100 Best Psychology Dissertation Topics

Updated: June 13, 2023

Are you struggling to come up with an idea for your psychology dissertation? Look no further! We’ve compiled a list of over 70 of the best psychology dissertation topics to help get your creative juices flowing. But first, let’s talk about how to choose a dissertation topic.

Choosing a dissertation topic can be a daunting task, especially in the field of psychology, where there are so many interesting areas to explore.

It’s important to select a topic that you are passionate about, but also one that is relevant to the field and can contribute to existing research. In this article, we’ll provide tips on how to pick a psychology dissertation topic that meets these criteria.

Our list of psychology dissertation topics covers a range of areas, from social psychology to clinical psychology, and from developmental psychology to cognitive psychology. Whether you’re interested in studying the effects of social media on mental health, or exploring the relationship between childhood trauma and adult mental health, we’ve got you covered. So, let’s dive in and find the perfect topic for your psychology dissertation!

How to Select the Best Psychology Dissertation Topic?

If you are in the first year of university, the initial advice is to stop worrying every minute of your life about future dissertation topics about psychology. Invest this energy in meeting new people, getting acquainted with extra activities, or reading this article at very last. Experiencing many elements and areas of your course and subject will definitely provide you with some topics to cover.

You should start with investigating top trends in psychology to understand what will be both interesting and actual to discuss with your professor and other students. In 2021, we highlight the following trends:

  • Psychology’s growing role in law enforcement.
  • A new push to reach underserved communities.
  • Important lessons from distance learning.
  • The national mental health crisis.
  • The growing field of psychology.
  • Mental health apps are gaining traction.
  • Psychology research is front and center.
  • The continued fight against racism.
  • The increasing impact of social media.
  • Healing the political divide.

If you are in the process of writing a dissertation topic proposal, start with reflecting on your course’s branches that you have really enjoyed visiting and are curious to research further. The dissertation requires a lot of your time, effort, and patience, so you should not hate it finally. Vague ideas will appear, but your task is to choose the best one relevant in the present time:

  • Check the requirements.
  • Keep the research field broad.
  • Run to your books.
  • Find your niche.
  • Consider research type.
  • Reflect on topic relevance.
  • Be sure you can do it.
  • Finalize your title.

Work out whether the possible topic and associated questions you have in mind are feasible. There are two main ways you go about doing this. One is entirely your job, mostly about reading the secondary scholarship and primary resources. The second way is to ask for a tutor, supervisor, or course lecturer help or overview dissertation topics about psychology we have collected below and get inspired.

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List of Psychology Dissertation Topics: Top 15 Ideas

There are ideas for students of psychology course studying in colleges and universities:

  1. Psychologist, psychotherapist, psychiatrist: striking the right differences.
  2. Influence of happiness and aggression in parenting styles on the mental health of youth.
  3. Role of advancement in schizophrenia more profound investigation.
  4. Relationship between delinquent behavior of adolescents and their personality traits.
  5. Psychology organizations taking care of all.
  6. Sense of coherence and COVID: a longitudinal study.
  7. Mental health: a problem to be spoken about.
  8. Self-awareness and decision theories in modern realities.
  9. Human-machine interactions in human factors psychology.
  10. Are self-help techniques used in cognitive behavioral therapy useful for kids under 13?
  11. Is attachment theory the right explanation of the child’s view of ‘self’?
  12. Yoga and meditation to treat obsessive-compulsive disorder: is it safe?
  13. Do food-related conflicts in childhood impact eating habits in adolescence?
  14. Relevance of psychoanalytical theory use in the modern world.
  15. Can music prevent criminal behavior in public places?

15 Social Psychology Dissertation Topics

Here are engaging dissertation topics about psychology you can use verbatim or just inspire:

  1. Customer’s psychology & its role in digital marketing.
  2. Social media affects the mentality of modern youth.
  3. Role of airlines to overcome a flying phobia of passengers: challenges and practices.
  4. Mental health and safety of employees: every employer’s duty.
  5. Protect children’s rights for full and violence-free families.
  6. Public mental health is a major concern in third-world counties.
  7. Mediating role of coping strategies and moderating role of gender.
  8. Nomophobia is an emerging fear: an experimental exploration among university students.
  9. Remote work: challenges and practices.
  10. How to predict the ‘burnout’ of executives?
  11. How do the looks of an office impact the motivation level and productivity level of employees?
  12. Does the color of packaging impact shoppers’ buying decisions?
  13. How is the social attitude towards mental illnesses changing?
  14. How does social stigma impact one’s coping strategies?
  15. Is self-harm in teenagers linked to their use of social networking websites?

