Scientists and Scholars

Subject: Science
Type: Informative Essay
Pages: 3
Word count: 844

Many scholars and scientist discuss that the 20th and 21st centuries the world experience the massive transformation of technology. The vibrant technology transformation in the world dates back to the beginning of 17th century. The technological transformation at this time mainly influenced by wars that controlled the world during the Roman Empire and after American civilization. Starting from gunpowder used by Mongol military in the 13th century, the scientist were able to develop most devastating and complicated weapons like the nuclear weapon used to attack Japan in the Second World War. After Second World War, the technology continues to advance mainly due to the contribution of globalization and neo-westernization. There is significant technology transformation in the lives of the scholars and scientist that change their perspective on the universe. The paper focuses on technological transformation history in lives of scholars and scientists.

Historians think technology transformation devastates life in the world. Edgerton reacts on the issue of the improvement of technology, innovation, and history. In his reaction, he explains a scenario on how technology and innovation break the history of many countries in the world. The United States and many developed countries in the Europe continents concentrate much on innovation in all the sectors most notably in academic. As much as these countries focus on innovation, the history of such countries wipes out in mind of the scholars at the same degree. Hence, innovation creates a gap on history that connects the past and present. Technology advancement noted in the 1980s was not the one noted in 2003. Edgerton compared technology as the dying horse. It is because as much as technology advancement continues, the earlier invented technology continues to lose meaning. The frequency at which technology takes to grow it is equal to that it takes to be vague. History of technology focusses on hazardous and danger posed by advancement of technology.   

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The science changed the people perception on the universe. History of Scientific Cosmology explains how the ancient Greek scientist started from viewing the universe with naked eyes then they later developed telescope then stereoscopes up to today gadgets that can view the whole universe including the planets. John McCarthy, an American computer scientist, thought and explained the meaning and the significant of progress to human being in the world. He supported technology advancement going on in many places of the world as the one that brings human progress. According to him, advancement in technology is the only thing in the world that can be able to sustain the life of people without any form of competition. Up to 17th century, the world was the same since there was no technological advancement before then. The world has transformed extensively due to the advancement of technology. The invention of the new technology by various scientist led to the progress of human life in the world. Technology does only improve the living standard but also making life sustainable for a long period. The invention of nuclear power plant is one of the sustainable projects because they can keep on releasing energy for million years to come. McCarthy state that the world will not be the same two hundred years to come, the descendant will appreciate the work of current scientist since they are the mastermind of progression in the world. Disney’s Carousel of Progress is the best example of the show that remains attractive now and then due to the advancement of technology. The Carousel of Progress has topped the Destiny land due to them embracing technology hence becoming attractive from generation to generation. Another example is Archimedes of Syracuse principle on buoyant and fluid studied in physics and mathematics many years after his demise.  

Westernization that is in control of the world in matters regarding culture, politics, economy, and technology is thought to arise from Southernization. According to Shaffer, Southernization is the civilization of the southern Asia particularly in India, China, and Arab countries that dominated from 3rd century to the 13th century. Southernization led to various improvement in southern Asia in term of agriculture, cash crop farming, technology, trade, and mining. Southernization started in India but later spread to other countries in the Asian continent. India was the first countries to do exploration and trade with East Africa and Northern Asian. China adopted Southernization and was able to develop gunpowder as early as the 6th century. Westernization from West Europe jeopardized the idea of Southernization in the 14th century during Europe civilization. Most of the ideas used to form westernization came from Southernization. Global history review confirms the trend of Southernization and Westernization. The history of globe starts during domestication of animals which later followed by the rise of the various empires. Egyptian kingdom was the ancient prominent kingdom in the globe history and controlled by many gods. Indian empire arises later followed by Chinese empire. Roman Empire arose during western civilization. Westernization is the latest change in the world and spread the ideology of democracy. Capitalism and Communism ideologies arose in the 20th century that leads to violation of human rights in many places in the world. Capitalism overpowered communism in the late 20th century. Capitalism leads to the massive development of technology experienced all over the world.

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  1. Edgerton, David. “Innovation, Technology, or History: What is the Historiography of Technology about?” Technology and Culture, vol. 51, no. 3, 2010, pp. 680-697.
  2. Harrison, Edward. “Cosmology: the science of the universe,”2001, pp. 523-524.
  3. McCarthy, John. The Sustainability of Human Progress. University of Oklahoma, 1996.
  4. Shaffer, Lynda. “Southernization.” Journal of World History, 1994, pp. 1-21.
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