Table of Contents
Article Reflection
David (1985) suggests in his article that random, temporary dynamics are utmost possible to exert superior leverages. The evolution of QWERTY and how the market responded to specific or particular developments is used as a reference point on how standardization works within the economy and the impacts of the uncertain external market factors have on the success of a product or market on the market. Forward-looking innovations imply that the success of the final product depends on the external expectations. David suggests that organizational changes are subject to the external market and as such, products and services best serve the interests or expectations of the individual customers (Lewin, 2001). He gives the example of a particular system that triumphs over its rivals since the purchasers of the system had expected it to be so.
Compatibility of a system allows or enables the individual customers of the system to enjoy much through a network of possibilities. The modern-day innovation depends on the extent to which products introduced to serve a larger market and helps them integrate or combine with the existing products, especially within the technology sector. It shows that external factors like the expectations of the market (economic environment) are the driver of change or innovation in the modern economy where technology takes precedence (Lewin, 2001). Hardware and software compatibility as shown in the emergence of QWERTY tends to respond to the needs and expectations of the market. Hence, David accurate suggests that the QWERTY standardization represents the contemporary world whereby individuals are greatly engrossed into the worlds they do not understand, but to a greater extent , they influence the economic scenarios or situations. Exploring the uncertain external world is the essence of competition and success in the modern economies and as such, would be much beneficial if much emphasis were to be put in understanding the external market.
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Book Reflection
To a greater extent, diversity is an approach that helps or positions people to explore the uncertainties in life and what lies ahead. Life, according to Thomas (n.d), would be unbearable and uninteresting when individuals knew what to expect. In exploring the story about China, he provides an accurate example of how diversity works. It entails putting one’s self in a position that allows for the exploration of the unknown. He gives the journey or the exploration of China and how it aided him in understanding the ‘other’, if not so, the better side of the Chinese society. The same applies to the workplace situation. I have been exposed to different multicultural situations and understood that at times, playing ignorant helps one to understand other’s story. Also, it entails opening the mind and being ready to listen and understand or comprehend what others have to say and at best, diversity works or functions by opening the mind to a blank page when interacting with different cultures.
For instance, Thomas (n.d) presents his encounter with China and how he found the place to be rich in culture, for example, too much food in comparison to America. Besides, the language barrier helped him to explore the place further because it meant that other Chinese had to come handy and help him with the investigating the aspects or elements of the culture that were rather complicated to comprehend. In the same vigor, Barak (2016) proposes that the organizational effectiveness in diversity management depends on the extent to which an individual is tolerant towards the views of others and as such, approaches any multicultural situation with an open mind by embracing other’s ideas and perceptions.
Course Reflection
Every organizational management situation requires efficacy in both personal and organizational time management, which to a greater extent, depends on the incentives for balancing personal and managerial time management. A score of above 111 shows my efficiency in time management, both at the personal level and work or managerial situations. It indicates that I have focused on both at managerial and office or managerial time management. However, higher scores will be achieved when I focus my energy on balancing between personal and organizational management.
Stress within the organizational context refers to the psychological well-being of the individual towards using or implementing the right mix of resources to make use of the opportunities and incentives presented within the organization (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Besides, it is believed that the extent to which an individual is committed to an organization shows a positive psychological well-being which is eventually transferred or transcended towards using resources to meet the demands of work or objectives of the organization (Robbins & Judge, 2007).
From the assessment, I scored excellently in stress management as a show that as of currently, I am a person who is very efficient in stress management. In flourishing, a score of 40 shows my positive experience with psychological well-being. It indicates that currently, I work in an organization or I am a person with the much-needed life satisfaction, more productive, less health risks and as such, living a highly or more satisfied life. The low-stress level shows that my organization does not put many demands on me as a person, I have no personal issues or situations that lead me to stressors, cultural differences do not bother me and as such, I am of sound psychological well-being who is effective at managing stress at workplace (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Accordingly, stress is equally vital in managerial contexts hence with a score of 60, it shows my efficacy in stress management. However, to maintain high scores, I will need to focus more on addressing my life stressors and as such, improve my overall efficiency in stress management. Specifically, I need to learn how to manage stress through relaxation techniques, but at best, my organization can also ensure proper work design, encourage incentives for more organizational commitment, training, and development to enable me to deal with the complexities of work (Kondalkar, 2013).
Stress at work is evident because individuals are not culturally tolerant or to do not embrace the ideas and perceptions of others (Robbins & Judge, 2007). Due to such intolerance, it becomes challenging to initiate or adopt changes. Tolerance ambiguity entails my approach to being tolerant towards other people’s views and perspectives. A novelty score of 5.00 shows my efficacy in tolerance management and as such, how I am tolerant of places, ideas, people and things. According to Kondalkar (2013), I am an individual who can work in complex and uncertain situations hence has the higher chances or possibilities of working within a change management situation. Novelty is a necessary trait in the modern global environment where the work environment is rather diverse. However, I am not fully developed in the manner in which I handle complex, challenging and unique situations. Hence, with a score of 3.8, it shows my joy and how I am receptive to doing things that are not known or novel to me. The scores equally put me at the forefront of working to perfection in the organizational change management situation (Kondalkar, 2013). The threshold score is 3.5 hence I need to put more effort to develop this attribute. Insolvability entails the manner or approach by which individuals are comfortable with handling problems or situations that do not have solutions. Hence, with 3.67, I am slightly satisfied with handling complex or uncertain problems. Yet, I need more to do on developing my comfortability with the complex problems or situations and as such, improve how I respond to change management situations.

- Barak, M. E. M. (2016). Managing diversity: Toward a globally inclusive workplace. Sage Publications.
- David, P. A. (1985). Clio and the economics of QWERTY. American Economic Review, 75(2), 332.
- Kondalkar, V. G. ( 2013). Organization effectiveness and change management. PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
- Lewin, P. (2001). The market process and the economics of QWERTY: two views. The Review of Austrian Economics, 14(1), 65-96.
- Robbins, S.P. & Judge, T. A. (2007). Organizational behavior, 17th Edn. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
- Thomas, M. (n.d). An American Guangzhou. In, April, K. & Shockley, M. (e.ds), Diversity: new realities in a changing world (347-353).