100 Cold War Essay Topics

Updated: May 9, 2023

We have gathered a big team of experts capable of handling your essay meticulously. Our experts have a vast knowledge of the Cold War history with years of research experience to enable them to deliver to your expectations. All you need to do is visit our website and make your order by filling a brief order placement form. Once on the website, you will be able to view our writers’ profiles and enjoy the luxury of choosing the one who meets your expectations. You can as well let us select a writer for you and assign the essay on your behalf. By buying our services, you stand a chance to enjoy benefits such as:

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Would You Guide Me on How to Select the Best Cold War Essay Topic?

Of course yes, we have been assisting students for more than a decade now, and our services are the most reliable in the freelance writing industry. We do not doubt our expert writers concerning the quality and definitiveness of their services. We have full trust in them and strongly guarantee that they will give you adequate and useful guidance on how to go about choosing your essay topic. Our services are outstanding in the industry for the following reasons:

  • Highly qualified experts: Our writers’ qualifications range from master to Ph.D. graduates with great experience and research prowess. They can assess your study area and come up with a great topic for your essay.
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Through our reliable services, we have managed to build considerable trust with a large client base whose many positive reviews and testimonials offer inspiration to our teams and enhance trust in our services among our clientele.

Can I Have a Sample List of Cold War Essay Topics?

There are numerous topics under the Cold War that one can consider writing about. Some common topics are provided in the list below:

  • Examine the objectives of communists after seizing power in Russia in 1917.
  • Analyze the concept of society from the communists’ perspective.
  • Explain the methods used by communists to seize power and transform Russia.
  • Discuss the first red scare in the US.
  • Which ideas fueled the red scare in the US?
  • Discuss the outcome of Potsdam and Yalta conferences regarding post-WWII.
  • How did Joseph Stalin initiate the Cold War?
  • Why did the Eastern European nations embrace the socialist government approach in the aftermath of the Second World War?
  • How did George Kennan’s ideas shape American policies during the Cold War era?
  • Discuss Truman’s doctrine.
  • How were Truman’s Policies implemented in the period 1947-1952?
  • What were the US’ conditions on aid from the European Recovery Program (the Marshall Plan)?
  • What did the American policymakers hope to achieve during the Cold War period?
  • What factors led to the division of Korean peninsula along the thirty-eighth parallel in 1945?
  • What were the primary consequences of the division of the Korean peninsula during the Cold War?
  • Explain the events which led to the evolution of Germany into two separate states in 1945-1949.
  • Discuss the circumstances which led to the Berlin blockade in 1948.
  • How did the allies of Germany respond to the Berlin Blockade?
  • What were the political outcomes of the response by the German allies to the Berlin Blockade?
  • Discuss the problems faced by the residents of West Berlin in the period 1945-1949.
  • What did Nikita Khrushchev mean by referring to Berlin as the testicles of the west?
  • Analyze Nikita Khrushchev’s policies on Berlin.
  • Explain the events which led to the establishment of the Berlin Wall.
  • “Berlin Wall” the defining symbol of the Cold War.
  • How did nuclear weapons shape the perceptions and policies of world governments during the Cold War era?
  • Discuss the Domino Theory concerning the Cold War era.
  • How did the US government train civilians to respond to nuclear attacks during the Cold War era?
  • Examine the Romanian and Yugoslavian policies during the Cold War era.
  • Discuss the transition from Stalin to Nikita Khrushchev, improving US-Soviet relations.
  • Examine the Cold War propaganda.
  • Discuss the outcome of the revelations of the kitchen debate on the US and Soviet policies during the Cold War period.

This list does not exhaust all topics under the Cold War. Our experienced writers can help you come up with more topics upon need.

20 Cold War Argumentative Essay Topics

  • Was the US justified in its policy of containment during the Cold War?
  • To what extent did the arms race contribute to the end of the Cold War?
  • Who was responsible for the start of the Cold War: the US or the USSR?
  • Was the Cuban Missile Crisis the closest the world ever came to nuclear war during the Cold War?
  • How did the Korean War affect US-Soviet relations during the Cold War?
  • Was the Cold War a global struggle for power or an ideological battle?
  • How did the collapse of the Soviet Union impact the course of the Cold War?
  • Was the Soviet Union’s collapse inevitable or could it have been avoided?
  • Did the US ultimately win the Cold War or was it a mutual victory?
  • Was the Reagan administration’s military buildup a necessary response to Soviet aggression or an unnecessary provocation?
  • Did the Soviet Union’s invasion of Afghanistan signal the beginning of the end of the Cold War?
  • How did the US and the USSR compete for influence in the Third World during the Cold War?
  • Was the Cold War a bipolar conflict or did it have multiple players and dimensions?
  • Did the US and the USSR engage in proxy wars during the Cold War?
  • Was the nuclear arms race during the Cold War a deterrent to war or a threat to global security?
  • Was the Helsinki Accords a significant event in the Cold War and international relations?
  • How did cultural exchanges between the US and the USSR shape the course of the Cold War?
  • Was the space race during the Cold War a propaganda tool or a scientific achievement?
  • How did the Vietnam War shape the US’s foreign policy during the Cold War?
  • Was the Cold War a global conflict or was it primarily a US-Soviet rivalry?

