Economic Research Paper Topics

Updated: December 27, 2023

Best Economic Research Topics

Each scientific branch provides a wide field of research, allowing everyone to find something special by expanding the work created by other scientists. What is more, you can even make unique discoveries, significantly enriching both your store of knowledge and skills and at the same time the treasury of scientific research as a whole.

In this context, it is very significant to choose the idea to which the work will be devoted. The latter may seem like a complicated task in the context of a large amount of economic research paper topics. However, there is always that area of scientific knowledge in which you are most interested.

It is also quite common when a student is doing a large study that takes up several academic papers. Thanks to this, you can develop the ability to express your point of view and synthesize the received information. At the same time, this type of work gives an ability to correctly allocate time and tasks, breaking an enormous assignment into smaller fragments.

How to Select the Best Economic Research Paper Topic?

As highlighted in the previous paragraph, plenty of fascinating economic research paper topics can confuse the student and prevent him from focusing on conducting a comprehensive study of a narrow issue. Now that there are dozens of books on hundreds of articles on each topic and subtopic, it is not easy to achieve this sense of coverage.

On the other hand, a wide variety of ideas can change the perception of economics as a boring scientific industry into an exciting and vibrant one. There are many approaches to choosing a suitable topic. Sometimes the assignment is to select one idea from a long bright list, while in other situations, it is necessary to find the topic yourself.

  • You shouldn’t try to pick a topic that you haven’t encountered before. Of course, self-development is a significant part of life, but working from scratch will make an already long and complicated task much more difficult. For this reason, it is necessary to combine personal interest and scientific novelty.
  • You can try different tricks posted on the Internet or ask your friends for advice. At the same time, a professor, or supervisor can give more meaningful recommendations since they have much more experience in the scientific environment and can give an objective assessment of your success.

75 Best Economic Research Paper Topics

A good topic is essentially a key to the success of all subsequent work. Before dwelling on one particular issue that you want to cover in the essay, it is possible to choose a broader area.

Below are magnificent topics for economic research papers, each of which has its special characteristics and gives an idea of one or another part of the global phenomenon. This is quite interesting and informative since many of these ideas are interdisciplinary, expanding the horizons and improving the student’s abilities.

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At the same time, it is necessary to note that you can start by covering a broader topic and not change it for a while. After finishing a few stages of the writing, it will become more and more narrow, allowing you to stop at the best option and achieve the desired results.

25 current economic research paper topics

  1. The entertainment industry in the global economy: current trends and development prospects.
  2. Modern economic growth: sources, factors, quality.
  3. On the issue of changing the socio-economic priority of the development of a city.
  4. The digital economy and its role in the management of modern socio-economic relations.
  5. The role of innovation in the modern economy.
  6. Institutional Model of the American Economy: Retrospective and Modern Vector of Development.
  7. Formation of the modern macroeconomic cycle from the standpoint of global trends in economic development.
  8. Mathematical model of the medium-term economic cycle and the current global crisis.
  9. A modern view of the organizational and economic mechanism of enterprise management.
  10. Constitutional Foundations of the Economic System of Japan Today.
  11. Economic crisis and bankruptcy of enterprises.
  12. Innovation and improving the competitiveness of the national economy.
  13. Modern economic problems of nature management.
  14. Human capital in the economy of modern Europe: problems of formation and implementation.
  15. The banking system in the modern economy.
  16. Factors and conditions contributing to the growth of threats to the economic security of the regional economy.
  17. Trends in the development of the digital economy in modern Asia.
  18. The economic crisis of our time and derivative financial instruments.
  19. Modern economic analysis and forecasting.
  20. Financial analysis: modern tools for making economic decisions.
  21. Systemic economics as a platform for the development of modern economic theory.
  22. Innovation and Alternatives in the Modern Economy.
  23. Modern economic diplomacy.
  24. Transnational corporations in modern international economic relations.
  25. An economic view of a modern university.

25 good economics research paper topics

  1. Deviant personality behavior: social and psychological characteristics.
  2. Game marketing or a new form of interactive marketing communications.
  3. Islamic banks through the prism of the development of ethical finance and banks.
  4. Relations between the state and the church in the theory of religious economics.
  5. Bank as a participant and user of digital finance.
  6. Cryptocurrencies and the electronic economy.
  7. Interaction of banks and insurance companies in the system of ensuring the economic security of the financial market.
  8. Opportunities for the development of public catering in the context of the financial market crisis.
  9. Fast food restaurant revenue forecasting models.
  10. Hotel and restaurant management.
  11. Development of an economic business game in the distance learning system.
  12. Gamification as a modern marketing tool.
  13. Economic mainstream and value: on positivism in economic theory.
  14. Moral economics and moral politics.
  15. Populism as a fragmentary ideology and manipulation technology.
  16. Critical consumer resources as a global governance tool.
  17. Interbudgetary relations from the standpoint of the principles of Islamic economics.
  18. Neoclassical economic theory as an organizational weapon (on the ideological basis of the global financial crisis).
  19. The impact of digital technologies on financial management in the restaurant business.
  20. Features of the financial system of New Zealand.
  21. Balanced management technologies.
  22. Quality of life in old and senile age: problematic issues.
  23. Economic analysis of real investments.
  24. The ideology of advertising and the way to manipulate the masses.
  25. Stabilization of the foreign exchange and financial market as a prerequisite for the transition to sustainable development.
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25 interesting economic research paper topics

  1. Modern problems of ecology and economics.
  2. Social laws and the role of man in modern economic development.
  3. Logistics and modern economics.
  4. Development of the economic accentuation of the personality from the standpoint of psychoanalysis in the modern economic space.
  5. The business game is an effective method of teaching economic disciplines.
  6. Economic growth and social inequality are global problems of our time.
  7. Trust is a factor in the functioning and development of a modern market economy.
  8. Modern University as a Driver of Economic Growth: Models and Missions.
  9. Ethnocultural traditions and innovations in economic psychology.
  10. Authentic video materials as a means of developing the socio-cultural competence of students of economic specialties.
  11. Blockchain: basic concepts and role in the digital economy.
  12. New rules of the game in conditions of economic turbulence.
  13. The religion of money or the cure for the market economy.
  14. World Crisis: Economics and Sociology of Global Processes.
  15. Consumption as a discourse.
  16. Impulsive consumption in psychology and economics: differentiation of approaches and their integration within the framework of economic psychology.
  17. Technologies for the use of educational video in the training of specialists in the economic field.
  18. Application of the game theory method for solving economic problems.
  19. The evolution of marketing communications in the context of the transformation of consumer markets.
  20. Economics of Fashion: Reality or a Play on Words.
  21. Socio-psychological model of economic behavior during the crisis.
  22. The experience economy will lift restaurants out of the crisis.
  23. Short-term and long-term financial policy.
  24. Sociology of Consumption: Basic Approaches.
  25. Economy and finance of the USSR during the Second World War.

Economic Research Paper Ideas From

There are times when a student is too confused about the choice of one of the wide variety of economic research paper topics and, as a result, constantly postpones a tedious task in the study of which he is not interested. In addition, many other concerns prevent you from focusing on getting the work done.

Our company will be helpful in any situation. Economic research paper experts can quickly and easily cope with any task. You can also provide us with a choice of topics and work on all possible nuances.

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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