Table of Contents
Eating disorders in the current situation is an illness that has led to serious disturbance of daily diets of many. One that have developed the disorder can be stated to be eating little or too much but after sometime, the urge gets out of control and it becomes an habit. There are different factors that lead to the development of eating disorders such concern on the body weight or distress (Pelletier, 2003). The research that has been conducted over the disorder shows that the causes of the disorder include interaction genetically, behaviorally, socially, and psychologically. There are however many questions that are not clear and needs to be answered.
Description of each of the disorders
Anorexia nervosa
This eating disorder is characterized by exercising weight loss and self-starvation. Those that develop the disorder are those that have the aim of keeping their body weight as low as possible through restricting the amount of food that they take, taking regular exercises, and making themselves to vomit regularly (Clarebrough, Guest & Stupart, 2015). It occurs in those that have anxiety about weight loss and body shape that mainly originates from the desire of being thin or from the fear of being fat. Approximately 95% of those that have developed anorexia are women and girls (Clarebrough, Guest & Stupart, 2015). The condition can be developed at any age from adolescence.
Binge eating
Binge eating is eating disorder that is characterized by periodic eating of large amounts of food. The main factors that lead to binge eating include a feel of loss in control, guilt, and lack of using unhealthy compensational orders. From a research that was carried out in USA on the disorder, those that are much exposed to the disorder are women and less exposed are the adolescent. The disorder is 3.5% common in women, 2 % common in men, and 1.6 % common in adolescent (Scherer & Skancke, 2009).
Family description with possible education background of them
Those that are obese are at a higher risk of developing binge eating as compared those that are not obese. People of normal weight are also in the position of getting the disorder but not as compared to those who are obese. In a family that one has developed binge disorder, there is trouble in handling the emotions of the person and the person feels always out of control. The people in such families use food to comfort themselves. The disorder goes hand in hand with depression. A family with a history of depression has a high chance of developing binge disorder. The family history is also a consideration as a risk factor for development of binge disorder. A person is likely to have the eating disorder in a situation where the sibling or the parents hade the eating disorder. This shows that inherited genes increases the risk of one developing the eating disorder.
Those that have the eating disorders always do not seek help since maybe they are afraid of being recognized that they have the problem. These people may have the possibility of hiding the condition for a very long time, sometimes years. In educating the people, the first step is to realize that the people need help so that they get better.
There are cultural pressures to be thin that affects development of eating disorders. In addition, other family pressures can contribute to the development of anorexia. The pressures can also include participation in family activities that demands slenderness such as involving in gymnastic or modeling. There are also parents who are having a lot of control on their children putting pressure and emphasis on the look at the diet.
The emotion for motivation of development of eating disorders
Physiological issue is a factor that leads to the development of binge eating. Those that have the eating disorder are those that feel negative about the skills that they have and their accomplishment. In addition, other factors can lead to binge eating. The other trigger factors include poor body self-image, stress, and boredom.
Anorexia nervosa may be used as a way of distraction from the emotion or the feelings that one may have developed due to several factors. When a person spends most of the time thinking about food, weight loss and dieting, there is a high risk of facing the problems associated to anorexia. This will be when dealing with the complicated emotions. The other emotion that can lead to the disorder is frequent comment of feeling fat or the need for weight loss despite the fact of weight loss.
Triggers for the disorder to develop or to show up
There are different factors that can lead to eating disorders such as binge eating. One factor that can trigger the disorder is family history. Those whose siblings or parents have had eating disorders are in a position to develop the disorder. This indicates that genes that are inherited increase the risk of developing eating disorders. Psychological issues are also a factor that leads to eating disorders. Those that have eating disorders are those that have developed some emotions. Those that develop the disorders are those that have negative emotions of feelings about themselves.
Dieting is also a risk factor that leads to development of eating disorders. Those that have eating disorders have a history of dieting. There are those whose history indicates that they have dieted excess when they were in childhood. They then need to reduce the eating quantity or they increase the eating quantity due to other factors.
The age of a person also is a risk factor in development of eating disorders. Although there is likely development of eating disorder, there are sexes and ages that contribute to the disorder. Women are at higher risk of developing the disorders as compared to men. There is also development of disorders at an older age as compared to teen age.
Handling stress by people with each disorder
There are different factors that contribute to development of dieting disorders. These characteristics are such as feeling anxiety, anger worthlessness, and depression and feeling disgust by a person. These emotional factors can be handled through the fast realization that they need help. Those that are suspected to have the condition should be talked to about their worries and then they are advised to seek help. The people may be defensive of their condition and refuse to accept the fact that they have a problem. To reduce the stress in the people they may be advised and eating disorder support group and how best they can manage the stress.
