Dieting is the habit of restricting oneself to particular foods. It involves taking foods in a regulated or a supervised manner with the view to reducing, maintaining or adding of the body weight. It is the tendency of controlling one’s weight consciously through the implementation of a restricted diet. There are various ways to dieting, but not all yield the desired results. To obtain positive results, recommended dieting procedures is necessary and the person under diet must have highest level of discipline (Byrd et al. 2). The primary research question for this project is: What is the best dieting approach to obtain optimal results?
Dieting for positive results may be quite demanding and overwhelming. For you to successfully diet and have a positive result in the end therefore, you must be ready to face various challenges whenever you start taking new foods. Eating and drinking are recurrent activities hence dieting for a positive result demands strict adherence to some dietary behaviors which must never be gone against. Positive results are not achieved at once; it is a progressive process where someone may lose as little weight as possible. The best way to achieve positive results is by continuously avoiding some foods while sticking to foods which are less in calories, fats, protein among other nutrients. For the achievement of better dietary results, those on diet should have the following practices on their minds.
There are a number of theories, which explain the use of various dietary approaches. The present research will particularly use the theoretical model of health action process approach (HAPA) as a theoretical framework for understanding the efficacy and effectiveness of the common dietary approaches in order to come up with the best approach, which may register the most desirable results when it comes to dieting. The health action process approach (HAPA) is an important psychological theory that particularly suggests that health behavior changes such as dieting can be effective when undertaken in a two layered framework involving motivation of the individuals (goal setting) in which the participants develop their intentions and the volition (goal pursuit phase) where the participants translate their intentions into action.
The proposed project is significant in that it focuses in coming up with a precise procedure to meet the objectives of dieting. Evidence gathered so far emphasize the significance of calories, but the quality of the foods is vital in preventing weight gain while promoting weight loss (Byrd et al. 3). It is recommended to take high-quality foods in desirable proportions. This paper observes some of the best practices commendable for the persons under diets to achieve the goal. It, therefore, draws arguments from the recommendations from nutritionists and dieticians who have the expertise concerning the best dieting practices (Feinman et al. 4). It is hypothesized that the best dietary approach, which will yield optimum dieting results, is the flexible diet approach.
Three important factors should come first concerning dieting. These are; weight loss, wait gain and maintaining weight. The following dieting terms should be observed when one is on a diet. Absorption, loss of appetite or Anorexia, Antioxidants and Atherosclerosis, Basal metabolic rate, bland diets, taking considerable calories and watching the body mass index. Keeping low cholesterol levels, taking the right carbohydrates, restricting fatty contents and taking vitamins and essential nutrients. Right levels of protein should be included in the diet (Katz and Stephanie 12). To improve the health conditions, it is imperative to include therapeutic diet (Feinman et al. 4). The outlined dietary terms should be familiar to people on a diet to enable them to achieve their objectives.
This topic is important because the information will help people to take control of their weight and health. Persons under diets can sufficiently monitor their food intake. Taking quality food will helps achieve the objectives of dieting? Healthy living is paramount because the practice ensures that one adopts best eating habits. Underrating or overeating are detrimental eating habits for any person on diets. Emotional problems can cause eating disorders (Katz and Stephanie 12). Such can drive an individual to comfort foods, which have gross negative health issues. Exercising is an essential aspect when on a dieting calendar (Pingitore et al.8). When on a diet Sodium levels should be limited. The excess of it can cause high blood pressure. Whole grains are highly recommended, and so is the seafood. The food consumption should be average with more produce foods containing vitamins and minerals. The protein content should be diversified while fats levels should be low. Drinks should be selectively taken with recommendations for water, fruit and vegetable juices. Observing the discussed approaches will yield positive results on dieting.
Many scholars have given attention to the increasing prevalence of diseases such as diabetes, heart diseases, obesity, and cancer. Projections reveal that the prevalence of chronic illnesses is likely to increase significantly due to people’s lifestyle choices. One of the significant aspects of lifestyle is the choice of foods that one consumes. Maintaining an active lifestyle through physical activity also registers positive outcomes in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. There is evidence that making dietary changes can provide a reliable strategy for preventing, managing, or reversing many chronic illnesses. A significant number of people have recognized the importance of diet in maintaining a healthy lifestyle. As a result, they have opted for different dieting approaches that have become popular in the modern day.
