100+ Music Essay Topics

Updated: April 3, 2023

One way of creating more exciting and interesting essays in music to start by looking at essay topic ideas. Try gathering a variety of essay topics in music and check how they can be related to today’s culture.

Exploring a variety of essay topics in music will help you with some tips on how you can select a topic and use it to create a fantastic essay. Looking at different topics will trigger an inspiration in your mind, and you can be able to choose a particular topic of interest to you for your essay.

Great List of Music Essay Topics in Line with Today’s Culture Formation

Music is an integral part of culture making and preservation. Below is a list of topics that you can consider writing interesting and exciting music essays;

  1. What Influence Has Music Caused to World’s Cultural Events?
  2. The History of Music Production
  3. Evolution of Music in Different Countries
  4. How Different Music Genres Connect
  5. The Difference Between Contemporary Culture and Popular Music
  6. How Music in Your Own Country Connect with Music in Other Countries
  7. How Social Class Is Connected to Music Genre
  8. How Has Culture Contributed to Music Production?
  9. The Importance of Music Theory as Far as Music Production Is Concerned
  10. How Is Poetry Related to Music?
  11. The Role of Music in Impacting the Society
  12. The Role of Classical Music in The Current Music Production Industry
  13. What Music Does to The Human Brain
  14. The Role of Women in Music Production
  15. The Hardships That Minority Groups Face in Today’s Music Industry
  16. The Trend of Culture That Is Propagated by Music Over the Years
  17. Challenges That Advancements Have Brought to The Music Industry
  18. How Music Creation Affects Peoples’ Way of Thinking
  19. Cultural Characteristics That Are Prevalent in Modern Music
  20. The Connection Between Modern Music and Music in The Past Time Periods.
  21. The Role of Music in Creating Political Propagandas
  22. What Is High Culture and Low Culture According to Current Music?
  23. The Impact of Modern Music to The Society
  24. The Connections Between Music and Other Media Types
  25. The Origin of Different Musical Instruments
  26. Important Processes in The Current Music Production Industry
  27. Why Should a Musical Artist Find Someone Else to Write Music for Them?
  28. Vital Components of Skilled Musicians in Music Production
  29. The Differences Between Music and Poetry in The Way They Influence Society
  30. Is It Important for One to Read Music in Order to Succeed?

Explore A List of Music Essay Topics Before Writing the Music Essay

One way of creating more exciting and interesting essays in music to start by looking at essay topic ideas. Try gathering a variety of essay topics in music and check how they can be related to today’s culture.

Exploring a variety of essay topics in music will help you with some tips on how you can select a topic and use it to create a fantastic essay. Looking at different topics will trigger an inspiration in your mind, and you can be able to choose a particular topic of interest to you for your essay.

Tips On the Writing Process and How to Select the Best Music Essay Topic

Writing a great music paper depends on how you plan and put together your ideas. You can draft your paper by following the procedure below;

  • Conducting thorough research: You need to evaluate a variety of topics to discover one that is of great interest to you as well as the readers. You can then consult relevant information from your school library or the internet about the topic.
  • Planning of the essay content: Do not just get into writing straight away. Ask yourself important questions first. What exactly do you want to include in your introduction, body or the conclusion section of the essay? Clearly indicate this down on paper, and you can use it as a roadmap so you can be able to come up with a nicely organized and interesting essay.
  • Introduction: You can then start to write the introduction of the essay, make sure the first paragraph clearly brings out the topic and why you are discussing it. The introduction paragraph should end with the thesis statement so you can tell the reader what they should be expecting from the essay.
  • Body: The paragraphs of the body should express different aspects of your narrow topic. Each paragraph should discuss and present information regarding a separate aspect of the topic.
  • Conclusion: You can conclude your essay by restating the thesis and summarizing the main points.
  • Proofread the essay: Revise your paper to make sure you eliminate all mistakes. You can do this several times to be safe.

20 Music History Essay Topics

Music history essays explore the evolution of music from different perspectives, such as cultural, social, and technological. They delve into the origins, development, and influences of various musical genres, styles, and artists throughout history. These essays provide insights into how music has shaped and been shaped by society and culture, as well as how it has reflected and responded to technological advancements.

Here are 20 potential music history essay topics:

  1. The origins and evolution of jazz music in the United States.
  2. The impact of the Beatles on popular music in the 1960s.
  3. The influence of African rhythms on Latin American music.
  4. The role of women in classical music throughout history.
  5. The cultural significance of the blues in the United States.
  6. The development of opera in Italy during the Baroque period.
  7. The influence of the Renaissance on Western art music.
  8. The evolution of electronic music from the 20th century to present day.
  9. The political and social significance of protest music in the United States.
  10. The emergence and influence of hip-hop music in the 1980s.
  11. The cultural impact of reggae music in Jamaica and beyond.
  12. The role of music in religious rituals throughout history.
  13. The development and impact of country music in the United States.
  14. The evolution of music technology from the phonograph to streaming.
  15. The cultural significance of traditional music in various regions of the world.
  16. The influence of musical theater on American popular culture.
  17. The impact of globalization on world music.
  18. The development and influence of rock and roll music in the United States.
  19. The evolution of classical music in Europe from the Medieval period to present day.
  20. The role of music in shaping and reflecting political movements throughout history.

20 Argumentative Essay Topics About Music

An argumentative essay about music presents a debatable topic related to music, and provides evidence and reasoning to support a particular point of view. These essays encourage critical thinking, analysis, and evaluation of various musical genres, styles, and practices, as well as their social, cultural, and political implications.

