The Nursing Shortage



There is current and projected shortage in the nursing profession. Factors resulting in such shortages vary and are complex (Gottlieb, 2016). Some of the reasons for the shortage may be the state of the economy and interest decrement. Different other reasons could be the constrained limit in the education framework to expand supply rapidly, the aging of the nurses’ workforce and technological headways which contribute to the demand for nurses’ services and care. Economy greatly affects the supply of nurses and other professions dominated by women. In an economy which is developed, there are a lot of work opportunities for nurses (Buchan & Calman, 2016). Health workforce deficiencies see some alleviation when the economy is not as flush as in the recent years. Reacting to nurses shortages takes time. This is because schools can’t build capacity quickly, particularly when it is hard to enlist workforce to instruct in the health profession. Moreover, clinical preparing sites are elusive. Additionally, an extension of program limit requires the endorsement of state and certifying board, which will take time to actualize (Gottlieb, 2016). After every one of the procedures is tended to, students must enroll in the program, finish their training and graduate. The whole process will take time. This paper will, therefore, discuss some of the reason for nurses’ shortages, steps to address the shortages and what could be done to in the midst of the crisis.

Steps to Address Nursing Shortage

To address the shortage of nurses, research needs to be done to estimate when nurses plan to retire. The research should show how many plan to retire and when and also identify the nursing units that will be left having staffing holes. Also, healthcare facilities need to work with their registered nurses to see if they will delay retirement. The organization should consider offering them incentives to stay. The incentives may include decreasing their hours or offering them new roles in patient navigation or education (Buchan & Calman, 2016).

Programs should also be set to encourage older registered nurse to work more closely with younger nurses (Gottlieb, 2016). This will help them identify and teach them the skills and knowledge that fewer experiences registered nurse need. Also, a succession plan needs to be developed.  The plan will entail replacing retiring nurse managers with registered nurses who are easy to take on the management of clinical and administrative duties on patient care units. Another way to address the shortage of nurses could be by allowing scheduling flexibility. This will enable medical attendants to manage their bustling work routine together with home life and educational opportunities. It will include likewise the nurses to decompress between stressful, emotional, demanding shifts.

Retaining nurses’ happiness with regards to planning will create an environment that is more positive and enable the health centers to hold quality nurses (Buchan & Calman, 2016). The other thing to help manage shortage could be an advancement of career. With the new foundation of medication proposals that calls for 80 percent of attendants to bachelor’s degree by the year 2020, it is fundamental that clinics enable attendants to acquire the most astounding training conceivable (Gottlieb, 2016). This will give them confirmation and fulfillment that they will probably remain within the association. Nurses additionally should be heard. This will enhance the work process and enable attendants to stay in the occupation comfortably.  There are many ways to deal with the best systems to address the deficiencies of medical attendants however the methodologies that focus on really enhancing the work environment have the best potential. Numerous organizations are attempting to deploy enough nurses to cope with the numbers of patients. Nursing needs money, social responsibility, and efforts to enhance working conditions.

Reasons for nursing shortages

Reasons for nurses’ deficiencies have many aspects, reflecting changes in population demographics and nursing work. The modifications, therefore, pose challenges both in recruiting new registered nurses and retaining existing nurses (Buchan & Calman, 2016). One reason for the shortage is the increases need of nurses due to population aging. Nurses also tend to shift to other care options this could be due to search for greener pastures. The other reason could be due to the responses to health care cost pressure. The work the nurses are subject to is not proportional to their wages. Additionally, lack of the new graduate pipeline could result in the number of nurses available few to replace those who retire or leave for other opportunities. The ratio of the registered nurse in their 40s to registered nurses in their 20s is four to one (Gottlieb, 2016). Another reason is the lower baccalaureate enrollment. Also, there is higher hospitals consensus and greater acuity

Role of Nurse in the Midst of a Nursing Crisis

Nurse practitioners are the fundamental expert part of the frontline staff in most health systems, and their commitment is perceived as basic to meeting advancement objectives and conveying protected and effective care (Buchan & Calman, 2016). In the midst of a shortage crisis, nurses are supposed to step up and encourage the retiring nurses to remain before other qualified nurses are employed. It’s the nurses’ duties to encourage students to undertake courses in nursing and be registered in their respective organizations. Nurses should also play a part in the implementation of laws that favor the welfare of nurse to avoid making them quit their jobs due to unfavorable conditions. Nurses are also not supposed to quit their jobs when there are not enough nurses to attend to the increasing number of patients.

Safe Staffing Legislation Aims To Alleviate Nurse Shortage

Compelling staffing can prevent nurse shortage and amount to better patient care. Safe staffing legislation is meant to help manage the nurses’ deficiency (Buchan, Twigg, Dussault, Duffield & Stone, 2015). Numerous organizations utilize nursing staffing solutions to guarantee enough deployed at peak patient times. This aide in influencing the foundation to streamline organizations’ workforce execution and profitability while in the meantime ensuring health facilities don’t overspend on work costs. The strategies help in keeping up satisfactory staffing levels without giving up expenses or patients’ wellbeing. Nevertheless, legislation is adopting a more legal strategy to the issue. The law requires that doctor’s facilities have a specific number of nurses amid a specific peak time.  Already, it is a struggle for some nurses to deliver great care when they are short staffed amid a quite peak period. Safe staffing enactment may help relieve this issue (Buchan et al., 2015).

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  1. Gottlieb, L. N. (2016). Shortage of Nurses, Shortage of Nursing. Canadian Journal of Nursing Research Archive32(3).
  2. Buchan, J., Twigg, D., Dussault, G., Duffield, C., & Stone, P. W. (2015). Policies to sustain the nursing workforce: an international perspective. International nursing review62(2), 162-170.
  3. Buchan, J., & Calman, L. (2016). The global shortage of registered nurses: an overview of issues and actions. 2005. Geneva: International Council of Nurses (ICN) Google Scholar.
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