American History Essays

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Subject: History
Pages: 3
Words: 987
Rating: 4,9

Aboriginal people relationship with the land

The British white settlers’ invasion in 1788 had a very huge impact on the Australian aboriginal’s way of life. It is certain the colonial rule had…

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Pages: 5
Words: 1367
Rating: 4,9
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Nixon’s Vietnamization policy

Richard Nixon’s regime in the United States participated immensely in global politics. The administration was keen to gain global dominance on issues such as military performance,…

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Pages: 6
Words: 1520
Rating: 4,9

Native American tradition

The essay explores the manner in which the abuse of Native Indians by White Americans and their experience facilitated racial discrimination. For the purpose of the…

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Pages: 4
Words: 1002
Rating: 4,5

Slavery and the Old South

Slavery within the present day United States can majorly be traced back to the early years of the colonial period. It is approximated that about twelve…

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Subject: Sociology
Pages: 5
Words: 1108
Rating: 4,9

Black on black murder

Over the past decade, there has been a notion of a systemic targeting, incarceration and killing of young blacks in the United States. It can however…

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