Table of Contents
This health promotion entails the process of enabling teenagers to enhance their control over their health, which will ultimately lead to improvement in their health. Health promotion program focuses on HPV that mostly infect individuals sexually active, especially at the age of 13 to 15 years. The program will help teenagers to regulate their sexual behavior and become vaccinated so that they remain protected against the virus. The promotion program is aimed at promoting the need for vaccination against Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) to reduce cases of infection. The rationale for conducting this promotion programs is because cancer cases have increased in the population. Correspondingly, some of the cancer cases are preventable if vaccination against the causative virus is done in time.
While cancer cases continue to increase, some of the cancer cases are preventable especially the ones caused by Human Papilloma Virus (HPV), and thus if the vaccination against the causative virus is objectively facilitated through comprehensive health promotion program, cases of cancer will decrease tremendously. This paper seeks to create a health promotion program for a priority population, where various constructs including identification of population, assessment of needs as well as setting goals and objectives will be accomplished. Moreover, the health promotion program will describe the implementation and ways of evaluating the results of the program.
The target population
The vaccines target males and females of ages 9 through 26. The reason for this initiative is driven by the fact that High-risk HPV is responsible for nearly 5% of all cancers cases in the world. Besides, High-risk HPV causes more than 3% and 2% for all cancer cases in the United States for female and male teenagers respectively (National Cancer Institute, 2018). HPV cause various types of cancers including Cervical cancer (70% caused by HPV), Anal cancer (95% caused by HPV), Oropharyngeal cancers (70% caused by HPV) and Rarer cancers (65% caused by HPV).
Needs of the target population
These vaccines targets individuals in this age bracket because they are likely to be sexually active. According to National Cancer Institute (2018), the virus is mostly spread through engaged any skin-to-skin sexual contact including anal, vaginal or oral sex. Individuals engaging frequent sexual activity are likely to get HPV. Similarly, HPV infections are likely to affect teens having many sex partners or engage in sexual activity with somebody who may have had many partners. According to Boehmer & Elk (2015), teenager frequently engages in unprotected sexual behavior have higher chances of acquiring HPV. Because the HPV mostly infect individuals soon after becoming sexually active, especially at the age of 13 to 15 years, these health promotion exercises target these group to assist teenagers to remain protected against the virus. Infected individuals may have HPV infection irrespective of the fact that they may not have symptoms. Consequently, individuals in this age bracket are vulnerable because they are at risk of acquiring the virus (National Cancer Institute, 2018). Given the risk factors, prevalence, issues surrounding diagnosis and treatment of patients, challenges associated with survivorship and death, there is the need for informed health promotion program to prevent the problem from escalating to uncontrollable levels.
This health promotion goal has specific goals. This promotion program aims at aims at reducing cases of infection among teenagers through vaccinating all teenagers who shall attend the program. Training shall also be conducted based on various constructs including educating teenagers on HPV vaccine, identifying who should be vaccinated, types of cancer that are caused by HPV and others necessary details (National Cancer Institute, 2018). Moreover, the programs aimed at educating teenagers the role of uncontrolled and unprotected sexual behaviors and ways of regulating sexual behaviors.
Specific objectives
- By the end of the program on 30th April 2018, 400 teenagers, who have confirmed attendance at Mayor clinic lecture hall for the three days 8-hour daily session shall be vaccinated by the trained pharmacist.
- By 30th April 2018, 400 teenagers and their parents or guardians shall undergo 3-hour visibly outlined training session for the three days that they shall be in the facility. All the teenagers shall be grouped into teams, participate in the discussion group and undertake an exam at the end the training.
- One gynecologist shall facilitate for 2 hours on topics regarding affected parts and common symptoms on 28th April 2018. Two motivational speakers shall speak on issues regarding sexual behaviors and protective measures on 29th and 30th respectively (McKenzie, 2016).
The accomplishment of goals and objectives
The goals of this program are based on three main broad issues. These are; reducing infection through actual vaccination, educating teenagers and their parents on various constructs of the program and advising teenagers on ways on ways of regulating sexual behaviors. The three goals have been broken into three objectives. Objective one shall be achieved through ensuring that all the teenagers who attend the program have been vaccinated by the trained pharmacist and the leading two physician assistance against the HPV virus. Teenagers shall have unique cards that shall be stamped by the program manager indicating that they have received the vaccine. Objective two is the most rigorous and shall be accomplished in various ways. There shall be a general training session for all the participants, and then all the teenagers shall be grouped into teams. A randomly selected team member shall be required to present group discussion findings (Fertman, 2015). Trainees shall undertake an exam at the end the training regarding the content. Moreover, each exam will be marked, graded and reviewed in teams. Objective number three shall be achieved through availing qualified specialist and two motivational speakers, who shall be approved by the program manager. They shall facilitate their sessions at particular intervals to make the participant eager to learn.
Implement the intervention
The vaccination exercise requires specific knowledge and skills, and thus all members of the staff will be trained on how to handle specific activities. For instance, pharmacists and physician assistants conducting the vaccination exercise will be trained on specific skills on ways of conducting the vaccination exercise so that to ensure that it has been carried out according to the stipulated medical requirements (Boehmer & Elk, 2015). There are barriers to teenage vaccination that have been identified by Public Health Service and other organizations dealing with health. These include cost, missed opportunities, lack of knowledge and awareness as well as operational or systemic barriers. The staff will be tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that they identify any of these challenges and communicate them to the program management so that they can be addressed appropriately (Bartholomew, 2016). Since the program will be conducted after every two years, the teams conducting the exercise shall be utilized evidence-based practices in during vaccination, training and motivation sessions so that the community’s interest in the program will be sustained. Additional training will be provided where required in case the activities will not achieve the expected outcome.
