50 Heart of Darkness Essay Topics

Updated: May 9, 2023

As an understudy, you are going to get numerous essay writing prompts, which test your knowledge or comprehension level. Some might be about a general issue impacting the society, and others based on what you have been learning. The central concept still reigns – to figure out if you can elaborate comprehensive arguments. Literature research essays can analyze symbolic or historical aspects of any book. Joseph Conrad’s Heart of Darkness has attracted much praise and criticism from literary giants. It is one of the most studied novels in the world of literature. The book outstandingly portrays the European colonialism in the Belgian Congo. Well, don’t get it twisted, it is a work of fiction; however, Conrad’s encounters in 1889 – 90 exceptionally mirror what is laid out in the novel. What follows are different themes running parallel to one another, and the utilization of recurring ideas that’s wrapped in ambiguous language.

The Heart of Darkness is a literary classic because of its fantastic writing style and analysis of the real nature of colonialism and imperialism. Such writings are great at composing papers since they offer the author an opportunity to air their independent view. However, with such a controversial yet compelling piece of literature, you ought to apply extreme caution when settling on a catchy title. You ought to utilize a topic that will be captivating to an array of readers. Also, it needs to be unique and very specific on the regions covered.

Want to Know How to Select the Best Heart of Darkness Essay Topic?

Sometimes, it is hard to comprehend the real meaning of a book by only going through the text. Many require further explanation, research, and even more reading. When you get an essay prompt to compose an original paper about Heart of Darkness, you’ll have to come up with a topic. If you come up with an exceptional one, you are going to generate relevant material, which of course will grab the attention of the reader. How can you create the ideal essay subject when making relevant literature on Heart of Darkness? The secret lies within the following steps:

  • Group session: Sometimes, coming up with ideas might be difficult, and that’s why it is okay to utilize a brainstorming session. When you get the input and thoughts of your peers, you can get an insightful guide on informative essay subjects.
  • Create a mind map: Since you already have your reference material, which is the book, you can go ahead and create a mind map. Start with a basic topic and branch out to different categories.
  • Come up with a list: Give yourself enough time to create something useful so that you don’t have to waste time on unusable topics.

You might not possess the ideal subject; however, with some effort, you may. If flipping to a random word in the dictionary is what it takes to give you a great start, then do it.

A Comprehensive List of Heart of Darkness Essay Topics

There are much Heart of Darkness essay titles that you can use when trying to come up with a quality article. Such topics can make a world of difference when creating a paper, and you can catch a few examples below:

  1. Colonialism in Heart of Darkness.
  2. Human greed and deception in Heart of Darkness.
  3. A perfect depiction of alienation and isolation in Heart of Darkness.
  4. The parallel relationship between Heart of darkness and apocalypse now.
  5. The framing story that formulates Heart of Darkness.
  6. Stylistic devices that make Heart of Darkness proto-modernist.
  7. Racial discrimination in Heart of Darkness.
  8. Heart of Darkness’ depiction of colonial exploitation.
  9. Symbolism in Heart of Darkness.
  10. Corruption in Heart of Darkness.
  11. Imperialism in Heart of Darkness.
  12. The utilization and purpose of irony in Heart of Darkness.
  13. Violence in Heart of Darkness.
  14. Narration in Heart of Darkness.
  15. Comprehensive analysis of the major themes in Heart of Darkness.
  16. Heart of Darkness’ theme of women and femininity.
  17. Heart of Darkness’ expression of ambiguity.
  18. Marginalization in Heart of Darkness.
  19. Heart of Darkness’ “darkness” symbolism.
  20. The connection between physical illness and madness in Heart of Darkness.
  21. The case of Marlow and Kurtz as two competing heroes in Heart of Darkness.
  22. Reflection article on Heart of Darkness.
  23. Orientalism in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.
  24. Comparing colonialism and ambiguity in Heart of Darkness.
  25. How certain death scenes in Heart of Darkness illuminate key themes?
  26. The symbolism of Conrad’s title, Heart of Darkness.
  27. An analysis of contrasting places and what each represents in Heart of Darkness.
  28. How does Marlow’s journey add to the thematic significance of Heart of Darkness?
  29. Heart of Darkness portrayal of 1800s attitude towards women.
  30. The Gang of Virtue in Conrad’s Heart of Darkness.