20 Interesting Essay Topics About Cold War

  • The Cold War’s impact on American popular culture
  • The role of propaganda in the Cold War
  • The influence of the Cold War on science and technology
  • The role of women during the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cold War on the civil rights movement
  • The space race as a symbol of the Cold War competition
  • The legacy of the Cold War in contemporary international relations
  • The impact of the Cold War on global economics
  • The role of spies and espionage during the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cold War on African decolonization
  • The cultural exchange programs during the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on the Cold War
  • The influence of the Cold War on the formation of NATO and the Warsaw Pact
  • The role of nuclear weapons in the Cold War
  • The Cold War’s impact on the development of intelligence agencies
  • The impact of the Cold War on international human rights and humanitarian intervention
  • The role of proxy wars during the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cold War on the Middle East
  • The Cold War’s impact on the global balance of power
  • The role of diplomacy in ending the Cold War

20 More Good Essay Topics On The Cold War

  • The origins and causes of the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cold War on U.S. foreign policy
  • The role of the arms race in the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cold War on American society
  • The impact of the Cold War on global politics
  • The impact of the Cold War on the Middle East
  • The impact of the Cold War on Europe
  • The role of nuclear weapons in the Cold War
  • The impact of propaganda during the Cold War
  • The impact of espionage during the Cold War
  • The impact of the space race during the Cold War
  • The impact of the Cuban Missile Crisis on U.S.-Soviet relations
  • The role of NATO and the Warsaw Pact in the Cold War
  • The impact of the Korean War on the Cold War
  • The impact of the Vietnam War on the Cold War
  • The role of cultural exchange during the Cold War
  • The role of détente in the Cold War
  • The impact of the collapse of the Soviet Union on the Cold War
  • The legacy of the Cold War on international relations
  • The impact of the Cold War on modern U.S.-Russia relations

Popular Cold War Essay Questions Handled in the Past

For more than a decade, our writing team has handled countless essay questions on the Cold War. Below is a sample list of some of the most popular questions asked:

  • How did the tensions of the Cold War shape political events in the Middle East in the period 1945 to 1949?
  • What political role did sports play in reconciling warring parties during the Cold War period?
  • What events led to the split of Sino-Soviet after 1960?
  • What factors motivated the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan in 1979?
  • What is Reagan Doctrine?

Some Important Cold War Essay Ideas?

We are committed to assisting our clients to achieve the highest marks in their essay work by providing the best paper on time. These ideas are important when handling Cold War essays:

  • Writing a great essay on the Cold War needs a deep understanding of the historical circumstances and events which shaped world politics in the aftermath of the Second World War. This is the first crucial step in coming up with a good topic for your essay.
  • Understanding the jumbled Cold War history is often a great challenge to many. Always tackle a region at a time and see how it fits within the larger context of the world.
  • Know the key players in the Cold War such as the USA, Russia, and Europe, and the roles they played at each time. The information will help in predicting the outcomes.
  • The overriding interests of countries which played key roles in the Cold War were economic growth and military empowerment — tracing the patterns of economic growth after the Second World War is essential for understanding the Cold War history.
  • Always check for the keywords in the essay question such as discuss, explain, illustrate, examine, and assess, among others. These keywords determine the approach to take in writing your essay.
  • An excellent topic should summarize the main issues one intends to write about. Begin generating your topic by gathering relevant keywords and trying to join them to form a phrase.
  • Try to make your topic as short as possible, preferably 6 words long. Long topics may be too broad to address satisfactorily or too ambiguous to make sense in research.
  • Always avoid focusing on more than a single theme when developing a topic for your essay. You may end up with a broad or ambiguous topic instead. Try limiting your search to a single theme that interests you.
  • Modern politics is an extension of the Cold War; understanding current events can offer great insights in tracing the themes which played out after the Second World War and how they influenced politics in the Cold War era. This is a good starting point in developing a good topic.
  • Cold War history is very broad, try restricting your essay to the same line of argument. This helps you to exhaust an argument and clarify important points in detail.

Cold War Culminating Essay Topics (10 Fresh Ideas)

  • How were the politics during the cold war, and how did they persuade the outcome of the cold war?
  • What was the purpose of the Berlin Wall, and what did it symbolize?
  • Did the presence of nuclear weapons change the fighting styles of the military?
  • How did the cold war shape more recent wars?
  • Talk about Khrushchev’s policies and what effect they had on the war.
  • How did the Red Scare happen, and what was its role in the war?
  • What was the public’s view of the war, both domestic and foreign?
  • How was Russia transformed during and after the cold war?
  • What was happening in the Middle East from 1945 to 1949? How did the war play a part?
  • Discuss Regan’s Doctrine and its role during the war.

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George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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