Binge drinking


Binge drinking, also known as excessive drinking is a serious social problem affecting the life, health, and education of high school and college students. Excessive drinking among students has become a social phenomenon, and the students do not appreciate the risks they are exposed to when drinking. Binge drinking has the potential to cause serious injury and many high schools, and college students are losing their lives (Drinkware, 2016).

Currently, binge drinking is among the highest-ranking health hazards in the US among the College and high school students. The key reason why it poses a significant threat is that high school students do not know more about alcohol in general. Besides, they are not aware of the damages it does to the body in excess consumption. When told of the dangers of binge drinking, teenagers seem to assume such information. The core reason why high school and college students drink a lot is the accessibility of alcohol. According to its definition, binge drinking is five or excess drinks for men and four or excess for the female in the course of a two weeks’ time (White and Hingson, 2014).

A campaign to battle binge drinking will involve aspects such as the possible targets, the objectives of the campaign and the methods of conducting advertisements. Foremost, the possible target group for the campaign is the teenagers aged between 15-17 and the young adults aged between 18 and 22. Most of the teenagers in this age bracket are high school and college students. Binge drinking is most associated with this group because of the peer pressure and the yearning to have fun (Anderson‐Carpenter 2016).

The campaign should have the following objectives. Foremost, the campaign should contribute through various existing platforms to reduce the harm associated with binge drinking to intoxication among teenagers. Secondly, the campaign should involve the audience through sensitization and participation to pass across vital information concerning binge drinking. Finally, the campaign should devise ways for which binge drinkers can reduce their drinking habits.

The campaign should focus on raising awareness, persuading and changing behavior. Foremost, raising awareness involves sensitization of the youth through various platforms including social media and school campaigns. Most the teenagers have access to social media, and it would be an effective method to reach most of the binge drinkers. In raising awareness, the campaign can teach the teenager on the health risks of excessive drinking and the importance of safe drinking. Additionally, the campaign should also persuade the binge drinkers by changing their beliefs and motives that binge drinking is fun and enjoyable. By presenting the risks to them, it is easy to persuade the drinkers. Therefore, the campaign can focus on changing behavior by outlining the importance of moderate drinking and setting limits to avoid binge drinking.

The type of ads used should include but not limited to online advertisement, mobile advertisement, and print advertisement. Foremost, online ads are effective because of the widespread audience majority being the teenagers. Mobile ads are also crucial because almost every teen has a cell phone. Finally, print media such as fliers and periodicals can be printed and distributed in schools and colleges (Suggette, 2016).

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  1. Anderson‐Carpenter, K. D., Watson‐Thompson, J., Chaney, L., & Jones, M. (2016). Reducing binge drinking in adolescents through implementation of the strategic prevention framework. American journal of community psychology, 57(1-2), 36-46.
  2. Drinkware. (2016). Binge Drinking. Retrieved from
  3. Suggett, P. (2016). Different Types of Advertising Methods and Media. Retrieved from
  4. White, A., & Hingson, R. (2014). The burden of alcohol use: Excessive alcohol consumption and related consequences among college students. Alcohol research: current reviews, 35(2), 201.
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