10 Dissertation Topics in Counseling Psychology

Feel free to check out the best dissertation topics in counseling from this list:

  1. Therapy keeps your personalities together.
  2. What is projective testing?
  3. Achievement in psychology counseling influencing the global era.
  4. Factors to counseling psychology development and self-promotion.
  5. Changes that can be reviewed in adolescent therapy as counseling psychology goes global.
  6. Conventions to prevent physical and psychological abuse.
  7. Eliminate religious and gender-based discrimination among both clients and therapists.
  8. Personal therapy is the best way to ‘place in yourself’ multiple clients.
  9. Which theoretical models advocate the role of the ‘unconscious’ in life coaching?
  10. Do current mental health professionals still follow Freud’s self-analysis?

10 Forensic Psychology Dissertation Topics

Unobvious dissertation topics for college and university students:

  1. Challenges faced in ethnic distinctions in psychopathy.
  2. Meaning of forensic psychology: its impact on how psychological expertise happens.
  3. Invasion of personal boundaries and privacy: is there something called privacy?
  4. Police officers and personality features.
  5. Exploring law enforcement and racial prejudice in the killings of the black male.
  6.  Capital mitigation explained: rationale, evidence, and exclusions.
  7. Investigating the causal relationship of childhood traumatic experience and antisocial behavior.
  8. Social media impact on substance use and adolescent aggression.
  9. Ethical challenges in judicial psychological expertise.
  10. Main tools of forensic psychologists: interviews, Wechsler scales, lie detectors, and more.

10 Easy Psychology Dissertation Topics

Below are topic ideas for those who need simple but interesting research:

  1. What is psychosomatics?
  2. Psychology models and theories have transformed the world.
  3. Mental health leads to better physical health.
  4. What is depression?
  5. What is anxiety?
  6. What is the quality of life in psychology?
  7. Perceived discrimination and psychological distress.
  8. How do men and women differ in their mind composition?
  9. Organizational psychology.
  10.  Examining the role of testing and assessment.

10 Clinical Psychology Dissertation Topics

  1. The effectiveness of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) in treating anxiety disorders among children and adolescents.
  2. Investigating the role of attachment styles in predicting treatment outcomes for individuals with borderline personality disorder.
  3. Examining the impact of mindfulness-based interventions on reducing symptoms of depression in adults.
  4. The role of social support in promoting resilience and recovery among individuals with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
  5. Assessing the efficacy of virtual reality exposure therapy in treating specific phobias.
  6. Investigating the effectiveness of family-based interventions for the treatment of eating disorders in adolescents.
  7. Exploring the impact of trauma-focused cognitive-behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) on reducing symptoms of complex trauma in children.
  8. Assessing the effectiveness of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in enhancing psychological well-being among individuals with chronic pain.
  9. The role of emotion regulation strategies in predicting treatment response for individuals with borderline personality disorder.
  10. Examining the efficacy of cognitive remediation therapy in improving cognitive functioning among individuals with schizophrenia.

10 Health Psychology Dissertation Topics

  1. The role of stress in the development and management of chronic illnesses.
  2. Investigating the impact of social support on health behaviors and outcomes.
  3. Examining the psychological factors influencing adherence to medical treatment regimens.
  4. The role of health beliefs and attitudes in shaping health behaviors and decision-making.
  5. Assessing the effectiveness of behavior change interventions in promoting healthy lifestyles.
  6. Investigating the impact of health literacy on patient-provider communication and healthcare outcomes.
  7. Exploring the psychological factors influencing pain perception and management.
  8. Assessing the role of psychosocial factors in the prevention and management of cardiovascular diseases.
  9. The impact of stigma on mental health and help-seeking behaviors among individuals with chronic illnesses.
  10. Examining the psychological factors influencing health-related quality of life among cancer survivors.

10 Educational Psychology Dissertation Topics

  1. The impact of self-regulated learning strategies on academic achievement in elementary school students.
  2. Investigating the role of motivation in promoting student engagement and academic success.
  3. Examining the effects of teacher-student relationships on student well-being and educational outcomes.
  4. The influence of cultural factors on academic achievement and educational disparities.
  5. Assessing the effectiveness of inclusive education practices in meeting the needs of students with diverse abilities.
  6. Investigating the impact of digital technology use on learning outcomes and cognitive development.
  7. Exploring the role of metacognition in promoting effective study strategies and learning.
  8. Assessing the effects of classroom management strategies on student behavior and academic performance.
  9. The role of parental involvement in supporting student achievement and educational aspirations.
  10. Examining the impact of educational interventions on reducing academic anxiety and enhancing academic performance.

10 Psychology Dissertation Ideas

Looking for interesting topics for your psychology dissertation? Consider the ideas below:

  1. You can take a person out of his family but not a family from him.
  2. “Everyone is a mix of their parents” to what extent?
  3. Relationship between religiosity, emotional stability, and grit.
  4. Relationship of religiosity, personality traits and prosocial behavior among students.
  5. How does hierarchy affect productivity in the workplace?
  6. Do work uniforms help in establishing authority and control?
  7. Decoding international branding with the help of Hofstede’s concept of cultural dimensions.
  8. Are eating disorders genetic in nature?
  9. Children internalization of ‘others’ and the threat of stranger danger.
  10. Are learning difficulties related to one’s phobias, and how?

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George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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