Table of Contents
There are similarities between the submission of research reports for the cell journal and cell metabolism journal. In this case, the journals selected for comparing and contrasting are the cell metabolism journal, Elsevier and cell stem cell journal, launched by cell press in the year 2007. It focuses on the stem cells specifically. The cell metabolism deals with the publication of research papers and articles and different materials for review from different disciplines (Gastel and Day, 2016). However, despite the different disciplines, they all have to be dealing with the physiological and cellular homeostasis.
For both of the journals, the full research paper should have a word count that is less than 55,000 words. This word count incl8udes even the spaces in the text. A short version of a paper should be having a word count of less than 32000 words. The total number of display items in both papers should not exceed seven. This includes all the tables and figures in the paper. For the short paper, the total number of tables and figures in the paper should be a maximum of four.
Both journals require the title of the paper to be no more than 150 characters. This means that it should contain three lines and each line should have not more than 50 characters.
Additionally, the author who has been identified as the corresponding should have his or her e-mail address and complete postal address clearly indicated. The manuscript should include all the keywords, the relevant tables and figures and indication of whether there will be any figures to be printed in color, the files whose tables and figures have been cited should be present, the whole test should be checked for spelling and grammar mistakes.
All the references that appear in the reference list should also be clearly and correctly cited. Any copyrighted material cited in the manuscript should be permitted by the relevant authorities. In the manuscript, footnotes are allowed to appear only in the first page of the text. It is also important to have keywords in the text for clarity issues. World medical association ethics’ code should be followed in cases where human subjects have been involved in the report or work for both journals. A statement should also accompany the manuscript showing that there was consent fro the human subjects that were used in the experiments. All the experiments involving animals should be in accordance with the ARRIVE guidelines. It is mandatory that the authors show in the manuscript that the above animal related guidelines were followed to the later ( Shotton, 2009).
Every author is also expected to reveal any form of conflict of interest. This includes personal, financial, and other relationships withy different people. The conflict of interest required to be disclosed is up to three years since the beginning of the work that is up for submission. When it comes to the probable change of authors, there is a requirement that the author should have carefully looked at and confirmed the list of the authors when submitting the original manuscript. In case the author wants to change the arrangement , the deletion or addition of the list of authors, he or she should first give a solid reason as to why he intends top change the list, a written confirmation from the other individuals in the list of authors,. When it comes to the removal or deletion of an author from the list, there should be a confirmation from the author being removed from the list.
Finally, for both journals, the editor of the journal can ask the author to transfer the article to another journal, if he or she feels that it is better suited in the other journal. In case the author agrees to this, the article will be transferred immediately and there will be no need to format the paper again. Once the article has been accepted, the author will be required to complete an agreement regarding the copyright of the material. The tables and abstract of the journal ay be reproduced but the reproduction of the other content will be after the author has granted permission. Once the article has been submitted, the author or his institution has the permission to re-use the content (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. 2004).
On the other hand, there are also a few differences between the submission requirements for both journals. For the cell metabolism journal, it is a requirement that the report or paper be submitted in the STAR methods formatting guidelines. This is not necessarily the case for the cell journal. There could be similarities between the two but not all the formatting methods are similar.
The theme of the cell metabolism journal is mostly about cellular and physiological homeostasis while the cell journal is about the different and significant findings on cell biology, neuroscience, molecular biology, virology immunology, cancer, human genetics and many other fields. It is not limited to one or few topics or sub-fields like the cell metabolism journal which is limited to issues related only to cell metabolism. The online submission system for the cell journal also posts all the available updates on the progress of the process of editing. The cell metabolism journal does not mention any information about giving these kinds of updates.
It is much better to get an article published through the cell journal than the cell metabolism journal. This is due to the fact that the cell journal has more fields which an article can be published. Hence it can allow the publishing of articles from several different fields that deal with cells, unlike the cell metabolism journal which has a limited number of fields which it can publish articles in. The cell metabolism journal deals with articles that deal with only issues of cell metabolism like stem cells, while the cell journal can cover all the articles that can be published in the cell metabolism journal. Hence, it is better to use the cell journal. The problem of publishing your article in the cell metabolism journal is that it is too specific and the editor might end up giving you a different suggestion on where to publish your article, depending on his analysis of the content in the paper. However it is more expensive to publish in the cell journal than in the cell metabolism journal Elsevier. For Elsevier, the fees for publishing range from 500 dollars to 5000 dollars.

From the cell journal, the article selected is the “RIPK3 Restricts Viral Pathogenesis via Cell Death-Independent Neuroinflammation.” The list of authors include Brian P. Daniels Annelise G. Snyder, Tayla M. Olsen, Susana Orozco, Thomas H. Oguin III , Stephen W.G. Tait, Jennifer Martinez and Michael Gale Jr. The article seems to fit the theme of the journal in all matters. All the publication rules have been adhered to and hence it can be described as a truly professional article. The paper made sense in terms of understanding, but it was quite complicated. The data and ideas in the article were presented in quite a clear manner and apart from the unique terms used, it was understandable (Kaiser et al., 2013). For the Elsevier cell metabolism journal, the article chosen was “Th1 Differentiation Drives the Accumulation of Intravascular, Non-protective CD4 T Cells during Tuberculosis.” (Sallin et al., 2017). The article was also well written and it followed all the rules of publication and the ideas were presented in a clear manner. This article was quite complicated and it did not make much sense. However, it also fit the theme of the journal in all manners.
- Shotton, D. (2009). Semantic publishing: the coming revolution in scientific journal publishing. Learned Publishing, 22(2), 85-94.
- Gastel, B., & Day, R. A. (2016). How to write and publish a scientific paper. ABC-CLIO.
- Kaiser, W. J., Sridharan, H., Huang, C., Mandal, P., Upton, J. W., Gough, P. J., … & Mocarski, E. S. (2013). Toll-like receptor 3-mediated necrosis via TRIF, RIP3, and MLKL. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 288(43), 31268-31279.
- Sallin, M. A., Sakai, S., Kauffman, K. D., Young, H. A., Zhu, J., & Barber, D. L. (2017). Th1 Differentiation Drives the Accumulation of Intravascular, Non-protective CD4 T Cells during Tuberculosis. Cell Reports, 18(13), 3091-3104.
- International Committee of Medical Journal Editors. (2004). International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE): Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals: writing and editing for biomedical publication. Haematologica, 89(3), 264.