Journal Entry-Plausibility and Pluralism

Subject: Religion
Type: Exploratory Essay
Pages: 4
Word count: 797
Topics: Christianity, Theology

The growth of Christianity in different parts of the world has met diverse and pluralistic cultures that in a way are shaped or influenced by the Christian worldview. Moreover, very many ideas fight for the space of attention. It is similarly important to note that the worldview here accrues from the philosophical and doctrinal foundations of the Christian faith. In doing this study, my main concern is to deal with the question about the kinds of effects and differences to expect on nature, precedence and the tenacity of Christianity alongside the worldview that it spread to the different parts of the world.

Many societies are driven by the cultures that are inherited from tradition. Coupled with these are the ideas gotten from the scientific discoveries and notions. However, I would register a strong position that culture defines a greater part of people’s lives than science does, though it guides them. Culture is not squarely the same across the communities, including those that live together, and this becomes even impounded when they subscribe to Christianity, which tends to offer a universal worldview that puts the believers together. For example, Christianity teaches about the unity of the believers as a symbol of belonging to one body of Christ. This, in essence, implies that people should not be more tied to their culture to the extent that they are unable to accommodate some people. Indeed, Christianity has done enough of this to ensure that individuals who confess the Christian faith assume some commonalities in their practices across the world. For instance, the liturgical functions among the Catholic Church are conducted using the same method as a standard guideline across the world. In this precept, Christianity has achieved significantly in uniting the believers.

However, I do not think that mentioning unity here implies that people are reduced from their different cultural perspectives to one common way of life of doing things. I believe that it is important for the Christians to observe different cultures with utmost care and respect some basic concepts here to make well-informed decisions concerning the specific actions to take about them. One of the greatest struggles among the Christian thinkers is the way they would deal with culture. When communicating about this, the following questions would be applicable. Should they ignore culture, transform it or isolate it? Just as I had said, people who belong to the Christian faith are bound to some sets of culture that guide and direct their lifestyles. That would indeed explain why there is enculturation in Christianity. This implies that perception is affected by Christianity and be influenced by it as well.

Some of the effects of the interaction between Christianity and the different cultures are the continued enculturation. Even though Christians do certain things in similar ways, their practices are informed by their different cultural practices. In Africa for example, the types of dances during the Christian functions get precedence from the cultural bearings, which means that the moves are the same, both in the secular setup and the Christian setup. It should not be an endeavor by Christian worldview to fight, oppose or sustain hostility to culture, but to get a way of accommodating it, but whenever something within the culture appears unpleasant for the Christian faith, and then the same should be communicated intelligently to discourage it. For example, female genital mutilation has been a concern for the Christian faith, and it has always been addressed rationally.

On the other hand, Christianity has to deal with certain vibrant ideologies today like feminist movements who oppose the position of the church about abortion to attract the needed peace in the world. In some respects, the Christian teachings have been liberating, and more focused on bringing people together regardless of their origins, and that is why at its inception, apostle Paul advocated for the good news to be spread to the Gentile world. Some greater thinkers and liberals like Martin Luther King Jnr believed that Christianity belongs to two demesnes, which are the spiritual and the temporal realms. Hence, it must live to fulfill the responsibilities for both the two realms.

In conclusion, it is inferentially ostensible that Christianity is thriving in a more diverse environment, and must remain more informed to tie its believers together. Today, the worrying thing is the intolerance of diversity. Christianity, just as shown in this study has the responsibility of aligning people to the needed unity in the midst of some disagreeing cultures. Just as I have pointed out, the church should not stand in isolation of culture but should blend itself with it through enculturation. As the functions are done in similar manners across the societies, it is primarily important better the ways of treating people who worship together, yet belong to different cultures.

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  4. Sire, James W. Naming the elephant: Worldview as a concept. InterVarsity Press, 2015
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  6. Hunter, James Davison. To change the world: The irony, tragedy, and possibility of Christianity in the late modern world
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