HIV Analytical Essays

Subject: Health Care
Type: Analytical Essay
Pages: 3
Word count: 885
Topics: HIV, Disease, Medicine, Nursing, Universal Healthcare

Although there is a myriad of factors that can keep a person who is HIV positive well for a long time, it is important to take antiretroviral medication in order to lengthen a person’s life. It should be noted that these antiretroviral drugs work directly against HIV where it assists in slowing down the multiplication of the virus. In this regard, the CD4 T-cells, which are responsible for the immunity of an individual, are prevented from loss. To some extent, the antiretroviral medication can make the CD4 T-cells to recover. However, it is important to note that when infected with HIV one does not have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). This paper critically examines the issue of antiretroviral medication in treating HIV. 

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According to Baeten et al. (2121-2132), it is with no doubt that the majority of people living with HIV have been diagnosed with the virus type of HIV-1. The majority of the victims who have been diagnosed with this type of virus are women who are, majorly found in sub-Saharan Africa. As much as the antiretroviral drugs have been used to troubleshoot the effects of the infection, there has been an improvement in how the women are treated. The use of vaginal ring containing dapivirine becomes a common medication of HIV-1 among women. The major, characteristic that is associated with this type of medication is that there is a controlled release of medication. The trial of the use of the drug has shown positive progress in its use. For instance, dapivirine in the monthly vaginal ring is a non-nucleoside HIV-1 reverse-transcriptase inhibitor that has activity against a broad range of HIV-1 subtypes (Baeten et al. 2121-2132). It has been established that use of vaginal ring has been successful since many women are not at risk of acquiring the virus subtype of HIV-1. 

As per the research conducted by Le et al., (2017), it is difficult to have the knowledge of the relationship between the initial period of using antiretroviral drugs in treating HIV-1 in regard to the recovery of CD4+ T cell counts. As discussed earlier, it is absolutely clear that CD4+ T cells which are responsible for immunity are lost after one has contracted HIV-1. According to Le et al. (218-230), it is possible that CD4+ T cell count can be able to recover if antiretroviral drugs are introduced at an earlier stage of an individual’s infection. This is because it is believed that there is a narrow restorative time window in which an individual immunity is strong whereas the virus has also not become stronger. It has been established that within four months after the contraction of HIV-1 there is a large possibility of CD4+ T cell count to recover hence making a patient stronger. 

Although antiretroviral therapy is not an ultimate cure for HIV, it is important to know that it plays a great role in preventing the death of a victim at an early stage. Antiretroviral therapy ensures that the immune system of an HIV patient is kept as string as possible to prevent diseases from attacking such a patient. Also, antiretroviral therapy reduces the impact of HIV infection among the members of a community. It has been established that there are benefits in regard to boosting the immunity of HIV when antiretroviral therapy is provided to such patients at asymptomatic stage of HIV infection. The Insight Start Study Group, (795-807), asserts that to make this process a success, it is wise that the therapy at the said stage should be provided to patient with 350 cells per cubic millimeter of CD4+ count. However, the evidence of providing antiretroviral therapy to a patient of the CD4+ count of 350 cells per cubic millimeter comes from observation. With the evidence that there is a small risk of AIDS with patients who have a high CD4+ count is common knowledge that introducing antiretroviral at the asymptomatic stage would be of much help to such patients as far as their health is concerned.

At present, it is important to note that there has been a major advancement in regard to treatment and care of patients with HIV. This is in regard to those patients who have HIV-1 where their mortality rate has been reduced greatly. Cohen et al., (830-839) suggests that the main form of transmission of HIV-1 is a result of sexual activities. Due to this, it is important to find ways to prevent the transmission of HIV-1 through sexual activities. Discordant couples have proven that the application of antiretroviral therapy reduces the risk of transmission of HIV-1. To make this process to be fully realized, it is necessary to introduce antiretroviral therapy early enough so that sexual transmission of HIV-1 is prevented for good. When a closer look is taken at this method, it is wise to say that HIV is not curable but it can be prevented from spreading as long as the patients take the antiretroviral therapy medication early enough. 

In conclusion, any type of HIV is treatable where the patient can remain well and alive for a long period of time. Also, individuals should know that it takes years for the number of CD4 T cells to reduce for one to have full blown aids. In this regard, early medication of antiretroviral therapy can save a person’s life. 

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  1. Baeten J.M., Palanee-Phillips T., Brown E.R., Schwartz K., Soto-Torres L.E., Govender V.,…Hillier S. “Use Of A Vaginal Ring Containing Dapivirine For HIV-1 Prevention In Women.” The New England Journal Of Medicine 375.22 (2016): 2121-2132. Print. 
  2. Cohen,M.S., Chen, Y.Q., McCauley, M., Gamble T., Hosseinipour, M.C., Kumarasam N.,… Fleming, T.R. “Antiretroviral Therapy for the Prevention of HIV-1 Transmission”. The New England Journal Of Medicine375.9 (2016): 830-839. Print.
  3. Le, M.D., Dr.P.H., Wright, M.D., Smith, M.D., He, M.D., Catano, M.D.,… Ahuja, M.D. “Enhanced CD4+ T-Cell Recovery with Earlier HIV-1 Antiretroviral Therapy”. The New England Journal Of Medicine368.3. (2013): 218-230. Print.
  4. The Insight Start Study Group. “Initiation of Antiretroviral Therapy in Early Asymptomatic HIV Infection”. The New England Journal Of Medicine373.9. (2015): 795-807 Print. 
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