2011). The three aspects are related since they inspire children in setting out concrete background for them to have an outstanding future in life and education. Furthermore, Personal, Social and Emotional Development backs up Physical Development since a child who feels sheltered attains self-confidence and thus stirred to reach out also it upkeeps Communication and Language within relations which creates a turn taking, a yearning to interconnect and consideration of mutual meanings of words.


Observable finding reveal that that child A he has some level of proper coordination between what he wanted to say and what he said. To our surprise, the understands and speaks out proper English showing his knowledge in a more efficient manner and shows pride putting emphasis in every word uttered. Again, at this point of our interview, we realized that if child A had not been so open, he could have been learnt a lot of concepts since child A gained ideas through being free with everyone displaying portraying a significant level of language know-how, comparing to the cognitive analysis we had done (Serbin, 2015). Looking into his academic knowledge as well, we realized it matched his cognitive development because he was among the best in his class. During class child was actively involved since he has been doing better because he had he been talking in class. It communicated one thing, he was a very social person, and this, according to his the observations, was working to his advantage.

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Conclusively, as stated in the above observations, children always develop at different paces and thus this is incorporated by a variety of factors including both internal and external. Internal factors include genetic composition of an individual thus affecting how most children perceive change in their emotional world (Lapierre, 2016). According to scientific results most children that possess quick temperaments always tend to be understanding on other people’s issues. While those with low temperaments struggle in regulating their emotions. Thus child A is quick in perceiving the changes.

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