A significant period to re-evaluate nutritional needs is, particularly after delivery. Sufficient and appropriate intake of essential nutrients is necessary for quick healing, replenishing nutrition stores as well as the adequate production of breastmilk (Amour-levar 67). It is an apparent fact that most women desire to get back in shape after giving birth. However, it is significant to note that pregnancy weight is not gained overnight; therefore losing it can be onerous. Notably, it may take a couple of months for a mother to lose the weight gained during pregnancy. According to Rasmussen and Ann (89), the process of losing weight after pregnancy involves a series of procedures that require ultimate seriousness for a useful result. These methods include cutting out high-fat snacks, concentrating on a healthy diet as well as engaging in appropriate exercises.
Most importantly, good feeding is essential in promoting loss of weight gained during pregnancy and sufficient production of breast milk for the newborn (Amour-levar 67). A woman may not be in a position to produce as much milk if they eat in small quantity. In fact, the mother’s body tends to dip into her reserves to maintain and keep the breast milk dense specifically if the mom’s diet is not up to standard (Diwekar 136). Women are advised to think of breastfeeding as a continued inspiration to pursue healthy diet just like during the pregnancy. It is important to focus on whole grains, cereals, fresh fruits as well as vegetables. These types of food play significant roles in enhancing quick recovery from labor and the birth. They also increase the blood level lost during the delivery process. The mother should also consider foods with plenty of protein, calcium, and iron. Eating plenty of protein instead of carbohydrates is highly significant based on the theory that by replacing the intake of carbohydrates with protein, the mother is automatically freed from cravings and hunger that are the primary sources of weight gain. Engaging in a low-carbohydrate diet plan promotes gradual and steady weight loss, which is acceptable for a breastfeeding mother. Intake of foods rich in calcium is also necessarily important.
The availability of calcium in a mother’s body is beneficial both to the mom and the child. The mother’s milk must contain calcium to support adequate growth and development of the child’s bones. Markedly, when the calcium level in the mother’s blood is not enough for her requirements together with the child’s, calcium is withdrawn from the mom’s bones, which is dangerous and may consequently cause severe health complications (Diwekar 136). Additionally, it is important to have a diet that is rich in iron especially if the woman has extreme blood loss as a result of delivery. Lack of sufficient iron in the body may lead to general body weakness, shortness of breath and reduced appetite level. In this case, it is necessary to take foods such as meat and fish, which provide iron to assist in the formation of new red blood cells. It is also equally important to consume foods with high vitamin C to help in the absorption of iron in the body.

In regards to exercise, it is highly recommendable for a mother to start efficient and proper exercise routine after a postnatal check-up (Amour-levar 67). However, several new mothers engage in walking and doing pelvic floor exercise as well as lower tummy muscle exercises even before the end of six weeks (Diwekar 136). In this case, the new mom should engage in brisk walking that lasts for 10-15 minutes every morning hours. This exercise increases the rate of circulation level, which is essential for tissues development. It also assists in getting rid of the fats accumulated during pregnancy. Notably, it is important not to over stride while brisk walking. Additionally, it is significant to let them arms swing naturally side by side.
It is also significant for the mother to engage in warm-ups for approximately 5-10 minutes before participating in any exercise activity. The warm ups should be followed by rhythmic activities such as marching, knee bend, shoulder rolls as well as arm circles. The rhythmic exercises should be done three times a week for about 20-30 minutes either during morning or evening hours (Amour-levar 67). During the routine practice, it is essential to include pelvic floor exercise to avoid the development of postnatal urinary incontinence, which is becoming an everyday problem for new mothers. Moreover, the mother may put the baby in a sling and do some simple exercise such as lunges, squats and arm weights (Diwekar 136). Such can be done thrice a day 10 minutes per session. In conclusion, regaining one’s shape and weight after delivery is tricky, but with appropriate measures in place, one can be surprised how the task can be easy and effortless.
- Amour-levar, Christine. Smart Girl’s Handbook to Being Mummylicious: A Motivational and Practical Guide to Getting… Your Body (and Your Groove) Back Post Pregnancy. S.l.: Author house, 2014. Print.
- Diwekar, Rujuta. Women & the Weight Loss Tamasha. India: Westland Books, 2010. Print.
- Rasmussen, Kathleen M, and Ann L. Yaktine. Weight Gain During Pregnancy: Reexamining the Guidelines. Washington, DC: National Academies Press, 2009. Print.