Here are 20 potential argumentative essay topics about music:

  1. Should music with explicit lyrics be censored or restricted for certain audiences?
  2. Is music education essential for children’s overall development?
  3. Does music have therapeutic benefits for mental health?
  4. Is streaming technology harming or helping the music industry?
  5. Should musicians use their platforms to address political and social issues?
  6. Is the music industry exploiting and underpaying artists?
  7. Does music promote or hinder gender and racial equality?
  8. Should music festivals be required to meet certain safety and sustainability standards?
  9. Does autotune technology compromise the authenticity of music?
  10. Should classical music be more accessible and inclusive to diverse audiences?
  11. Is live music more authentic and valuable than recorded music?
  12. Should music be used as a tool for cultural preservation and promotion?
  13. Is copyright law protecting or limiting musical creativity?
  14. Should music be considered a form of free speech and expression?
  15. Is music a reflection of, or a catalyst for, social and cultural change?
  16. Should music competitions and awards be based solely on technical proficiency or also on creativity and originality?
  17. Is there a moral obligation for musicians to use their influence for social and political change?
  18. Should parents have control over the music their children listen to?
  19. Is music journalism an essential part of the music industry or an outdated practice?
  20. Should public funding be allocated to support and promote local music scenes and artists?

20 Persuasive Essay Topics About Music

A persuasive essay about music aims to convince the reader to adopt a particular viewpoint or take a certain action related to music. These essays use strong arguments, examples, and evidence to persuade the reader to support the author’s perspective or proposal.

Here are 20 potential persuasive essay topics about music:

  1. Why everyone should learn to play a musical instrument.
  2. Why music therapy should be more widely available in healthcare settings.
  3. Why live music is an essential part of a vibrant and connected community.
  4. Why music should be considered an essential subject in schools.
  5. Why classical music should be more accessible and inclusive to diverse audiences.
  6. Why we should support and promote local music scenes and artists.
  7. Why music festivals should prioritize environmental sustainability and responsibility.
  8. Why music education can help bridge cultural divides and promote understanding.
  9. Why music is an effective tool for reducing stress and promoting mental health.
  10. Why we should support and protect the rights of independent musicians and artists.
  11. Why music is a valuable and worthwhile career choice.
  12. Why music censorship is an infringement of free speech and expression.
  13. Why we should prioritize diversity and representation in music.
  14. Why music technology should be used to enhance, not replace, traditional musical practices.
  15. Why we should support and celebrate the contributions of women in music.
  16. Why music can play a vital role in the fight against inequality and injustice.
  17. Why music education can improve academic performance and cognitive development.
  18. Why we should prioritize supporting and protecting endangered musical traditions.
  19. Why music is a universal language that transcends cultural and linguistic barriers.
  20. Why we should prioritize supporting and promoting music programs for incarcerated individuals.

10 Interesting Music Essay Questions to Help Out

Here are questions you can explore to write a fantastic essay on music:

  1. How is music present in nature?
  2. How are music and emotions connected?
  3. What is the role of music in the development of civilizations?
  4. How does music convey messages without requiring words?
  5. What are the reasons that justify the fact that music makes people feel good?
  6. How do different people use music to entertain and boost their spirits?
  7. How does music stir emotions or create physiological reactions?
  8. How is music connected to spirituality?
  9. How is music used in conveying a message and a deeper meaning in silent movies?
  10. How does music benefit people who suffer from mood swings and bipolar disorder?

30 World Music Essay Topics You’d Love to Work on

A world music essay explores the diverse and varied musical traditions of different cultures and regions around the globe. These essays delve into the history, cultural significance, and social contexts of various musical styles and practices, providing insights into the complex relationships between music, society, and culture.

  1. How has American music influenced music globally?
  2. How do culture and music mix?
  3. Effects of music on the brain.
  4. Should music be censored?
  5. Analyze women in the music industry.
  6. How has technology changed the music industry?
  7. Analyze musical instruments.
  8. How has music shaped generations?
  9. Does the music create a better mood?
  10. How can music affect emotions?
  11. The cultural significance of traditional African music.
  12. The evolution and diversity of Indian classical music.
  13. The fusion of Western and Arabic music in contemporary Middle Eastern music.
  14. The role of music in Indigenous cultures and communities.
  15. The cultural and political implications of Brazilian samba music.
  16. The influence of Chinese music on East Asian musical traditions.
  17. The cultural significance of South American Andean music.
  18. The evolution and influence of Celtic music in Ireland and Scotland.
  19. The role of music in West African griot traditions.
  20. The impact of Spanish colonialism on Latin American music.
  21. The fusion of traditional and modern elements in Japanese popular music.
  22. The cultural and religious significance of Indonesian gamelan music.
  23. The evolution and influence of Jamaican reggae music.
  24. The role of music in African American spiritual and religious traditions.
  25. The fusion of European and Romani musical traditions in Gypsy music.
  26. The cultural and historical significance of Balkan music.
  27. The role of music in Native American healing and spirituality.
  28. The influence of African and European musical traditions in Cuban music.
  29. The cultural significance of traditional Australian Aboriginal music.
  30. The evolution and influence of Caribbean calypso music.

A Better Way ‘to Understand Music Essay Ideas

When you come across a music idea or question, you need to;

  • Underline keywords of the question.
  • carefully break the question down into various parts.
  • Then capture every part of the question.
  • Ask yourself questions that seek your opinion regarding the essay prompt. For instance; why do we need music? Should traditional music be preserved?
  • You can then write your paper after understanding the idea.

Still confused about which topic or where you can start writing your music essay? Don’t worry, you can hire our professional essay writers today! Visit our website and fill out the order form now!

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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