Behaviour Approaches to Work and Society

Subject: Psychology
Type: Evaluation Essay
Pages: 10
Word count: 2541
Topics: Motivation, Communication, Human Resources, Leadership, Management

Question 2


The leaders of an organisation have various responsibilities. They have to manage the entire situation in the organisational culture. In present industry work culture, leaders need to understand the employees and give them importance. The leaders maintain different work culture before.  The managers provide instruction and employees have to follow their instructions. There is no chance to show their work experience in the work process. Although success is guaranteed yet it does not give job satisfaction to the employees. There are various organisations which follow employee centred leadership to encourage employees. The leaders try to motivate employees in various ways. They provide necessary advices for betterment of work. The managers need to create interaction atmosphere which help motivate employees for job. There are various theories of organisational behaviour. It is related to work environment in the organisation and motivation of the employees. Many companies create their work culture depending on this theory. It is very important to motivate employees to get successes in the future. The leader needs to take initiatives to make employee oriented policies. It helps employees to make work easier.  Many companies follow employees centred work environment and few companies follow organisation strict work culture.  


Leadership and success in comparative business environment 

Leadership helps to get success in any organisation. There are many employees working in the organisation in different divisions. Effective leader must be a strong character comprising the qualities of trustworthiness, ethics, integrity, proper guidance etc. He decides properly where the organisation is headed and plans the steps needed to get there. He follows the trend of the industry and encourages employees to work towards it. The leader measures the risk factor in the comparative environment which helps to expand the business. Every division has also various parts and different work procedures. It is very important to control and motivate employees to continue the working process in every segment. The employees need leaders who guide them properly and provide information they require. It is very hard to get success in the comparative business environment. There are many comparative companies in the same industry. They all work efficiently to strive for success. In this comparative environment, leadership plays a vital role to develop the business. In every department, the company has a leader who has the responsibility to complete the work process accurately within the time. All employees are not equally efficient for their work. Every section needs efficient workers to complete their tasks. The leaders divide the employees in different work segments on the basis of their capability. The employees need motivation to work harder for the company. The leader motivates them to give perquisites and other social facilities. 

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Employee-centred leadership approach 

On the current work procedure, the trend is to manage and motivate employees towards work rather than forces them constantly. It is called employee oriented leaderships. The leaders change the philosophy and management to determine the success. It is very important to develop self-awareness in terms of work environment (Seijts, 2006). On the previous work procedure, managers are mainly working oriented and very strict in work process. They basically follow hard and fast rules for work procedure. The employees get de-motivated if managers always force them to work hard. This is basically job oriented strategy. When companies have become job oriented then it has lost sight of employees. It creates problem in work procedure. Through this strategy it is very hard to get success. They need motivation for work. In current world scenario, the managers follow employee centred leadership. They try to motivate employees and encourage them towards work. Becoming a good leader means motivating through others. It needs to understand the employees’ problems. The leader coaching style must be employee- oriented where subordinate are the focal point. The Managers are attuned to the interaction and expectation of employees. It is related to person oriented leadership. The leaders have optimistic views of the world and their roles in it. In the most circumstances, they are not cynical. It fosters connection throughout their lives by managing and building personal network. It increases the quality of the jobs. The leaders inspire employees to their work. In the factory, there are various work departments. Labours are working very hard and efficiently. It is natural to lose interest of the work without motivation. The leaders need to motive them instead of force them towards work. They should give them various facilities which motivate labours. It needs to establish trust, mutual respect and confidence with labours in the work process. Trust is very important for labours. Labours believe that leaders are always support them in their problems. The trust helps to create comfortable work atmosphere. The leaders create group structure for their future goals with the help of employees. They do not make decision without employees’ opinions. It helps to complete the assignment properly.  

Theoretical review 

Motivation and Hygiene theory 

Frederick Herzberg developed the theory to understand the employee’s attitude and motivation. He tried to find out factors which are related to employees’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction. These are satisfiers’ motivators and dissatisfies’ hygiene factors. He tried to address motivators factors associated with work. Organisational jobs determine more satisfaction to the person doing the work and how it can be made better.  It needs to understand the employees before analyse the job’s quality. The leaders provide opportunities to them for their achievement. It is very important to recognise employees’ contribution. Employees are part of the organisation that is why they expect reward of their work performance (Alonso-Almeida and Rodríguez-Antón, 2011, 1460). This is the basic right of employees. The leaders are very conscious about this. They create job satisfaction conditions for employees. On the other hand, there are also few job dissatisfaction factors. If the company policy is not employee oriented then they are not motivated towards jobs. The leaders need to provide supportive, effective and intrusive supervision. Job securities are the major factor of the job dissatisfaction. Employees are expected job security to secure their life. 

