How to Write a Good Discussion Section

Updated: November 1, 2022

How to Write a Good Discussion Section

While writing a research paper, each student is faced with the question of how to write a discussion section fast. This section is important and responsible because it contains the results of your research. Therefore, it would help if you wrote about what the reader can learn from your study and discussed the results.

The discussion section is a cohesive part of the entire study and makes the connection between all areas of your work straightforward. To write this part correctly, you need to make an interpretation, analyze the subject of research and explain it to readers. A thriving discussion section should tell the audience why your research results are essential and what they mean.

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What Is a Discussion Section

Before moving on to writing a research paper, study what is a discussion section because this section is an essential part of your papers. Here you should delve into the meaning of the research topic as much as possible and talk about the importance and relevance of the results. The discussion section should focus on evaluating and explaining the outcome of your research, backing it all up with solid facts and arguments.

This section should look different from a conclusion, despite being one of its parts. The discussion section should describe and analyze the results of the study. After reading this part, the reader should have no questions about what and how you researched.

The rules for writing a discussion section may vary depending on the topic and subject of your research, but there are a few basic rules that should be used in this part to succeed and give a clear understanding to readers.

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How to Start a Discussion Section

Most students have a question about starting a discussion section, which is not surprising because writing this part often takes a lot of effort and time. Of course, each student chooses a different way to write this section of their research, but there are some tips on how to structure a discussion section:

  • To get started, write a summary of your research findings, a so-called summary. This is important so that the reader, from the first sentence, can understand what will be discussed and he does not have unnecessary questions.
  • Next, talk about the meaning of your results. It is essential to talk about the significance of the results so that the reader understands the full importance of your study and the purpose for which it was conducted. This item is essential for writing a survey, so it is optional to exclude it.
  • After that, you should tell the readers why the results are so important. After you have discussed the meaning of the results, it is essential to describe why they are so important. Describe the importance of the study so that the reader understands what is explicitly necessary.
  • Then you can tell the audience what the results are, do not speak about and describe the limitations. You can talk about what your results need to show. This way, you can show the audience that your research has positive aspects.
  • In the end, you can share recommendations on where and how further analysis or research can be done. This is one of the main parts of the discussion section, so you need to make some suggestions so the reader can further analyze your research.

How to Structure Discussion Section

To structure the discussion section properly, you must read all the guidelines to ensure what you are writing. But first, you need to start with specific conclusions about the study. This will help give readers a clear view of the discussion.

After that, you should discuss why the research results might be necessary to the audience. The discussion should be based on personal conclusions but backed up with arguments and facts from reliable sources. Here you can talk not only about the pros but also the cons of the study.

In addition, try to write clearly and concisely, and only write a little water. This greatly distracts the reader from the main idea of ​​​​the study and can spoil the overall impression. Finally, write in a language understandable to the audience and do not use complex terms. The reader should easily understand what you want to convey.

Discussion Section of a Research Paper: Detailed Guidelines

Each student should understand that the discussion section guidelines depend on the topic and discipline of the article. Regardless, there are a few ground rules that can be applied to the discussion section of any study:

  • First of all, it is essential to tell what exactly the reader should take away from your research. Try to summarize the results and the whole study with many arguments and facts. In this part, it is essential to back up all your statements with facts so that readers do not get the impression that all comments are just fiction.
  • Share your findings from this study. Tell readers about what you learned during the research and back up all the information with reliable sources. When writing the discussion section, consideration should be given to personal findings and opinions about the study. This section involves discussing with readers a particular point of view.
  • Tell about the results and explain why they are. You can introduce an unexpected result into the text that will make readers think about how it came about and then tell it yourself. The description of the study’s results is an integral part of the section, so try to write as much information about the results as possible, supporting it with arguments.
  • Make sure your research is flawless. This helps build a connection with the reader because they understand that you have a critical mind, which inspires confidence. Correction of deficiencies is an integral part of the entire study, but the reader should not notice differences in indications or inaccurate data in the discussion section.
  • Tell the audience about possible options for further research. Share sources or describe several options so the reader can independently verify the study’s results. This will help make your talk section even more interesting for readers, as it provides not only valuable information but also exciting and open to the audience.
  • In the end, repeat the conclusions about your study and describe the results in detail so that the reader has no questions about how you came to this conclusion.

The repetition of conclusions should be simple; you can talk about the same decisions from a different angle or talk about them in more detail. After reading the discussion section, the reader should not have questions about your research, so the process of writing this part should be approached very responsibly.

After reading these rules, you will understand how to write a discussion section fast and successfully. Our service does everything to ensure that students receive high scores in college, and our experienced specialists are ready to help complete a task of any complexity in the shortest possible time. You can rely on us and no longer worry that your research paper may get a low score. Place an order right now, and we will take care of it.

Discussion Section Example

To better understand how to write correctly, you can check out the discussion section example, which has all of the above points and a description that provides readers with directions for future research.

“ To reduce plastic pollution in the environment, there are general recommendations, for example: do not use unnecessary plastic items that are not vital, stop using plastic bottles, or reduce their number by recycling, replace plastic items with reusable items, and properly dispose of plastic items that affect the environment.

All of the options described are effective and can help reduce environmental pollution. Therefore, properly disposing of plastic items can significantly reduce the risk of contamination. Furthermore, such items may be wet wipes that cannot be reused or removed from a person’s life as necessary. Therefore, the hypothesis that humanity cannot influence the reduction of environmental pollution can be refuted.

The results, consistent with various other studies, show that a few simple actions can quickly reduce the percentage of atmospheric and environmental pollution.

These results capture a new line of research focusing on eliminating plastic items from human life. If each production takes care to do this, you can achieve an excellent result.

This again confirms the opinion that plastic items are unnecessary for humanity and are easy to replace. We believe that environmental science is important enough to change how many people think and live.”

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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