How to Write a Persuasive Essay

Updated: May 29, 2023

Shaping minds isn’t an easy feat. After all, we humans are innately stubborn, often resistant to adopt viewpoints that clash with our own initial beliefs. The secret, though, lies in the power of persuasion. Educators, in an effort to sharpen this skill amongst their students, typically assign persuasive essays.

To build a persuasive argument, you must amass solid facts and logical reasoning, all while maintaining respect for dissenting viewpoints.

Therefore, the art of persuasive essay writing is intricate, and this guide will aim to demystify its elements. Gain essential insights on persuasive essays from leading academic writers online.

What is a Persuasive Essay?

Understanding the purpose of your essay is a fundamental first step. Without this comprehension, it’s challenging to score well or achieve the intended impact. A persuasive essay, a common academic task, intends to present the author’s stance on a particular issue and convince the reader of its veracity.

Unlike argumentative writing, where it’s sufficient to state your position, persuasive writing necessitates the winning over of the reader.

This convincing power, grounded in solid argumentation from credible sources, is precisely what educators are looking for.

Creating a Splash: a Persuasive Essay Introduction

There are numerous ways to embark on essay writing. Given the need for a persuasive essay to grip the reader right from the onset, we suggest opening with a captivating hook, rather than a blunt introduction of the topic. Several kinds of hooks are available. Choose judiciously based on the tone and style of your essay. Hooks could be:

  • Factual details
  • Statistical data
  • Humorous or intriguing anecdotes
  • Metaphors, allegories, similes, etc.
  • Quotation from a renowned personality
  • Literary quote
  • Rhetorical question

These are prevalent methods to begin academic papers. However, refrain from using inappropriate humor when dealing with sensitive subjects like abortion or gender discrimination. Respect for your audience should always be upheld.

Composing a Compelling Persuasive Essay: Choosing the Right Topic

The key to an exceptional essay lies in selecting the right topic. It must be relevant, contemporary, and related to your field of study. Opt for topics that have been the subject of recent debates, rather than archaic issues for which solutions already exist.

Regardless of whether you have a specific topic in mind, the journey begins with research. Scour the internet to accumulate a diverse range of inspiring ideas. TV and news channels can also provide stimulating points for discussion.

Note all these ideas for later evaluation with friends or family members. This technique, known as brainstorming, can prove invaluable.

After filling your page with potential ideas, sift through them and retain only the top five. Ascertain your interest in these topics and check whether you possess sufficient supporting evidence and information for each. Identify the keywords and key phrases that will feature in your title and essay body. Before plunging into a particular topic, seek validation from your teacher.

Expert Tips for Writing a Persuasive Essay

Below, you will find a systematic guide to crafting an excellent persuasive essay. We’ve also included handy tips to bolster your success. Once complete, don’t forget to review your work: self-editing or seeking the assistance of professional online editors is crucial.

Formulating a Persuasive Essay: The Basic Template

Most academic essays adhere to a standard structural template: introduction, body, and conclusion. While the introduction and conclusion typically consist of a single paragraph, the body can encompass 3-5 or more paragraphs, depending on the word limit and complexity of the topic.

Additional Elements and Format in Persuasive Essay Structure

Typically, students must develop a reference page as part of their persuasive assignment. Depending on the citation style, a title page may be necessary. In MLA format, you only need to include your full name, course name, institution’s name, and the date before the title of your work. However, in APA and most other citation formats, a separate title or cover page with additional details is required.

To stay on track and adhere to the structure, creating an outline is recommended. Without it, students may encounter writer’s block and lose focus during the writing process.

Persuasive Essay Outline Example

Having established the necessity of an outline for the creation of a compelling essay, let’s share a specific example to clarify its importance.

  • Introduction (captivating hook, elaboration of both sides of the argument, robust thesis statement)
  • Body comprising three paragraphs (each paragraph should follow this structure: topic sentence, evidence backed by reliable and current sources, explanation of the evidence’s relevance to the argument, conclusion to solidify the topic sentence/argument)
  • Conclusion (restated thesis statement, summary of arguments, conclusive statement, and possible future implications or solutions)
  • Bibliography (or Works Cited or References page based on chosen format)

Crafting a Persuasive Essay Introduction

Once you’ve settled on the hook sentence, proceed to provide background information. Introduce the topic and explain its origins. Clarify why this particular topic warrants attention. Engage and retain the reader’s interest by formulating a robust thesis statement — the central argument of your entire essay, which you must defend and validate for your readers.

The Body of a Persuasive Essay

In this section, the writer substantiates their viewpoint with solid facts and credible evidence. Be prepared to anticipate opposing opinions and provide counter-arguments. Regardless of how confident you are about your stance, strive to sound unbiased. The elements of a robust essay body include:

  • Facts
  • Quotes
  • Statistics

These elements can be gleaned from primary and secondary sources like books, scholarly articles, newspapers, journals, websites, interviews, polls, etc.

Rounding off with a Strong Persuasive Essay Conclusion

The ultimate goal of any essay conclusion is to leave a lasting impression on the reader. After paraphrasing your thesis statement and summarizing the main points of your body paragraphs, provide a meaningful personal commentary. Also, remind the reader why the question was important to study in-depth or why it was crucial in solving a particular problem. Highlight how your work can contribute to further research on the issue.

How to End a Persuasive Essay to Make an Impact

Before we wrap up these persuasive essay guidelines, we would like to offer some advice on concluding your essay so that readers remain impressed and motivated to explore the issue further. Consider reemploying a hook. This time, ending with a rhetorical question might be effective, like, “Want to secure a prosperous future for your children? So, why not begin taking care of the environment today?” Remember, never introduce new information in the conclusion!

In essence, that’s all you need to know about persuasive essays. For additional details and help from top-rated essay writers, consider turning to professional persuasive essay writing services online.

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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