The HPV vaccine intervention will take three days to implement. However, the vaccination exercise will be carried out after every two years to ensure that all teenagers who attain the appropriate age are vaccinated. The target population is mostly individuals who have attained the age of 13-14 year because, at this time, they are more sexually active. In each session, there will be vaccination exercise, training linked to the objectives raised and motivational speaking aimed at empowering the youth and guiding them on how to regulate their sexual behavior (National Cancer Institute, 2018). Although the program will be developed for the three days activities, modifications to accommodate any unexpected activity that may arise during the program shall be done.
Appropriate communication will be carried out to all the stakeholders in the program including all the staff and other parties that will facilitate the program, parents/guardians, teenagers, local authorities and other relevant parties. The committee handling all the actions related to the program including training, vaccination process and motivational activities will meet before the onset of the program to iron out all the issues regarding the program (Bartholomew, 2016). All the staff will report on the venue where the program will be held the day before the onset of the program for principal liaison, as appropriate. The program shall be coordinated from a central point by the program coordinator together with his assistance to ensure that all the activities happen as planned. The program manager will monitor the program and ensure that all previously unanticipated barriers and problems are identified and responded to accordingly. However, all the activities will be guided by the goals and objectives of the program (Fertman, 2015). All the staff participating in this intervention will be supervised and supported adequately to ensure that they deliver their services in accordance with their mandate and that they uphold a consistent level of participation.

Evaluate the results
While the intervention will be monitored to ensure that the program is on track, there will be a final/summative evaluation to establish how well the goals and objectives have been achieved. The assessment will entail reaching all the participants and collect factual, measurable and detailed information regarding the level of satisfaction and whether their expectation was met (Fertman, 2015). The evaluation will also be intended for establishing whether the activities proceeded as planned. Besides, the benefits and the cost of the program will be compared to establish viability and necessity of the program. According to McKenzie (2016), A carefully planned and well thought out follow-up study will be conducted to establish the enduring impacts of the program.
Correspondingly, the evaluation will be done to assess whether the planned continuity of the program will be beneficial and sustainable. This program is part of the larger national program of ensuring that all teenagers are vaccinated with HPV vaccine to reduce the rate of infection and save lives of many sexually active teenagers who are at risk of acquiring any of the cancer type mentioned above. Besides, the evaluation will enable program manager to demonstrate to the government that funds the program, community leaders as well as another stakeholder in the intervention program that the efforts were a success or a failure (Bartholomew, 2016). Evaluation will also assist in establishing whether the vaccination intervention accomplished or fell short of expectations. The outcome of these following evaluation objective will assist in identifying what could have been wrong, which will assist in making required changes to the program in future, primarily because the program is expected to be carried out after every two years.
The feedback from teenagers, parents and other participants in the vaccination program regarding the activities conducted shall be collected through filling in evaluation form and recording of feedback from live participants during team activities (McKenzie, 2016). Among the activities where the feedback will be collected include teenagers’ views on the vaccine, usefulness of the training and rating of the all the activities conducted in stringent parameters. Moreover, regarding objective number three, the teenagers will be required to state, in specific terms, the actual changes that they will implement right after training. In addition to the evaluation activity that will be carried out by the program specialist, the program manager will hire a consultant who will gather information from the community regarding the outcome of the program (Fertman, 2015). The outcome of evaluation exercise from a consultant will be beneficial because it will be an independent view and thus will assist the program organizers and the government in planning and making necessary changes that may be needed.
This health program is driven by the fact that high-risk HPV is responsible for nearly 5% of all cancers cases in the world. Besides, High-risk HPV causes more than 3% and 2% for all cancer cases in the United States for female and male teenagers respectively. The program target teenagers between that age of 9 through 26 years and especially those aged between that age of 13-15 years, who are likely to be more sexually active and thus are at risk of acquiring cancer caused by HPV. Goals and objectives are based on three significant sections namely vaccination, training and methods of regulating teenage sexual behavior. The program shall be implemented in three days, and the goals and objectives will guide implementation. Implementation involves adequate preparation, adherence to the program, monitoring adjusting where applicable. The evaluation shall then be carried out to verify the outcome of the results. The assessment will entail reaching all the participants and collect factual, measurable and detailed information regarding the level of satisfaction and whether their expectation was met. Independent evaluation shall be conducted to the members of the community to verify the impact of the health promotion activities to the community and its suitability in future.
- Bartholomew, E. L. K. (2016). Planning health promotion programs: An intervention mapping approach. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass & Pfeiffer Imprints, Wiley.
- Boehmer, U., & Elk, R. (2015). Cancer and the LGBT community: Unique perspectives from risk to survivorship. Cham: Springer.
- Fertman, C. I. (2015). Workplace health promotion programs: Planning, implementation, and evaluation. San Francisco, CA: Jossey-Bass, a Wiley Brand.
- McKenzie, J. F. (2016). An introduction to community & public health. Jones & Bartlett Learning. Jones & Bartlett Learning.
- National Cancer Institute. (2018). “National Cancer Institute.” Human Papillomavirus (HPV) Vaccines.