How to Write an Analysis Paper

Updated: June 13, 2023

College tutors usually give students writing assignments to test their comprehension levels and performance in different course programs. An analysis paper is among the many academic assignments that you might encounter as a student. It is a type of research work that involves a thorough investigation of a particular subject to achieve a comprehensive outcome.

Analysis papers cover a wide range of ideas, ranging from movies, books, research papers, or specific events. Moreover, you can analyze various subjects such as philosophy, history, art, literature, among other disciplines. Your tutor can decide on a suitable topic, or you can choose one, depending on the essay’s parameters.

Tackling analytical papers enhances your research and writing skills, and you can sail through your academics with ease. Apart from attaining impressive grades, the skills might also help you solve practical scenarios in your future career and personal life. You will become a critical thinker and analyze each problem objectively to achieve a tenable solution.

We provide extensive analysis paper guidelines to help you compose well-researched papers that will earn you top scores in your academics.

What Is an Analysis Paper?

It is essential to understand what an analysis paper is to get the drift of the tutor’s expectations. An analysis essay is an academic assignment that requires an in-depth investigation of a specific subject. You must study each angle and bring out unique viewpoints by supporting your arguments with appropriate evidence. For instance, a book analysis will consist of the author’s primary goals, language style and significant themes depicted.

It is imperative to understand the research purpose and the subject matter to deliver a detailed analysis. You must incorporate critical thinking in such a paper and view the issue from different perspectives. Moreover, each significant point you get should have detailed explanations that agree or disagree with the thesis.

Analytical papers comprise comprehensive descriptions and supporting statements from reliable research sources. The thesis should have flow logically for the readers to understand your analysis from the thesis statement to the conclusion.

How to Start an Analysis Paper

When you get an analysis assignment, where do you start? Most learners panic, thinking that it is a complicated assignment with long research hours and endless days of writing. But if you understand what the task entails and how to approach it, you will not get overwhelmed.

Introducing your essay is crucial since it impacts the readers immediately and sets the tone for the entire paper. Therefore, it is wise to start with captivating sentences to hook the audience and keep them glued and awe-struck with what you want to discuss. You can start with an astonishing statement, a provocative question, or a striking statistic that will not go unnoticed by readers.

Include a piece of clear yet brief background information about the topic in question to give the audience a sneak peek of your research paper. The introduction should also capture the thesis statement that reveals the primary purpose of the analytical document. It allows the audience to understand your approach in terms of your perspective and limitations.

If you feel stuck, you can contact our competent essay writers for professional assistance and submit an exceptional paper to your tutor.

How to Structure an Analysis Paper

Having a proper structure in place is vital to guide you when writing your analytical paper. Like standard research papers, the analytical paper also has an introduction, main body, and a conclusion that makes up the required structure.

Usually, you need to write captivating introductory sentences with a strong thesis statement in an analysis paper. You can achieve this by carefully picking a debatable topic and evaluating it critically to reveal critical ideas that will develop a powerful statement.

With such an assignment, in-depth research is a critical factor determining the paper’s effectiveness. Therefore, make sure you search relevant academic resources to support your arguments and defend the counter-claims.

The main body comprises several paragraphs, depending on the essay’s length parameters. Here, you have to argue your points and include factual data as supporting evidence in each paragraph. Make sure the paragraphs flow logically so that readers can follow your explanation with ease.

How to End an Analysis Paper

Another critical aspect lies in how you conclude the analytical paper. Since it the last thing your readers will remember, make it memorable with a strong paragraph. Apart from summarizing the significant points mentioned in the main body, it would be best to reveal the significance of the study.

It is imperative to note that the concluding statement should not have personal opinions or comments. Analytical essays are purely factual and must only have a recap of relevant points without additional information.

It is also essential to understand the different formatting styles required in the academic paper. If you are not sure, research how to write an analysis paper APA style and format your paper accordingly.

Analysis Paper Outline with Sample

Most learners ignore the outline creation phase and underestimate its importance in a research assignment. While they perceive it as time-consuming, it simplifies the entire writing process. Creating an outline is vital in proper thought articulation and organizing your work to have a logical flow.

Below is an overview of how your outline should look.


