How to Write a Master’s Thesis

Updated: January 8, 2024

To obtain a master’s degree, a student must write a master’s thesis and successfully defend it. The research topic is approved already in the first semester of master’s studies. To make writing a master’s thesis easier, we have prepared simple rules for master’s students.

What is a Master’s Thesis

In the master’s work, the process and the result of the conducted scientific research on a topical topic are highlighted. The dissertation is distinguished by high requirements for the choice of topic and methods of data processing. It differs from diploma works by the increased volume and a wide list of sources used.

The work should be based on independent research, consisting of a theoretical and practical part. The chosen topic of the master’s student should be relevant and new, and the work itself should have practical value.

To start writing a master’s thesis step by step, you must do a few points:

  • Choose a topic;
  • Draw up a work plan;
  • Study thematic literature;
  • Describe the theoretical part;
  • Conduct a scientific experiment and describe its results;
  • Draw conclusions to chapters and write a conclusion;
  • Format the text correctly;
  • Be checked for plagiarism;
  • Write a speech for defense.

The formal requirements for a master’s thesis in 2024 are:

  • Structuring the material;
  • Compliance with the required volume and approved structure of the text;
  • Correct formatting and design of the text;
  • Competent design of borrowings, links, and references.

How to Start a Master’s Thesis

Foremost, you should start your Master’s Thesis by approving the research topic and drawing up a writing plan. This will help you calculate your strength and rationally use the time allotted to create scientific work. The results of each stage must be regularly demonstrated to the supervisor. This will help permanently enlist his support and timely adjust the methodology for writing a master’s thesis.

When writing a master’s thesis, it is necessary to assess how much the topic has been worked out earlier by other scientists. The more literature you find on a question of interest, the better the result will be. As you study the writings of predecessors, make a list of articles and monographs that you will refer to in writing your dissertation, make copies of printed materials, and always save drafts.

It should be noted that the theoretical issues of any science are best reflected in monographs and recognized academic works. The most relevant information on the problem can be found in the articles of scientific journals. By studying the sources, you can identify and formulate a new aspect of the scientific issue under study. Despite the fact that the dissertation topic is approved long before the defense, the master’s student has the right to narrow, concretize, or update the dissertation topic.

Plan for writing a master’s thesis

Any scientific work begins with drawing up a clear plan. The same applies to a dissertation. The dissertation plan is approved by the curator after a joint discussion with the student. This stage includes the development of the main idea, which will reflect the essence of the master’s thesis and is its short version.

Here the title is chosen, the content, division into chapters, and research direction are determined. During the process, the plan may change due to various circumstances. In the final form, the master’s plan is a schedule agreed with the scientific advisor for writing all sections with specific delivery dates. Acting according to the planned plan, you will not face possible problems when writing a master’s thesis and other defenses.

How to Structure a Master’s Thesis

The rules for formatting the text of a master’s thesis are reflected in several regulations of your university. You can also search the guidelines or guidelines issued by each department in your higher education institution. As for the structure, it should include the following mandatory elements:

  1. Title page.
  2. Content.
  3. Introduction.
  4. Main part.
  5. Conclusion.
  6. List of sources and literature.
  7. Applications.

How to End a Master’s Thesis

To competently and correctly complete this student’s work, you need to think carefully about the conclusion. Also, check that the text is logical. All theses and facts are presented by the student sequentially, and the conclusions must be substantiated. The work of a master’s student must be unique: no more than 15% of the borrowed material in the text is allowed. Each work is checked in the anti-plagiarism system, the results of the check are recorded and transmitted to your teacher by you.

Master’s Thesis Introduction

Some students do not fully understand or know what should be in introducing a master’s thesis. When evaluating a master’s study, much attention is paid to the content of the introduction and conclusion. Despite the fact that the volume of the introduction should not exceed 10% of the entire text of the dissertation, it is here that the essential information about the work of a master’s student should be concentrated.

In the introduction, it is necessary to substantiate the significance of the master’s work for a specific industry to prove its relevance and value. After that, you need to prescribe the study’s goal, formulate its tasks and explain by what means the author plans to achieve the goal. Be sure to indicate the object and subject of research.

A literature review is necessary to highlight the existing scientific concepts and put forward your hypothesis or methodology for solving a scientific problem. In addition, in the introduction, the student indicates the theoretical and practical significance and the provisions submitted for defense.

Master’s Thesis Conclusion

Writing a conclusion is usually straightforward for students. In working on the introduction and the central part of the dissertation, the researcher already has an excellent command of the material and easily formulates the results of the work.

The text of the conclusion can be based on the conclusions to the chapters, and the author can use the conclusions of the theoretical and practical part of his work. It is desirable to display the conclusions of the practical part of scientific work visually. This will help you quickly assess the quality of the experiment.

In conclusion, the student must indicate whether he achieved the set goal and solved the stated tasks. Many masters decide to continue their studies in graduate school, so it is possible to outline plans and recommendations for further research in the results. If the undergraduate work contained any experiment, then its results should also be briefly reflected in the conclusion. The volume of the conclusion typically varies from 2 to 6 pages of text.

11 Tips on How to Write a Thesis Paper for a Master’s Degree

  1. Carefully and responsibly choose the topic of future work. The department can provide master students with a list of questions to disclose in the final thesis. However, the author has the right to decide on the topic of the master’s thesis independently if he can substantiate its relevance.
  2. You can also select a topic that you used in your past student work and do more analytical severe work within the framework of a familiar question.
  3. Study your thesis topic thoroughly. Pay attention to all the details of the topic.
  4. Check out the current literature, facts that relate to your chosen field. Your main task is to develop your point of view after studying the opinions of reputable scientists.
  5. Start collecting information in reverse chronological order from newer publications to older ones.
  6. Also, at this stage, it is worth starting to lay the foundation for the bibliography and take notes indicating the author of the work, the title, and the page number on which the necessary information is located. Further, some sources will need to be referenced in the text.
  7. Observe all requirements for a master’s thesis. Do not think that if you have not followed some rules, the teacher will not notice it.
  8. A master’s thesis is drawn up in the same way as any other final qualifying work. You can request these requirements at the department.
  9. You will also need to prepare information slides for future presentations and printed handouts. Choose only quality material that can be easily displayed in your master’s thesis.
  10. If you find it difficult to cope with a large flow of information or are afraid to make mistakes, consult with teachers or scientists.
  11. Don’t forget about the deadline. Manage your time properly with time management.


A student must systematically work on a master’s thesis text, consistently completing the assigned tasks. Then, you will have valuable scientific work in your hands by the time of defense, which will only have to be properly formalized. But not all students manage to do this due to some reasons and circumstances. It can be a lack of time, opportunity, and so on.

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George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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