Child anecdotal observation


At a tender age, children have very limited ability of knowing what is right from wrong, and to a large extent, they fail to know the impact of their actions on their fellow children. Parents have been in situations where they at times tend to think that they should let their children solve their problems on their own. Allowing the children to solve their own issues might work but in most cases the kids tend not to have the mental capability on how to go about resolving their conflicts (Kids Matter).

Conflict with another child

In this scenario, the child was out playing with other children in the open field just outside the house. The playing group was trying to construct roads would be used by their imaginary cars that they intended to bring into the roads. The point of contention came into play when the boy child wanted to construct a wide road which he claimed would accommodate a lot of cars as opposed to a narrow road. The other kids gave a contrary opinion, asserting that construction of a narrow road would be the best option since it is much easier to construct. The kids got into a heated argument to a level where they nearly exchanged blows. At some point the boy child could be heard yelling at the friends that if they could not do it his way then it was time for them to leave, moreover it is their home and he had the final say. The parent had to intervene and solve the conflict in the most amicable manner by accommodating everyone’s view and eventually coming up with an agreeable consensus (Miller)

Conflict with an adult

The child under observation got into a conflict with his parents when the parents refused to buy ice cream for him on a cold afternoon when they were taking a walk in the town. The parents knew that giving in to the demands of the child was not the best thing to do since such a move would negatively affect the health of the child. On the other hand, the child was adamant the parents had to buy the ice-cream, or else he would cease taking the walk with them and go alone.  Theory shows that at such an age the parent’s only option would be to try and brainstorm with the child on how best they would handle the conflict so that the child does not feel aggrieved at the end of the day (Missouri University). Additionally, the parents would try and give reasons to the child why buying ice-cream at such a time would not have been the best thing to do. The parent had to calm down the emotions of the child and then engage him in brainstorming for an equal alternative such as taking hot coffee in a restaurant (Missouri University).

Socio-dramatic play

The child under observation was given the role of being a sales person at a café where his fellow children would come and make orders of the food they wanted to purchase. He would go ahead to serve the children who depending on the order given by each “customer”. To the surprise of the parents, the child managed to play his role to a near perfection. The parents concluded that their child must have been a very keen person each time they visited a café as a family   (Eisenberg et al. 2003). The child must have been taking keen notice of what the sales people do at the background that is why he was able to play the role with utmost precision.


When the child under observation was given a chance to distribute biscuits to the rest of the playing unit, the child claimed that he would only give everyone one single biscuit each instead of giving each one a full packet. When n asked why he was doing so, the child claimed that the biscuits were bought by his parents and he had all the rights to do so. This clearly showed how the child was egocentric and he only valued his well with very little or no regards to the well of the other children.


On the same occasion, when the parent insisted that the biscuits must be shred as per the instruction, the child remained adamant that he would not do so. The parents therefore decided that they would take the biscuits from him and do the distribution by themselves so that everybody gets a fair share of the biscuits. No sooner had the parent started distributing the biscuits than the child slapped one packet out of a fellow child’s hands, leaving the victim confused, not knowing what to do. This clearly showed how temperamental the kid is.

Initiative vs. Guilt

The child being observed was given the opportunity to go outside and play with his friends as they had done in previous days. During this particular occasion, the children could not agree on what game to play so the child under observation decided to take the initiative to instruct the rest of the team on what game to engage in. He went ahead to give the rules of engagement during the playing session and everyone was expected to adhere to the rules.


The child was given an opportunity whether one liter of water placed in a thin, long glass was more than one liter of water placed in a wide, short glass. Due to his inability to reason logically, the child claimed that water poured in the thin long glass was more than the same amount of liters poured in a short wide glass.

Motor development

The child was observed to be quite efficient when it comes to motor skills since he was able to run fast just like his peers. His jumping and skipping skills were equally on point and even surprising to the parent since they did not know that their child had such an amazing motor development skills. If nurtured well, the child might as well be one of the future great athletes of this great nation.

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  1. Kids Matter. Web. Http:// Retrieved 3 November, 2017.
  2. Siegler, R., DeLoache, J., Eisenberg., N. (2003). How children develop. New York: Worth Publishers.
  3. Susan A. Miller. Ages and Stages: How Children Learn Through Conflicts. Web. Http:// Accessed 1 November, 2017.
  4. University of Missouri. Web. Http:// Accessed 3 November, 2017.
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