Topic:  Analyze The Danger Of Mobile Phones

  1. Introduction

Hook sentence, research objective, thesis statement

Over 3.8 billion people in the world use smartphones as mobile technology continues to multiply. Communication is an essential aspect, and cell phones play a massive role in enabling swift human interaction. However, a rising global concern shows that continuous usage results in dangerous effects. This analysis aims to debunk whether mobile phones pose a significant danger to human beings. In my view, cell phones are hazardous since they cause social disconnection; moreover, they enhance laziness and ultimately result in health-related issues.

  1. Main Body

Paragraph 1: Topic sentence, argument, supporting evidence, analysis

Today, most people rely on smartphones to accomplish even small errands like paying utility bills. Despite the positive achievements, cell phones cause people to disconnect socially as they become addicted to interacting online. With the rise of social media sites, most individuals prefer to connect and socialize with friends virtually. According to Statista, more than 3.6 billion people use social media sites every day. Apart from causing a social disconnect, it results in technology addiction since you can access your phone and any site whenever you want without any limitations. As a result, many users become dependent and lazy to perform simple tasks without their smartphone.

Paragraph 2:

Due to the convenience that mobile technology provides, more people are becoming lazy and slow thinkers. Individuals cannot find solutions without turning to the Google search engine. Having a cell phone allows users easy access to practically any website, which causes people to overindulge and waste time rather than being productive. Research reveals an adult spends an average of 3 hours daily on their cell phone. Therefore, more people are becoming lazy and unproductive because of mobile phones.


Ultimately, long-term use of mobile phones results in numerous health problems. Cell phones emit radiation, which could cause migraines and eventually brain tumors. In addition, social media addiction also results in depression and anxiety disorders. According to reliable health sources, young adults report depressive episodes due to social media usage.

  1. Conclusion

Recap main point, rewrite thesis statement,

In conclusion, mobile phones are a necessary evil in today’s society. With both positive and negative effects, people need to be aware and balance the usage. Users must use cell phones in moderation to prevent social disconnection, becoming lazy and various health illnesses. Thus, mobile phones pose a danger to humans when not used cautiously.

Analysis Paper Introduction: TOP-5 Opening Lines

Introductions are always challenging for most students who have essay writing assignments. Starting analytical papers should not worry you if you understand the approach you need to use. Hooking the audience is the first step you need to consider when writing the introductory sentences.

But how do you capture the readers? One way is to ask a provocative rhetorical question that stimulates their curiosity to continue reading the paper. Or you can start with a striking statement that relates to your topic. Not forgetting a concrete thesis statement to provide direction for the audience into what the analysis entails.

You can start your essay with the following opening lines:

  • A rhetorical question.
  • An interesting anecdote.
  • A striking statistic.
  • A humorous joke.
  • An emotional statement or appeal.

Analysis Paper Body: Key Elements

The main body carries the entire weight of an analytical paper. You must develop your arguments structurally and logically, allowing the audience to follow through quickly.

Critical elements in the body paragraphs include topic sentences, transitions, valid supporting evidence, and the primary analysis. Each paragraph must depict the elements clearly to achieve an excellent paper.

Thus, you must start each body paragraph with a topic sentence; proceed to include factual data as evidence, then finish off with a detailed explanation. Between the paragraphs, use transitional words to stitch the flowing arguments.

Analysis Paper Conclusion

As mentioned above, the conclusion reflects the paper’s success and reveals whether you achieved the research objective. It is a summary of your entire paper packaged in a short and clear paragraph. To make your conclusion more convincing, make sure you paraphrase the thesis statement while reviewing the significant parts of your main arguments. If the analysis has any implications or recommendations, capture the results in this conclusive section.

Leave a lasting impression on your readers and make them perceive your analytical paper from a thoughtful perspective.

Analysis Paper Help

Having writing skills is not enough to craft an excellent academic paper. Analytical essays require critical thinkers who can come up with different solutions for a particular research problem. Proper thought expression and organization are essential in attaining highly effective analytical papers.

Use the above guideline and learn from the experts. As long as you pick a debatable and exciting topic, have a proper structure and outline your work, you will be on the road to exceptional composition to your professor. Get help from our vetted essay writers!

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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