CDC Influenza Surveillance


Comparison of Indiana Region Against other regions

Over the last 7 years Indiana has managed to maintain 33-43% influenza vaccination to the whole population same as |Florida, Utah, Texas, Wisconsin, Alabama, Kansas and Tennessee. However only a few regions have managed to attain 50+% including Minnesota, Nebraska, Connecticut, Pennsylvania, Maryland, South Dakota and Rhode Island that generally leads with 53% general population vaccination.

Region 5 that holds Indiana has the highest number of participants who have engaged in the vaccination process however still the second lowest general population coverage has. The confidence interval attained by region five is by far the closest to the US 2020 target.

The influenza regional baseline for the year 2016/2017 is 2.2% and region five is below the baseline by 0.3 deviations. Region 3 on the other hand has managed to attain the baseline and maintain it. Region four and seven are almost at bar with region five whereas region 2 and 6 are over the set baseline. Region 1 and 8 recorded the lowest baselines.

This implies that despite it being a non-influenza week some regions still recorded high numbers of specimen that confirmed to test positive for the influenza.

Influenza outbreak numbers for vaccinated against non-vaccinated 

If we consider some of the regions that recorded the highest proportions of general population vaccination include Rhode Island that recorded 55.4% general population coverage. Analyzing region one to which Rhode Island belongs has a baseline of 1.4 in comparison to the national baseline of 2.2 thereby creating a deficit of 0.8.

This implies that region one has managed to reduce the number of positive tests that can be realized from testing the general population that is vaccinated to a great extent. This serves to prove that vaccination reduces the number of influenza outbreaks in a given region. 

Assumptions from the Comparison

A comparison of the influenza vaccines administered against the non-vaccinated adults established that the influenza vaccines exhibited higher and better protection than non-vaccinated rates of transmissions for the adults. At the same time there was a reduction in the seasonal weeks preceding the vaccination. The influenza tests are performed using the RT-PCR which uses the negative test design to estimate and compare the proportions of people vaccinated with non-vaccinated adults.

Since the beginning of the influenza virus season is well known the healthcare system needs to lay strategies to ensure that potential or risky areas receive attention to avoid the spread of influenza. This allows for the healthcare to regularly survey for influenza and respond in timely manner to any strains that may have been triggered by the data from surveillance.

Regions that have the largest percentage of general population vaccination have recorded lower levels of influenza attacks  however it is evident that regions confirmed to have influenza in the state reported over half of the state to be affected. There is need for continued surveillance and research to find alternative medication to the ever changing characterization of the viruses.

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