100+ Best Zoology Dissertation Topics

Updated: June 13, 2023

Biology and Zoology study life on Earth. Within the framework of this discipline, invertebrates and vertebrates are studied, their morphology, the foundations of physiology, lifestyle, geographical distribution, origin, classification, role in the biosphere and in human life, methods of intravital observation, description, cultivation, taxonomic research, and collecting.

Therefore, dissertations in zoology are essential for students of different specialties, regardless of the degree of accreditation of the educational institution. While writing this work, reading it, and memorizing it, the student learns to highlight the primary information in the field of zoology, present this information concisely, and study a specific topic in depth. The topics of dissertations are chosen by teachers or the students themselves as they wish.

An in-depth study of the subjects of the discipline of zoology requires a lot of time and diligence. In biology and zoology, a large number of topics and questions can be studied. We have selected the most interesting topics for you, which contain theoretical and practical questions to consider. We will tell you how to choose the best theme below in this article!

Tips on How to Select the Best Zoology Dissertation Topic

Choosing a topic for a zoological dissertation is always one of the most challenging stages for a student since the topic must meet different criteria. It can be relevance, the accuracy of the information, lack of abstractness of information, availability of newness, and elaboration. If you have found an interesting topic for your dissertation, check it for all of the above.

To get the best results, we advise you to reformulate the topic.

This way you can narrow the problem area to reduce the complexity of future work and save time. Let’s give an example. It is much easier to write a good dissertation on the topic of zoology, containing in its title a specific object or problem, than to prepare a brilliant student work that touches upon unsolvable fundamental problems of science. Don’t make it difficult for yourself to write your dissertation.

Also, if you cannot choose a theme on your own, you can contact our service specialists for help. A specialist will help you choose the best topic or suggest a topic that will be useful, relevant, and in demand for you during your studies at the university.

List of Zoology Dissertation Topics

  1. Aristotle and his ideas about animals. Animal classification (Aristotle, Linnaeus, Lamarck, Cuvier).
  2. Reconstruction of the phylogeny of invertebrates. Modern approaches.
  3. The modern concept of a subkingdom. Protists with medical significance.
  4. The origin of multicellular organisms and the discovery of trichoplax. Its significance for understanding the evolution of multicellular organisms.
  5. Invertebrate body symmetry.
  6. Life forms of ctenophores.
  7. Formation of organs and organ systems in non-intestinal turbellaria.
  8. Trematoses and cestodoses in humans.
  9. Non-helminths-geohelminths and non-helminths-biohelminths. Development cycles.
  10. Cephalopod worms.
  11. Reproduction and development of polychaetes.
  12. The value of oligochaetes in increasing soil fertility.
  13. The medicinal value of leeches.
  14. Torsion process in gastropods.
  15. Adaptation of lamellar gill mollusks to the passive lifestyle of biofilters.
  16. Cephalopods are primates of the sea.
  17. Proto-arthropods. Diversity, essential for understanding the evolution of arthropods.
  18. Arthropod emergence on land.
  19. A variety of crustaceans. Parasitic crustaceans.
  20. The evolution of the mouthparts of insects.

30 Good Zoology Dissertation Topics

  1. Parasitic sarcode organisms and parasitic flagellates. Are they causative agents of human and animal diseases?
  2. Types of flagellates with a plant type of exchange and types of flagellates with an animal type of exchange.
  3. Sporozoans as causative agents of protozoal diseases in humans and animals.
  4. Variety of Infusoria type.
  5. Environmental radiation of protozoa.
  6. Theories of the origin of multicellular organisms.
  7. Systematic variety of the type Creeping.
  8. General characteristics of the comb type.
  9. Ecological diversity of the Flatworm type.
  10. Ecto and endoparasitism in multicellular animals as the development of specific new microbiotopes. Types of parasitism.
  11. Nematodes, the most important causative agents of human and domestic animal diseases.
  12. Morpho-ecological features of rotifers.
  13. The assimilation of various habitats is a result of the adaptive radiation of mollusks. Ecological radiation of mollusks in nutritional processes.
  14. General characteristics of the classes Polyplacophora and Monoplacophora.
  15. Features of the organization of cephalopods.
  16. Diversity and ecological characteristics of annelids. Adaptive radiation and type macrosystem.
  17. The system of interrelated adaptations of arthropods to the terrestrial lifestyle.
  18. Primitive features of the trilobite organization.
  19. General characteristics of the class Xiphosura (Horseshoe crabs).
  20. The practical value of arachnids: poisonous arachnids, parasites, and carriers of pathogens of human and domestic animals.
  21. The impact of microplastic pollution on marine organisms: A comprehensive study of ingestion, accumulation, and physiological effects.
  22. Investigating the role of animal behavior in the transmission and spread of zoonotic diseases.
  23. Exploring the effects of climate change on the phenology and distribution of insect pollinators.
  24. Assessing the ecological consequences of invasive species on native plant communities.
  25. Investigating the genetic basis of animal migration and its implications for population dynamics.
  26. Examining the effects of habitat fragmentation on the reproductive success of small mammal species.
  27. The role of animal cognition in social learning and cultural transmission.
  28. Investigating the ecological significance of microbial communities in animal guts and their impact on host health.
  29. Exploring the mechanisms of animal camouflage and its adaptive significance in different habitats.
  30. Assessing the effects of noise pollution on the behavior and physiology of terrestrial vertebrates.
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30 Interesting Dissertation Topics

