Informative Essay Examples

606 samples found
All Informative Essays
Subject: Law
Pages: 4
Words: 1162
Rating: 4,6
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Conventional and white collar crime offenders

What are the underlying reasons for the demographic differences (such as race, class, gender, and education) that exist between white collar and conventional crime offenders?There is…

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Subject: Sociology
Pages: 4
Words: 1105
Rating: 4,7

Globalization and increased poverty in Nigeria

Globalization is the interdependence and increasing integration of economic activities and interaction of humans around the globe (Beck 13). Economies of the nations around the world…

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Subject: Family
Pages: 3
Words: 872
Rating: 4,4

Condom use is the effective method of lowering teenage pregnancy

Teenage pregnancies are considered one of the major problems that adversely impact almost all the regions of the world currently. Besides being an emotional problem inflictor…

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Subject: Sociology
Pages: 11
Words: 2870
Rating: 4,6

How Mexico’s drug war affects the U.S.

IntroductionMexican USA drug relation dates back to the beginning of the 20th century. Drug trafficking across the USA and the Mexican stretch, begun just before the…

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Subject: Art
Pages: 6
Words: 1749
Rating: 4,9

Ancient Roman and Greek architecture

IntroductionThe art of architecture has been in existence for over a thousand years ago. History reveals that man has always advanced the building technology to develop…

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Subject: Sociology
Pages: 3
Words: 805
Rating: 4,7

Social philosophy: racial discrimination

IntroductionThe prolonged and discordant debates over discrimination, diversity, and equality have continued to stir controversies in relation to the inequality meted against women, the plight of…

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Subject: Economics
Pages: 3
Words: 987
Rating: 4,8

Youth unemployment in Hungary

The problem of unemployment has become a central economic development question in most countries. Whereas many economies have introduced measures to reduce the unemployment challenge, there…

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Subject: Economics
Pages: 2
Words: 360
Rating: 4,6

Scorecard model: financial perspective

Today, every organization is focused on the pillars of market share, customer delivery and profit making. The health care management firms have too used the model…

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Subject: Political
Pages: 4
Words: 1123
Rating: 4,8
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Drivers of international political economy

IntroductionThe world started to globalize in the 18th century when the capitalist economy began to control most of the states starting from Europe. The market forces…

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Subject: Literature
Pages: 6
Words: 1509
Rating: 4,3

Deception and reality in Hamlet

One of the primary theme that is evident in the play Hamlet is the difference that is present between incidents that occur in reality and things…

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Subject: Business
Pages: 3
Words: 946
Rating: 4,5

Motivation, job satisfaction and work performance

People management is a critical aspect of the management process and it is imperative to acknowledge the important role that employees play in an organisation. Unlike…

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Subject: Health Care
Pages: 6
Words: 1602
Rating: 4,6

Reproductive and sexual health

The public health issue that has been identified in this paper relates to reproductive and sexual health. Providing access to the full range of reproductive health…

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Subject: Education
Pages: 2
Words: 643
Rating: 4,4

Professional learning community

Professional learning community (PLC) is a group of people with interest in education meet more often with an aim of sharing educational expertise and work together…

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Subject: Technology
Pages: 4
Words: 1112
Rating: 4,7
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Essay on cyber ethics

Cyber ethics entails the study of the rules that govern the use of the internet. The internet makes the world seem like a global relationship or…

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Subject: Psychology
Pages: 5
Words: 1297
Rating: 4,8

Leadership theories

IntroductionMinistry leaders are experiencing a wide array of challenges in today’s secularized and technologically advanced society. They struggle to remain relevant while at the same time…

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Subject: Law
Pages: 1
Words: 305
Rating: 3,9

Gun laws

OutlineIntroductionDefinition of the claimCounter argumentPeople who support the claimOther interested partiesConclusionGun laws are the state laws set by the state in order to regulate the ownership…

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Subject: History
Pages: 2
Words: 518
Rating: 4,7

Pirates and piracy

Piracy is best viewed from the perspective of how capitalist society promotes freedom of consumption through egalitarian market and issues surrounding intellectual property. For instance, boundaries…

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Subject: Environment
Pages: 4
Words: 1110
Rating: 4,9

The decline of shrimp in the gulf of Mexico

Shores of Gulf of Mexico have always been attracting huge population. The main aim of the population is to get a shrimp delicacy which is famously…

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Subject: Economics
Pages: 3
Words: 872
Rating: 4,5

The Great Recession 2008

IntroductionThe main objective of this paper is to analyze the causes and effects of the Global Financial crisis in the US and the changing functions of…

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Subject: Sociology
Pages: 3
Words: 555
Rating: 4,5

Racial profiling in law enforcement

IntroductionRacial profiling is a controversial political topic involving the discriminatory practice by law enforcement officials specializing in crime control and prevention based on race, ethnicity, and…

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