Qualitative and Quantitative Methods

Subject: Business
Type: Exploratory Essay
Pages: 3
Word count: 799
Topics: Work Ethic, Job, Management

Qualitative research is an exploratory approach to a research problem that seeks to gain insight on a topic of concern by considering opinions, reasons, motivations, and thoughts surrounding the research problem (Polit, & Beck, 2010). The qualitative approach will help in gaining more information that expounds more on the issues of job satisfaction with the intent to quit by analyzing Millennials in the business setting (Lund, 2012). On the other hand, quantitative research approach statistically describes and explores procedures, concepts, and designs of an existing issue by quantifying the problem in a manner that generates numerical data that can be converted into practical statistics (Barnham, 2015). This approach will be useful in determining the trends Millennials have shown in the job market which can be used to predict future outcomes as well as having a way of presenting the findings in a quantifiable attitude, behavior, and opinion (Eyisi, 2016). This is done after collecting data in the selected sample using similar questions as it will be done in this analysis of Millennials in the job market (Krivokapic & O’Neill, 2011).

The advantages of qualitative research are that it provides comprehensive understanding of the issue of concern since it considers a wide array of opinions and thoughts about it. Besides, it explores the context and its social meaning which helps in explaining how the issues affects the society (McCusker, & Gunaydin, 2015). The disadvantage of this approach is that it is time-consuming since it involves exploration of huge amount of existing data in addition to being biased since conclusions are made from a personal point of view (Starr, 2014). Hence, the researcher uses the understanding they have on the collected information to draw conclusions about a topic of concern. Contrariwise, quantitative research enabled one to measure and analyze data in a more objective manner since hypotheses can be tested to create usable statistics (Almalki, 2016). Moreover, it helps to measure the relationship between independent and dependent variables in a more detailed manner. The cons disadvantages of this method are that it ignores the context of the issue which makes the findings hard to relate with the situation at hand as well as being resource intensive since a large population is involved (Divan, et al., 2017). This makes it hard for many people to understand the quantitative research findings and results of a research study until they are well explained in an analysis that connects the numerical results. 

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It can be concluded that my research on job satisfaction with the intent to quit by analyzing Millennials in the business setting will be employing quantitative research approach. This will be for the intention of understanding the extent of main reasons of Millennials quitting jobs in organizations. Besides, it will help in understanding the current trends and the future trends around the issue so that recommendations can be arrived at from the results and findings. However, the study will utilize qualitative research approach in the early stages in collecting existing data and compiling it so as to put the issue into perspective in a way it can be understood clearly. This will help in compiling the literature review of the Millennial’s job satisfaction in the business environment, in addition to probable intents to quit so that loopholes can be deduced that the research will find solutions for. Hence, the major approach of this study will be hugely applying quantitative research methods with an aid of qualitative approaches.

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  1. Barnham, C. (2015) Quantitative and qualitative research: perceptual foundations, International Journal of Market Research, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 837.
  2. Almalki, S. (2016). Integrating Quantitative and Qualitative Data in Mixed Methods Research– Challenges and Benefits. Journal Of Education And Learning, 5(3), 288-296.
  3. Divan, A., Ludwig, L. O., Matthews, K. E., Motley, P. M., & Tomljenovic-Berube, A. M. (2017). Survey of Research Approaches Utilised in The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning Publications. Teaching & Learning Inquiry, 5(2), 16-29.
  4. Eyisi, D. (2016). The Usefulness of Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches and Methods in Researching Problem-Solving Ability in Science Education Curriculum. Journal of Education and Practice, 7(15), 91-100.
  5. Krivokapic-Skoko, B., & O’Neill, G. (2011). Beyond the qualitative-quantitative distinction: Some innovative methods for business and management research. International Journal of Multiple Research Approaches, (3), 290.
  6. Lund, T. (2012). Combining Qualitative and Quantitative Approaches: Some Arguments for Mixed Methods Research. Scandinavian Journal Of Educational Research, 56(2), 155- 165.
  7. McCusker, K., & Gunaydin, S. (2015). Research Using Qualitative, Quantitative or Mixed Methods and Choice Based on The Research. Perfusion Journal, 30(7), 537-542.
  8. Polit, D.F. & Beck, C.T. (2010) Generalization in Quantitative and Qualitative Research: Myths and Strategies, International Journal of Nursing Studies, vol. 47, no. 11, pp. 1451–1458.
  9. Starr, M. A. (2014). Qualitative and Mixed-Methods Research In Economics: Surprising Growth, Promising Future. Journal of Economic Surveys, 28(2), 238.
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