  1. Flight of insects. The medical importance of insects.
  2. Insects are agricultural pests.
  3. Biological methods of plant protection.
  4. Variety of arachnids.
  5. The medical significance of ticks.
  6. Variety of needle-skinned animals.
  7. Pogonophora and Vestimentifera.
  8. Bryozoans and their meaning.
  9. The brachiopods as guiding fossils.
  10. Phylogeny of invertebrates.
  11. Comparative anatomical review of the vertebrate musculoskeletal system.
  12. Comparative anatomical review of the circulatory system of vertebrates.
  13. Comparative anatomical review of the genitourinary system of vertebrates.
  14. Comparative anatomical review of the vertebrate nervous system.
  15. Life on the Earth. Species and speciation in zoology. Animal classification.
  16. Anthropogenesis: definition, zoological concepts.
  17. The theory of evolution: problems associated with evolution.
  18. Protists: concept, medical significance.
  19. Reproduction, development, and life cycles of crustaceans. Adaptation to parasitism in crustaceans.
  20. General characteristics of the superclass Myriapoda.
  21. The ethical implications of gene editing technologies: Examining the ethical frameworks surrounding the use of CRISPR-Cas9 in human embryos.
  22. Exploring the relationship between social media usage and mental health outcomes among adolescents.
  23. Investigating the impact of mindfulness meditation on stress reduction and cognitive performance.
  24. The role of artificial intelligence in enhancing medical diagnosis and treatment.
  25. Assessing the effectiveness of virtual reality in therapy for phobias and anxiety disorders.
  26. Exploring the potential of renewable energy technologies in achieving sustainable development goals.
  27. Investigating the impact of climate change on global food security and potential mitigation strategies.
  28. The role of corporate social responsibility in shaping consumer behavior and brand loyalty.
  29. Examining the effects of cultural diversity on team performance and innovation in multinational corporations.
  30. Exploring the implications of blockchain technology on data security and privacy in the digital age.

30 Zoology Dissertation Ideas

  1. Taxonomic diversity and diversity of insect habitats.
  2. Morpho-functional features of insects, which provided a complex of adaptations to the terrestrial lifestyle.
  3. The main groups of fossil and modern species of echinoderms.
  4. Embryonic development, primary larval forms, and metamorphosis of echinoderms.
  5. Hypotheses of the origin of chordates: Garstang’s theory, Severtsov’s theory. Possible ancestors of chordates, their way of life.
  6. Specificity of biology and ecology of tunicates as an adaptation to a predominantly sedentary lifestyle.
  7. Systematic diversity of the subtype Tunicata or Urochordata.
  8. Primitive traits, specialization, and specific features of cyclostomes associated with a parasitic lifestyle.
  9. Ecological groups of fish by type of food and methods of obtaining food.
  10. Cystophera and lungfishes as possible ancestral forms of amphibians.
  11. Systematic diversity of bony fish (Osteichthyes).
  12. Adaptation of amphibians to the development of the ground-air environment.
  13. The main taxonomic groups of amphibians, representatives, structural features, ecology of nutrition, and reproduction.
  14. Extinct groups of reptiles: Dinosaurs, Ichthyosaurs, Plesiosaurs, Pterosaurs.
  15. The main taxonomic groups of reptiles, representatives, structural features, ecology of nutrition, and reproduction.
  16. Morphological and physiological adaptations of birds to flight. Modern bird class system.
  17. The origin of mammals from animal-like reptiles. The modern Mammal class system.
  18. The main paleochronological stages of animal evolution.
  19. Multicellular Organisms: Evolution and Development.
  20. Invertebrate symmetry.
  21. The impact of urbanization on bird populations: A comparative study of urban and rural habitats.
  22. Investigating the effects of environmental pollutants on the reproductive health of aquatic organisms.
  23. Exploring the ecological implications of invasive species on native biodiversity in freshwater ecosystems.
  24. The role of animal vocalizations in mate choice and reproductive success.
  25. Investigating the evolutionary patterns and mechanisms behind convergent evolution in unrelated species.
  26. Assessing the effects of climate change on the distribution and abundance of marine planktonic organisms.
  27. Examining the ecological and behavioral factors influencing predator-prey interactions in terrestrial ecosystems.
  28. The role of animal behavior in the dispersal and establishment of invasive species.
  29. Investigating the impact of anthropogenic noise on the behavior and physiology of marine invertebrates.
  30. Exploring the effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity and population dynamics of small mammal species.
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30 Featured Dissertation Topics About Zoology