There are numerous dieting approaches that different nutritionists and fitness trainers have developed to help people lose weight and maintain their desired weight. However, these dieting approaches have significant differences based on the sustainability level and the restrictions of foods that one cannot consume. The main objective of this paper is to identify the best approach to dieting that registers the most desirable results and is quite sustainable. For this reason, the paper will compare the extreme calorific restriction diet and exercise with the approach of combining a flexible diet and exercise. The comparison will focus on the level of sustainability and effectiveness in helping an individual achieve different health goals. A rule-based diet and cardio workout is the right approach to dieting and seeing desired health results within a considerable amount of time, and can also help in maintaining this weight in the long run.
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People’s struggles to maintain a healthy lifestyle have compelled them to embrace different approaches in losing weight. One of the approaches that have gained popularity is the extreme calorie-restriction diet. Individuals who embrace this approach limit their calorie intake throughout the day, and they can only consume certain foods while avoiding the other food groups (Mozaffarian et al. 2398). The basis of this dietary approach is to limit the calorie intake while engaging in different forms of exercise to increase the calorie breakdown. Individuals who embrace this approach expect to register a deficiency between the calories burnt down and the total number of calories consumed (Gardner et al. 970). However, there is evidence that the extreme restriction of calories to about 1,200 a day may register some adverse effects.
In many instances, nutritionists who support this approach believe that it is the fastest way of losing weight due to the significant calorific deficit created. On the other hand, some individuals opt for a flexible diet that allows them to consume an average amount of calories throughout the day and enjoy different types of foods as long as they do not surpass the calorie limit for the day (Sacks et al. 460). The two dieting approaches include cardio workout, which can increase heart rate and contribute significantly to burning fats in the body. The effectiveness of dieting approaches depends on the period that an individual takes before registering the expected outcomes and the long-term sustainability of the results (Larsen et al. 2010). Different studies have sought to compare various dieting approaches and to provide evidence on the approach that presents the most desirable outcomes in a given period.
Various studies have explored different dieting approaches and their effectiveness. Some of these dieting approaches include the new glucose revolution, the weight watchers system, the Atkins diet, the south beach diet, zone diet, the Ornish diet, and the American Department of Agriculture Food Guide Pyramid (Clifton 112). The new glucose revolution approach represents a focus on foods with a low glycemic index and is suitable for people with diabetes. The glycemic index represents a scale that helps nutritionists to determine the effect of a certain food on the blood sugar levels. Processed foods and simple carbohydrates have a high glycemic index because they register a significant rise in the blood sugar level in a short period after their consumption (Suda et al. 550). On the other hand, foods with the low glycemic index, usually below 55, do not trigger a rise in blood sugar level because of their slow absorption due to the fiber.

Individuals who embrace the new glucose revolution approach avoid foods that trigger a significant rise in blood sugar level because they are responsible for weight gain. Notably, the high blood sugar level leads to the production of insulin and the conversion of the glucose into fats for storage. The weight watchers approach utilizes a point system that allocates points to specified foods depending on their calorie content and nutritional value. Embracing this approach requires a close monitoring of the total points that an individual accumulates from all the foods eaten in a day (Sacks et al. 461). The weight watchers strive to create a deficit by consuming fewer calories and burning more calories through exercise. Each exercise has specific points allocated depending on the level of intensity. Weight watchers avoid foods that have a significantly higher number of points because that translates to high-calorie content (Mozaffarian et al. 2398). Other individuals have opted for the Atkins diet that allows an individual to consume foods from different food groups but limiting the net intake of carbohydrates. The basis of the Atkins diet is focusing on low carbohydrates and a higher content of healthy fats in one’s diet.
Some studies have demonstrated that avoiding specific types of carbohydrates and fats and focusing on the healthier choices of these food groups is likely to register the desired results. The south beach diet utilizes this approach because it encourages individuals to eliminate simple carbohydrates such as white rice, break, pastor, and alcohol and includes more of lean protein and high fiber vegetables (Clifton 112). Individuals can consume healthy fats such as avocados, seeds, and nuts and avoid high-fat dairy. In the second phase of the south beach diet, individuals can consume whole-grain bread, brown rice, a diverse range of fruits, and a combination of various vegetables (Sacks et al. 462). Other approaches help individuals to restrict the amount of starch in their foods while maximizing the consumption of vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins.