Well, there you have it; eye-catching and exciting titles for your Heart of Darkness essay. The simple rule is to keep it simple and straight to the point.

10 Heart Of Darkness Essay Topics for College

  1. Analyze the presence of women in the novel. How are they portrayed?
  2. Discuss the symbols in the book and how they build the story.
  3. What does the writing style add to the book?
  4. How do characters develop throughout the book? Is it effective?
  5. What are the differences between mental and physical illness?
  6. Is there a hero in the story? If so, who?
  7. What do’ secretive names’ add to the meaning of the story?
  8. Where did the story come from, and what influenced it?
  9. Is there a double audience? What kind of effect does that have on the meaning?
  10. Discuss the groups introduced in the book.

20 More Essay Topics For Heart Of Darkness

  1. An Analysis of Colonialism in Heart of Darkness.
  2. The Role of Darkness in Heart of Darkness.
  3. Marlow’s Journey into the Heart of Africa in Heart of Darkness.
  4. The Symbolism of the River in Heart of Darkness.
  5. An Exploration of the Narrator’s Perspective in Heart of Darkness.
  6. The Use of Language in Heart of Darkness.
  7. The Representation of Women in Heart of Darkness.
  8. The Theme of Power in Heart of Darkness.
  9. The Significance of Kurtz in Heart of Darkness.
  10. The Moral Ambiguity in Heart of Darkness.
  11. The Effects of Imperialism in Heart of Darkness.
  12. The Relationship Between Civilization and Savagery in Heart of Darkness.
  13. An Analysis of Contrasting Places in Heart of Darkness.
  14. The Role of Africa in Heart of Darkness.
  15. The Ambiguity of Marlow’s Character in Heart of Darkness.
  16. The Theme of Madness in Heart of Darkness.
  17. An Exploration of Conrad’s Writing Style in Heart of Darkness.
  18. The Importance of Light in Heart of Darkness.
  19. The Criticism of European Society in Heart of Darkness.
  20. The Connection Between Heart of Darkness and Apocalypse Now.

Heart of Darkness Essay Questions that You Will Probably Get

When you get an open-ended essay subject, that’s not necessarily a great thing. If you lack the parameters set by a specific assignment, you can easily get lost. Listed below are some of the common questions that you should expect on Heart of Darkness essays:

  1. How does having a double audience affect the Heart of Darkness narrative?
  2. Why does Heart of Darkness possess two competing heroes? Make the case of either Kurtz or Marlow as the true “hero” of the writing.
  3. What groups are represented in the book, and what’s their relevance?
  4. Discuss why Joseph Conrad settled on utilizing a framing story to compose Heart of Darkness.
  5. How is proto-modernism displayed in Heart of Darkness?
  6. How does darkness act as a symbol in Joseph Conrad‘s Heart of Darkness?
  7. What is women’s role in Heart of Darkness?
  8. Analyze and discuss the story that created Heart of Darkness.
  9. Review the unreliable narrator.
  10. Is Conrad secretive about his characters? Discuss.

Essay inquiries lead the author to develop the most important topics, and they must befit the central idea.

Ingenious Heart of Darkness Essay Ideas

John Conrad’s Heart of Darkness is one of the most challenging books to compose an essay on. At some point, you’ll have to come up with a thesis statement to offer a summary of the different elements that are important in your piece. This means that you are free to add your comprehension of the plots or themes. If you are still facing a challenge coming up with an idea, the following are going to be helpful:

  1. Compare how physical and mental illness relate.
  2. One of the central points in Conrad’s story is how those who are influenced by physical illness end up with mental problems. You can create an essay from such an angle.
  3. Who is the real hero?
  4. Your essay might look into who you feel is the true hero of the story, and make it as enjoyable as you can.
  5. Analyze the secretive nature of Conrad towards his characters.
  6. Check out the narratives in the story.
  7. Examine the group present in this piece of literature.

When you have unique ideas, you’ll generate relevant content that will grasp the attention of your audience. Also, such an in-depth analysis will provide you with a better comprehension of this amazing book.

Having Trouble with Your Heart of Darkness Topic? Access Our Online Help Today!

Since literature can, at times, present unique challenges to a few students, topic creation can become a cumbersome affair. However, we offer a simple solution. If you get in touch, we will give you a catchy and captivating topic for your essay that will build a great piece. Contact us today and eliminate your worries for we will deliver the best. Our superior essay writer is click away!

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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