How to Write a Creative Essay

Updated: May 11, 2023

Are you struggling with a creative writing essay? Go ahead and read useful tips and prompts to make a successful paper fast. And if you still need professional assistance, feel free to hire an expert to create a perfect document on time!

Creative Essay Definition and Outline

A creative essay is focused on the writer’s point of view. It gives an author a great bunch of wonderful ideas to write about. This is a kind of spirited and open-minded writing where you can use your imagination and fantasy as well as create a real story.

To make a perfect paper, you need a detailed creative writing essay plan. A good outline can help you to write an interesting story without logical mistakes. Thanks to the outline, you will not miss anything important and make your paper well-structured.

Here are the main parts of the outline:

  • Paragraph 1: Introduction. Here you need to introduce the topic to readers and write a thesis statement.
  • Paragraph 2: The body part. This is the main part of your writing, where you can create from 3 to 5 additional sub-paragraphs to open the main subject of the essay properly.
  • Paragraph 3: Conclusion. This is a short part where you finish your paper logically.

10 Creative Essay Writing Prompts

  • Write about drinking tea, and why do you like this ceremony?
  • Create a poem about liars
  • Write a story about a painting that catches your attention
  • Describe how you would live in another country where you never have been
  • Write about how you would interview a celebrity
  • Create a story about your biggest secret
  • Write why it’s very important for everyone to have good friends
  • Make a poem about a woman who adopted a child
  • Write about healthy habits and how to form them
  • Create an essay about the ideal partner

3 Creative Essay Writing Examples

Do you feel stuck with your paper and need a good example of a creative writing essay? Read our great samples below to get fresh ideas!

Example 1

The value of planting trees in our life

Of course, you heard that trees are quite important for people’s lives and the environment. But do you know all the benefits of planting trees? Read about great and useful advantages that we can get from trees.

Trees provide wild animals and birds with homes. We get tasty fruits thanks to trees, and not only people but both wild animals and birds are also provided with fresh food. Thanks to trees, people are shielded from UV rays. Many trees are planted for using them for fuel and craft wood. Trees hold soil in place and help to avoid erosion.

It’s impossible to value the benefits we get from trees. The most significant thing, we can get all the things listed above for free. We don’t have to pay trees to make them clean our air or water. All we need to do is just plant trees and make our planet cleaner, brighter, and nicer!

Example 2

Make decorations for New Year with your kids

It’s never early to start making handmade decorations for New Year, especially if you have kids. They will be excited and very glad to help, and we have gathered our 15 art ideas for awesome decorations to make together!

To make a wishing tree, you will need some branches, paint, paper stars, golden ribbon, and colorful pens. Make sure all branches are the same length and stick them into the vase. Then use spray paint of any color you want to make your branches look magical.

We recommend using white, silver, or golden color. Then ask your kids to draw and cut out stars from colorful paper, and attach a short piece of the ribbon to each one. Almost done, now your little helpers can make their wishes and write them down on stars. Then attach stars to the branches, and your magical wishing tree is done! Keep your fingers crossed to make all wishes true.

Example 3

Why it’s important to drink a lot of water

The human body consists of water at about 70%, and water covers almost 71% of our planet’s surface. All cells of our body need water because every day we lose it during our functioning (physical activities, urination, sweating), so we have to replace lost water. Any person needs to drink clear water regularly.

Of course, we drink some other beverages like milk or juice that also contain some water, and we eat soups and fruits that contain water (tomatoes, watermelons, oranges, etc.), but you should keep in your mind that a daily fluid intake must be 2,2 liters for women and 3,0 liters for men.

Probably you’ve heard of the famous rule of eight eight-ounce glasses of water that a person should drink during the day. If you count the amount of water, according to “8 by 8” a person drinks about 1,9 liters per day.

30 Best Creative Writing Essay Topics

  • Why it’s important to have a family
  • My top 10 goals in life
  • My favorite pet
  • Living alone and abandoned
  • The importance of physical training
  • My meeting with a magician
  • Why people need money
  • The benefits of a healthy life
  • If I’d have a magic wand
  • Why I like autumn
  • Traveling is my everything
  • My first driving experience
  • Why my parents are the best
  • The most important mission in life
  • Why my friend betrayed me
  • Travel to another planet
  • If I’d live on Moon
  • Why I adore milk
  • A recipe of an ideal cake
  • Chocolate is my favorite food
  • Hell and heaven: how I see them
  • My favorite music
  • Why we need to stop wars
  • The ideal community
  • My unique planet
  • The biggest fear
  • Why I like morning runs
  • The importance of rains
  • My cat is a superhero
  • I want to be stronger

10 Creative Writing Essay Ideas

  • Write about a place you want to visit
  • Make a poem about the best friend
  • Tell about the relationship with your brother/sister
  • Why do people lie?
  • How to find balance in life?
  • Write about your first kiss
  • A poem about yourself
  • Tell about your parents
  • Make a fantasy story about aliens
  • Create an essay about friendship

Do you need help with making your creative story? Hire a professional graduate paper writing services who knows various creative essay writing techniques. Get a perfect document without wasting time at an acceptable price!

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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