100 Religion Essay Topics

Updated: May 5, 2023

Topics on religion are among the best themes to write a paper on. This subject is related to various disciplines like cultural studies, history, and political science, among others. Moreover, religious subtopics are helpful since they enable students to study their origin, faith, and life. Thus, major themes of Christianity, Buddhism, Islam, and Hinduism are mastered by studying religion.

However, it is still important to consider choosing the preeminent topic on this subject. Topic selection is an important step in any writing process, not only for religious essays. This article includes a collection of 30 topics, 10 questions, and 5 ideas on religious essays.

Unique Tricks on How to Select the Best Religion Essay Topic

Even before skipping directly to the 30 topics, it is important if we consider how an excellent topic can be selected. Choosing the best topic will enable students to find the most comprehensive information for your essay.

The most preferred trick for these types of essays is trying to draft your thesis statement and finding the relevant information from scholarly sources first. This means that you should conduct some preliminary research and see if you can collect useful sources from recommended books, journals or articles. If you can get relevant and credible sources for your paper, then don’t leave out that topic in your selection.

Our Well-researched List of Religion Essay Topics for Learners

Since you have now known the tricks to select your topics, it’s now time to review our list of the 30 best topics about religion. Our topics are as follows:

  1. Purposes of religious movements
  2. The history of Jesus Christ as a true legend
  3. The Origin of Buddhism religion
  4. The foundation of Islamic society
  5. Major themes discussed in the Genesis book
  6. Comparison and contrast of Islam and Christianity
  7. How different religions worship their gods
  8. The different types of gods in most famous religions
  9. Construction pillars of the Islamic religion
  10. Faith definition from different religious perspectives
  11. Character traits of individuals known as saints
  12. Elements copied in all religions
  13. Christmas celebration in Christianity
  14. Analysis of the book of ‘Exodus’ in the Bible
  15. The importance of mosques in the Islamic faith
  16. Importance of religious societies in the community
  17. The relevance of global peace unions
  18. Participation of the church in maintaining international peace
  19. The relevance of religious education in colleges
  20. Prominent characters in the Christian faith
  21. Origin of polygamy in the Islamic faith
  22. Gay marriages from different religious perspectives
  23. The ideology being multiple gods
  24. Different religious practices conducted for more than a century
  25. Religious movements in the Islamic religion
  26. Reincarnation in different religions
  27. Traditions and religious practices of the Israelites
  28. Faith perspective of the pyramids in Egypt
  29. Sacred tales in the Christian religion
  30. Debate on Christianity and Science

20 Religion Argumentative Essay Topics

  1. Is the concept of God necessary for morality and ethical behavior?
  2. Is religious extremism a threat to global peace and security?
  3. Should schools be allowed to teach religious studies as part of the curriculum?
  4. Should religious organizations be exempt from taxes and government regulation?
  5. Is the religious freedom of individuals more important than the rights of the LGBTQ+ community?
  6. Should the government have a say in the religious practices of its citizens?
  7. Is atheism a valid belief system or just a lack of belief in God?
  8. Should public officials be allowed to use their religious beliefs to influence policy decisions?
  9. Is the concept of heaven and hell necessary for the existence of religion?
  10. Should religious institutions be held accountable for cases of sexual abuse and misconduct?
  11. Is it ethical for religious organizations to engage in missionary work in foreign countries?
  12. Is the use of religious symbols and iconography appropriate in public spaces?
  13. Is religious pluralism a viable solution to religious conflicts and tensions?
  14. Should religious rituals be protected under freedom of expression laws?
  15. Is the belief in divine intervention compatible with the scientific method?
  16. Should religious leaders be involved in political affairs?
  17. Is the Bible a reliable source of historical information?
  18. Should the state recognize and support religious holidays?
  19. Is it ethical to force children to adhere to a specific religion?
  20. Is the concept of fate and destiny compatible with the belief in free will?