Diagnosis with other disorders
There are abilities to be diagnosed with other co disorders. Other co-disorders that occur in an individual have developed the two conditions. The disorders develop because of the physiological factors and biological factors. Some of the co disorders include abnormal slow heart rate and a slow blood pressure (Clarebrough, Guest & Stupart, 2015). This is in the conditions that the heart muscle is changing. There is also a risk of developing a heart failure when the heart rate and blood pressure reduces. The co disorders occur in person since the body does not get enough fuel that it needs to function normally. The disorders occur, as there are medical complications that develop in the body.
Co disorders
Other co-disorders that occur in an individual have developed the two conditions. Some of the co disorders include abnormal slow heart rate and a slow blood pressure. This is in the conditions that the heart muscle is changing. There is also a risk of developing a heart failure when the heart rate and blood pressure reduces. Anorexia can also lead to other disorders such as deduction in bone capacity, which can lead to brittle bones. There are also instances of weight and eating disorders weakness.
Personality theory for those with
There are personality skills and traits that pose one into the development of eating disorders. Among the factors that have been identified to lead to eating disorders, include psychological and biologic factors. The main role of personality does not contribute partly to the development of eating disorders (Posner, 2015). Some of the personality theories and factors that are used in the explanation of eating disorders include difficulty in the communication of negative emotion such as sadness, fear, or anger. There are also factors such as low self-esteem, difficulty in dealing with conflict, need for attention, and need to be in control (Clarebrough, Guest & Stupart, 2015). Use the theory that can enable in explaining the development of eating disorders is relationships that are troubled especially with parents.

Treatment for each of the disorders
Treatment of anorexia requires physical, social, and psychological needs assessment is carried out to determine the best way of dealing with the disorder and development of a suitable care plan. Treatment of the disorder in most of the times involves a combination of psychological therapy and advice to the individual who has the condition. There is also the involvement of several healthcare professionals.
Effect on the ability to cope with the illness
The main effect that occurs in the ability to cope with the illness or to seek treatment for the illness is that ,most cases those that have the conditions do not seek help since that are afraid or they are not able to recognize the problems that they have. The people are not in a position to realize that they need help to make them get better. Those that have developed the conditions also have the problem of seeking help from the others.
Treatment of eating disorders takes several years for there to be full recovery. Almost half of those that have the disorders have some eating disorders despite the treatment that the people receive. This makes anorexia unsuccessfully treated for a longer time that can lead to further development of problems. The disorders also are able to cause death despite the fact that the disorders can be treated.
Possibility of treatment and developing another condition
Treatment of eating disorders takes several years for there to be full recovery. In the course of treating the conditions, there is possibility of developing problems that are related to the eating habits. The complications that can be caused include feeling bad about the life of one or oneself. The people in the course of treatment may also develop poor life, as they are not used to the life they are made to live (Clarebrough, Guest & Stupart, 2015). Almost half of those that have the disorders have some eating disorders despite the treatment that the people receive. This makes anorexia unsuccessfully treated for a longer time that can lead to further development of problems.
Complications such as problems functioning at work can occur due to the personal life an individual is used to living. This also can be in social institutions. Social isolation also occur in this condition as the people with eating disorders do not most of the time feel like association with the others (Clarebrough, Guest & Stupart, 2015). Binge eating can lead to the complication of obesity.
Treatment of the condition
There are therapies that can be used in treatment of eating disorders. The three therapies that can be used in the treatment include cognitive-behavior therapy, dialectical behavior therapy, and interpersonal psychotherapy. Support can be given for those that have eating disorders. This involves changing the old patterns of those that have the disorders. Friends, family, and therapist can be made the support team for those with eating disorders.
- Clarebrough, E., Guest, G., & Stupart, D. (2015). Eating marshmallows reduces ileostomy output: A randomized crossover trial. Colorectal Dis, n/a-n/a.
- Posner, S. (2015). Eating Patterns, Body Mass Index, and Food Deserts: Does It Matter Where We Live. Preventing Chronic Disease, 12.
- Pelletier, C. (2003). Sensory Aspects of Eating. Perspect Swal Swal Dis (Dysph), 12(4), 3.
- Scherer, L., & Skancke, J. (2009). Eating disorders. Farmington Hills, MI: Greenhaven Press/Gale Cengage Learning.
- Trueit, T. (2003). Eating disorders. New York: F. Watts.