Prevention of juvenile delinquency


Juvenile delinquency is a societal problem which brings about the common damage and distress to perpetrators, victims and the entire society. It is considered common among the people below the age of 18 years (Alboukordi, Nazari, Nouri, & Sangdeh, 2012). Delinquency covers the behavior of adolescents in a range of breaking the norms which include among others abuse of drugs, offenses against other people that violate their rights. The measures for preventing juvenile delinquency include social responsibility and personal teaching, the intervention of Multisystematic Therapy and group or organizational efforts. Various scholars have discussed the measures applicable in preventing juvenile delinquency as expounded below:

Jackson, French, Senne, &Nichols, (2013), gave their view on the use of social responsibility and personal teaching in preventing juvenile delinquency which involves methods generalizing the residents like pro-social behavior besides the environmental physical activities. The researchers found out that the prevention of juvenile delinquency can be achieved through the efforts of the correctional facility administrative staff in physical activity programs. Higgins, Ricketts, Jirard, & Griffith, (2013), in their research, gave a report that the prevention of juvenile delinquency is through the involvement of minorities in several decision-making points of the system in juvenile justice. According to their study, the prevention of juvenile delinquency requires receiving funding from the federal government of the states to address the issue. Based on the above, the participation of the couple in shaping their children will aid in preventing them from becoming juvenile delinquents.

Mueller, Bostoph, & Giacomazzi, (2013), on their study on the prevention of juvenile delinquency, noted the intervention of the Multisystemic Therapy which is based on the study that juvenile antisocial behavior and the results of the problems in various domains can be handled under the juvenile prevention Act. Bradford& Capps, (2013), pointed out a way on how juvenile delinquency can be prevented by the works of the juvenile court where policy offenders are always taken to for their trial cases. This court was established because policy practitioners are considered to be the juvenile offenders which are different from adult offenders. The Multisystemic Therapy is invented so as to improve the discipline practices of the caregiver, enhancing the effective relationship of the family, decreasing the association of the youth with deviant peers and to increase the association of the youth with prosocial peers which are aimed at reducing the rate of juvenile delinquency. Tripathi, (2016), gave his view on the influence of individual, groups or organizations on the prevention of juvenile delinquency. These act as mentors and units that support the juveniles hence allowing them to develop better social attributes that prevent delinquency.

In conclusion to the study above, juvenile delinquency is an offense to the young people mostly below the age of 18 years who commit an offense like drug abuse and offense against other people. Juvenile delinquency prevention proves possible through the application of social approaches through which the children of the couple may obtain knowledge and societal support in dealing with the problem. The application of the court system in case this approach fails may help the couple in reducing possibilities of the young offenders getting involved in delinquent behavior another time.  The use of punishment approaches such as Multisystemic Therapy may also produce positive results in dealing with offenders.

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  1. Alboukordi, S, Nazari, M, A, Nouri, R, & Sangdeh, K, J, (2012). Predictive Factors for Juvenile Delinquency: The Role of Family Structure, Parental Monitoring, and Delinquent Peers. International Journal of Criminology and Sociological Theory, Vol 5(1), 770-777.
  2. Jackson, J, D, French, R, Senne, T, &Nichols, D, (2013). Influence of Responsibility-Based Physical Activity within a Secured Juvenile Correctional Facility. Journal of Knowledge and Best Practices in Juvenile Justice and Psychology, Vol 7(1), 1-10.
  3. Higgins, E, G, Ricketts, L, M, Griffith, D, J, & Jirard, A, S, (2013). A Propensity Score Matching Analysis of Race on the Decision to Petition a Case in the Juvenile Court.  Journal of Knowledge and Best Practices in Juvenile Justice and Psychology, Vol 7(1), 11-18.
  4. Bradford, J, & Capps, J, (2013), Policy Consideration When Applying Sight and Sound Separation. Journal of Knowledge and Best Practices in Juvenile Justice and Psychology, Vol 7(1), 19-28.
  5. Mueller, D, Bostaph, G, L, & Giacomazzi, A, (2013). What Works in Treating Juveniles With Substance Abuse Problems, Mental Health Issues Or Co-Occurring Disorders? Journal of Knowledge and Best Practices in Juvenile Justice and Psychology, Vol 7(1), 55-64.
  6. Tripathi, R, (2016). Juvenile Delinquency: Overview, Prevention, and Laws in India. Valley International Journals, Vol 3(2).
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