The zone diet embraces this approach and focuses on helping people to establish control over their bodies in which they register effective metabolism, maximized health, and reduced level of inflammation. For this reason, the diet must incorporate foods that reduce inflammation and that increase the metabolic rate. The Ornish diet helps individuals to recognize that different foods present varying levels of value to the body (Gardner et al. 971). It helps people to make better choices of consuming foods in their natural forms such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, and soy products. The American Department of Agriculture Food Guide Pyramid emphasizes the consumption of certain foods and the elimination of foods that trigger the development of chronic diseases and nutrient deficiency. A study conducted by Gardner et al. that compared the Atkins, zone, and Ornish diets revealed that the Atkins diet group registered a greater weight loss (974). The Atkins diet was effective in weight loss because of its focus on low carbohydrate consumption.
Based on the evidence from different studies, a flexible diet that sets a limit for the calories consumed in a single day is more sustainable in weight loss. A study conducted by Sacks et al. compared the effectiveness of different weight loss diets depending on their composition of fats, proteins, and carbohydrates (865). The findings in the study demonstrated that different diets registered varied outcomes. There were cases when low-carbohydrate diets were more effective in weight loss while other studies showed that a high carbohydrate diet with low fats was superior to the low carbohydrate diet. Individuals who relied on vegetarian diets with limited consumption of fats registered better outcomes in weight loss. A different study by Larsen et al. compared the effectiveness of high or low protein content diets and glycemic index for individuals who needed to maintain their desired weight. The findings demonstrated that foods with a low glycemic index were significantly beneficial in the maintenance of body weight. The study revealed that many dietary approaches are not sustainable beyond the first year.
Based on the studies conducted in the recent past, it is explicit that a highly restrictive diet may not register the desired outcomes in weight loss. An excessive restriction of calories may compel the body to embrace the starving mode and limit the breakdown of fats. Different studies have demonstrated that it is sustainable to embrace a flexible diet that allows an individual to consume healthy foods belonging to various food groups without surpassing a certain calorie limit. Such a flexible approach is more sustainable in the long-term and does not restrict an individual from consuming certain foods. Combining such an approach with regular cardio workout is likely to register desirable outcomes in weight loss as well as maintenance of the desired weight. Many dieting approaches may register short-term results, but are not sustainable and are extremely difficult to maintain. For this reason, making healthier food choices with attention to the glycemic index and consuming foods in their natural form while limiting oneself to a set calorie amount is more sustainable in the long-term.
HAPA also calls for following a healthy eating plan to achieve a positive dieting result. A healthy eating plan is a relative model for achieving positive results in dieting. A healthy eating plan should include food stuffs an individual enjoy. Such foods include your favorite dish with plenty of non-processed healthy foods such as fruits, whole grains, lean meat, low-fat-dairy, beans, nuts and sea foods. Some people think that achieving positive results in dieting is only dependent on doing away with your favorite dishes. No, this is misconception reasoning in dieting. The low-calorie foods will definitely yield positive results. In the morning for example, foods with high fiber nutritional value is recommended for a positive dieting result. Ideally, foods with lots of fiber are the most satisfying and foods with positive results in as far as dieting are concerned. These foods include; whole drains, fruits, vegetables, nuts and beans. Additionally, low-fat and protein food stuffs such as meat, food , dairy, soy and fish should be done regularly for a healthy dieting results. If adopted, the individual on diet will slowly start weaning him/herself off. This is because the other diets which the individual on diet was used to (favorite foods) are often heavily processed and contain high levels of calories and fats. Replacing the favorite foods with nutritious ones will definitely give more nutrition to the body and positive results. At any time you are dieting with an aim of having positive results, feel free to come up with any new eating plans so long as they will build your body in the right manner.
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In summary, for those who want to improve their diets according to this theory should take baby steps. There is a saying the goes “Rome was not built in a day.” This saying should be the guideline to people who want to rapidly lose weight before taking their sweet time on adopting an appropriate dieting plan. Change is definitely hard to make especially in dieting where minimal weight loss is experienced after a longer period of time. No matter how meager a change is, you need to appreciate. Weight loss is a step-by-step process even though most people lose hope along the way because of the gradual nature of weight loss’ positive changes. Nutrition experts suggest that making simple change a week should act as a motivation to pursue the diet you have changed to. Such progress is important in knowing food types which best suite your dieting system. The primary goal of dieting is to establish an eating habit which will yield positive results no matter how little the changes will be. A perfect way to start a dieting process is to stock your refrigerator with healthy foods and plan to prepare these foods healthily. Cookbooks and magazines which precisely guide you on how to prepare healthy foods should be available to help improve your dieting for a positive result.
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