  1. Parasites: general characteristics, significance for humans. Intestinal turbellaria.
  2. Thermodoses and cestodoses in humans. Their value to people.
  3. Worms: cephalopods, polychaetes, geohelminths, and biohelminths. Leeches in medicine.
  4. Cephalopods: description of the species, main characteristics.
  5. Arthropods: habitat, features of life.
  6. Phylogeny of invertebrates.
  7. The circulatory, genitourinary, nervous, and musculoskeletal systems of invertebrates.
  8. Crustaceans: habitat, structure, examples of parasites.
  9. Arachnids: features of anatomy, different types.
  10. Phylogeny of the animal world.
  11. Chordates: description of the species, structure, and features of life. The sense organs are chordates.
  12. Subtypes: skulls, tunicates.
  13. Vertebrates: structural features, classification.
  14. Circular, cartilaginous, and bony fish.
  15. Reptiles: structural features, life, and habitat.
  16. The structure of birds, an overview of several examples.
  17. Mammals: features, structure, comparative anatomical analysis on the example of two representatives.
  18. Anamnias and amniotes: definition, description.
  19. Respiratory organs in vertebrates. Skull and circulatory system of vertebrates.
  20. The skin of fish, amphibians. The digestive system of primary water and vertebrates.
  21. The impact of climate change on migratory patterns of avian species: A case study of Arctic terns.
  22. The role of gut microbiota in the digestion and nutrient utilization of herbivorous mammals.
  23. Investigating the evolutionary adaptation of marine organisms to extreme deep-sea environments.
  24. Assessing the effectiveness of conservation strategies in mitigating the decline of endangered amphibian populations.
  25. The ecological significance of symbiotic relationships between coral reefs and resident fish species.
  26. Understanding the behavioral and physiological mechanisms behind animal tool use in primates.
  27. Investigating the genetic basis of color variation in butterfly populations and its impact on their survival and reproduction.
  28. Assessing the impact of noise pollution on communication and behavior in marine mammals.
  29. The role of animal behavior in seed dispersal and plant regeneration in tropical rainforests.
  30. Exploring the effects of habitat fragmentation on the genetic diversity and population dynamics of large mammals.


During your studies at the university, you can consider many more topics in zoology and discover new helpful information. Depending on the program, the topics of independent work of students can be changed, supplemented.

It is possible that you are interested in difficult questions and unresolved problems. In this case, do not forget that time is not on your side. The dissertation is being prepared for a long time. Perhaps it is worth leaving a too complex topic for the future and writing a term paper or an article for a scientific journal.

It does not matter whether the topic of your abstract was chosen independently or taken from the list. The teacher is likely to know the answer to any question you may have and will help to avoid mistakes when preparing the abstract. Also, if you have already chosen a topic but are not sure of your strengths or capabilities, you can always turn to our dissertation writing service specialists for help. After completing a small application, you can rest assured that the dissertation will be written efficiently, quickly, and delivered on time. We are always here to help you!

George Lynch
George Lynch
Literature, Psychology, Religion
Experience: 3+ years
I’ve been enjoying academic writing since day one in college. Today, having a full-time job, I’m still looking forward to writing essays and research papers online for others.
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