Table of Contents
Muhammad’s documentation elaborates on the mechanism used by Islamic Microfinance finance institutions (IsMFIs) in the bid to enhance the Agricultural performance. Based on personal interaction with Agricultural professionals regarding designs, nodes, and models, the article strikes a balance between the credit-based and holistic approach to capitalization of small-scale farming by employing an exploratory approach on a sample of three countries with affirmed Islamic business practice; Indonesia, Pakistan, and Sudan. The article ascertains Islamic based finance models geared towards helping the incapable and undercapitalized farmers in their agricultural investments.

Based on Islamic founded frameworks of riba (Interest) and extravagance prohibitions, the article elaborates on how Islamic financing programs in these states have spearheaded Economic growth in these areas. Amidst critical challenges to these models like indolence, apathy, negligence, and impatience, the approach has registered commendable success in farmer empowerment, Credit, and lease-based finance, and Composite partnerships with farmers in Indonesia, Pakistan, and Sudan respectively. Obaidullah bases his arguments on the sole pretext that conventional products are not acceptable for farmers in Islamic societies and there is a perceived consensus that conventional approaches to Agriculture are less used in these states. However, the article does not provide any legal evidence to affirm whether conventional products are completely illegal in these countries given the fact that we also have conventional financial systems in place. Why in any case are these financial systems allowed regardless of their perceived negativity on the Islamic Economies?
In conclusion, therefore, credit is accorded to the positive role of ISMFIs in these societies. However, there is a need for more quantifiable and or empirical evidence explaining inapplicability of conventional approaches in Islamic societies. Not forgetting the fact that conventional financial institutions have also registered success in some places where they have been legalized to operate freely.
Alawi’s exploratory analysis in the Saud Arabian Kingdom bases on the operational dimensions and the institutional planning abilities to examine the proliferation of about 96 metropolitan Self-Service food stores (SSFS). Backed by the specific purpose to ascertain the planning, coordination, and marketing activities, the study revealed that planning, decision scopes and a poor approach to promotional activities were a great hindrance to the success of these ventures. The current market structure and background assessment of the gradual development of these ventures relative to some LDC countries affirmed that the Arabian Market is still in its Infancy.
The descriptive and cross-analysis approaches used in the survey provides a commendable ground of reliability and validity of the findings. However, the exploratory approach raises concerns especially inferring to some information which would be of critical importance from all the stores. Besides, the review only considered the metropolitan areas of the Kingdom. Despite the market densities in metropolitan areas, the data from some other cities having such stores can equally affect the general statistical findings of the survey.
Strictly speaking, wide the spread market of SSFS in Saudi Arabia attracts many challenges. In reviewing such structures the geographical and operational context of the ventures provides a better ground of inference for economic decisions.
Education systems in the Oil States of Arabia: A Review Article
Birks and Rimmer in their article discuss contemporary issues regarding the education sector in oil states of the Arabian Peninsula. With special interest on how education affects and is affected by the social and Economic development, the article draws a rather unifying synergy between these accelerators of Social Economic development.
Despite their commendable economic status as a result of the oil investments, the article provides evidence that the Education system especially secular education needs further restructuring perhaps the reason behind their intended expansions in this sector. The states face a critical dilemma of imported teachers who in most cases show poor adoption to the domestic systems of these particular places of the world.
Albeit other sectors, Education is an equally important investment that if compromised indirectly has a gradual and sustained effect on the general performance of the nation.
Referencing is the act of providing credit for the intellectual property legally binding to the owner. References are important tools in any professional documentation since they provide a ground upon which the authenticity and originality of the work can be assessed. There are many types of referencing styles depending on the profession, location and or requirements specified by the original owner of the work. However, the most commonly used referencing styles includes; the commonly used APA (American Psychological Association style) commonly used by social scientists, MLA (Modern Language Association Style) famous in American documentations, Harvard style which is common in the United Kingdom, and the IEEE (The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering Style) which is commonly used in the Technical, Engineering , and other scientific documentations. The references herein used depict an APA referencing style.
- Alawi A. M. H., (1986) “SAUDI ARABIA: MAKING SENSE OF SELF‐SERVICE”, International Marketing Review, Vol. 3 Issue: 1, pp.21-38.
- Birks J. S., and Rimmer J. A., (1984) “Developing Education Systems in the Oil States of Arabia: Conflicts of Purpose and Focus”, International Journal of Manpower, Vol. 5 Issue: 1, pp.13-23.
- Obaidullah M., (2014). “Enhancing food security with Islamic microfinance: insights from some recent experiments”, Agricultural Finance Review, Vol. 75 Issue: 2, pp.142-168.