Science and Religion Essay Topics: Traditional & Innovative

  1. Can one believe in both science and religion?
  2. What is the Bible, and why are its tales still taught?
  3. Discuss radical religions. Should they be allowed?
  4. Should religious parents be able to deny medical care for their children?
  5. Discuss the theme of peace between religions.
  6. Does someone have to be religious to have morals? Why or why not?
  7. How do extremists taint the image of religions?
  8. Should people be able to convert from one religion to another multiple times?
  9. How has religion impacted society?
  10. Should there be an age limit on children attending bible school?
  11. Can science and religion coexist, or are they fundamentally incompatible?
  12. How has the relationship between science and religion evolved over time?
  13. Is it possible to reconcile religious beliefs with scientific facts and discoveries?
  14. How have religious beliefs influenced scientific developments throughout history?
  15. What are the ethical implications of using science to manipulate the natural world, according to various religious perspectives?
  16. Are religious explanations for natural phenomena valid, or are they superseded by scientific explanations?
  17. How has the rise of modern science impacted traditional religious beliefs and practices?
  18. Are there certain scientific discoveries that challenge or contradict religious beliefs, and how do believers respond to them?
  19. Can science provide evidence for or against the existence of God, and how do different religious traditions approach this question?
  20. How do religious beliefs and scientific knowledge inform our understanding of the origins and purpose of life?

Religion and Politics Essay Topics

  1. Should religious leaders be allowed to hold political office?
  2. Is there a place for religion in the public sphere, or should it be strictly relegated to the private domain?
  3. How do religious beliefs influence political attitudes and voting behavior?
  4. Should the government support or fund religious institutions and organizations?
  5. What role should religious beliefs play in shaping public policy decisions?
  6. Is it ethical for politicians to use religious language and rhetoric in their campaigns and speeches?
  7. Should politicians be held accountable for their religious beliefs and affiliations?
  8. Is secularism a threat to religious freedom and expression, or is it necessary for a democratic society?
  9. How do religious minorities navigate the political landscape in countries where their beliefs are not the majority?
  10. Should religious exemptions be allowed for laws and regulations that conflict with religious beliefs?
  11. How do different religious traditions approach issues like human rights, social justice, and economic inequality in the political sphere?
  12. Should religious organizations be involved in providing social services and welfare programs?
  13. How do political leaders balance the needs and interests of their constituents with the demands of their religious beliefs?
  14. Is the separation of church and state an absolute principle, or are there circumstances where religion and politics can overlap?
  15. How does the relationship between religion and politics vary across different cultures and societies?
  16. Is the political influence of religious groups a positive or negative force in society?
  17. How do religious beliefs shape attitudes toward foreign policy and international relations?
  18. Is it possible to have a truly pluralistic political system that accommodates diverse religious beliefs and practices?
  19. Should religious leaders and organizations be subject to the same laws and regulations as other groups in society?
  20. How do political leaders balance the competing demands of religious freedom and the need to uphold laws and regulations that promote public health and safety

10 Easy Religion Essay Questions for Students

Below is a list of ten easy-to-answer questions about religion. You can use scholarly bases to gather essential information about these specific questions.

  1. Are Bible tales true?
  2. What are the common goals in different faiths?
  3. Is it correct to change religions?
  4. Is it correct to conduct violent demonstrations due to religion?
  5. Has peace been attained by having multiple religious’ societies?
  6. What the major lesson about faith drawn from the Bible?
  7. Who is Jesus Christ in Christian theology?
  8. What is the origin of the Islamic religion?
  9. How do preachers embrace religions in modern society?
  10. Is Judaism dissimilar compared to other religions?

Awesome Religion Essay Ideas to Use

You can easily generate good topics about religion if you’ve mastered certain key thoughts. These awesome concepts are:

  • Evolution of theological studies. Evaluate how the study of religion has changed over the past few decades.
  • Creation theories and evolution from the perspective of the Christian religion. Discuss the three accounts of creations portrayed from the Genesis book.
  • The start of negotiations and arguments between various religious leaders. Evaluate how different churches started and how religious leaders have influenced the foundation of different faiths.
  • Origin, development, and importance of religious gatherings. For instance, you can discuss the influence of crusades and major movements led by religious leaders in history.
  • Different religions around the globe and how they were started. Evaluate how the Christian, Islam etc. faiths started.

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George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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