Why it is Justifiable for Actors and Rock Stars to Earn More Money Than Other Professionals

Subject: Art
Type: Informative Essay
Pages: 2
Word count: 364
Topics: Music, American Culture, Finance, Job, Popular Culture, Social Inequality

The reality is that most actors and rock stars earn more money than people like professionals who positively contribute to society in different ways. This happens because showbiz and entertainment sectors are multimillion-dollar industries that attract interests from different sectors of the economy. For instance, the music and showbiz industries attract sponsorships from advertisers, marketers and social corporate activities that pump more money into the market (Stanley & Danko, 2010).  It is also apparent that rock stars and actors earn more money that other people who positively contribute to the society because people or fans flock entertainment venues each day or week to watch them performing unlike the professionals who depend on monthly fixed stipends/salaries. 

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The actors and rock stars earn more money because their works reflect on the societal needs and expectations and may take more time to produce (Garfias & Kokuritsu, 2004).  Sometimes, the actors or rock stars have to endure harsh environmental or climatic conditions to produce their works, which might be costly and risky to the producers and their family members. They deserve compensation for their efforts and skills in producing the artistic works that they exhibit (Garfias & Kokuritsu, 2004).  

It is justifiable for actors and rock stars to earn more money because they are also professionals in their own rights. This implies that some entertainers also went to schools and colleges to acquire the skills used in their respective arts. Some have also been in the industry for many years, without reaping the sweat of their patience (Stanley & Danko, 2010).  I also think it is justifiable for actors and rock stars to earn more than people who positively contribute to society because their lifespan in the entertainment industry is short. They also face public scrutiny and condemnation that mostly expose them to the fans, which might ruin their reputation and social image in the industry.

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  1. Garfias, R., & Kokuritsu minzokugaku hakubutsukan (Suita, Japon). (2004). Music: the Cultural Context. Osaka: National Museum of Ethnology.
  2. Stanley, T. J., & Danko, W. D. (2010). The millionaire next door: The surprising secrets of America’s wealthy. Lanham: Taylor Trade Publishing.
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