Participation Theory

Douglas McGregor participation theory is based on work participation of employees. It is related with two factors such as negative factor or theory X and positives factors or theory Y. Theory X and theory Y depend on few assumptions. As per theory X, employees are by nature indolent. It is the reason they do not work hard for the company and work little as long as possible (Dhar, 2011, 154). They always try to avoid responsibilities and do not have any ambition. In this way, it is very difficult to get success. The managers are very disappointed towards them. They are basically self centred and generally gullible.  They always try to motivate them for work. On the other hand, theory Y explains sharp and efficient worker. They are always ready to take responsibilities. A work friendly atmosphere caters towards organisation success. 

Transformational theory

This theory is based on changing a whole thing in new form. It is the learning of a system of profound knowledge. A leader’s action is related to knowledge. He presents a new job environment which is related to new events, interaction with employees, new comfortable work format for employees. When employees understand the system of profound knowledge then leaders apply principal in every kind relationship with employees. It creates job satisfaction for employees.  

Critical analysis of the given statement 

In the current world scenario, most of the companies are following the employee oriented job process rather than the organisational work process. The employees work hard and efficiently in work process. It is important to put more focus on them. An organisation’s success is dependent on employees. The managers used to get success to apply organisational oriented work process but they lost the employees attention. Employees’ work quality decreased because of hard and fast rules of work process. The organisational work process brought success in the organisation but it lost employee’s contribution and attention.  Employees are not motivated if there is strict work atmosphere (Saravakos and Sirakoulis, 2014, 822). They slowly lose their attention towards work and jobs quality is affected by this. They want motivation and job satisfaction from their jobs. The managers need to take more initiatives for this purpose. It is very important to create a friendly and interacting job environment to gain maximum returns. Various organisations follow employee centred leadership to encourage employees. The leaders try to motivate employees in various ways. They provide necessary advices for betterment of work. Before taking any vital decision for the organisation, the leaders always like to discuss with others employees. It is necessary for developing the work process in the organisation. 

As per Frederick Herzberg theory, it is very important to understand employees.  There are two factors which are related to employee’ attitude and motivation. The leaders need to focus on employees’ satisfaction and dissatisfaction factors. The managers apply new polices and rules to get rid from employees’ dissatisfaction factor. The employees are very much attracted with the job satisfaction factors. They want facilities with remuneration which are provided by the managers and they contribute high quality services in return to those allowances. It is the reason the company always tries to motivate them. The company’s policies must be employee oriented. They should feel comfortable with polices. The leaders focus on the employee centred job policy. Few organisations follow strict policies towards employees. The employees do not feel free to discuss with others. It is only based on the work procedure and work strict guideline. There is no chance no express own opinion for the betterment of the work. The managers provide instruction and employees have to follow it. The employees do not get the chance to show their work experience in the work process. It is not always good for an organisation. Sometimes, companies try to implement such policies in their work procedures through this way but there are sufficient risks as well (Qureshi, Iftikhar, Janjua, Zaman, Raja and Javed, 2015, 100). The managers need to create interactive atmosphere. The opinion of the employees is very crucial for future development. They need to participate in the organisational decision. 

Douglas McGregor is defined participation theory. There are two types of employees in the organisation. Theory X explains those employees who are not interested to work hard. They do not have ambition towards organisation. In this situation, if managers instruct them with hard work process then they will be hopeless for their work. They need to arrange training program for them.  It is very important to motivate them towards work process. They are very lazy that is why if they get more facilities then they might be interested towards the job. It needs to create friendly work environment to initiate them. 

Theory Y defines those employees who are ambitious towards work. They are basically efficient workers. The leaders need to take advices from them. Few organisations do not follow employee centred procedure. In this situation, if managers apply hard organisational rule then they cannot participate in the future decisions. Their advices are very important for work process. The leaders should give chances to interact with them. This will help in work procedure.  

Transformational theory is related to various changes in the organisation. The leaders were used to follow a traditional work approach before. There were no chances of interaction. They can decide the entire work procedure and they can divide the work in employees. The employees are used to follow this work pattern blindly. They did not implement their idea into it.  It was the fundamental work process which maximum companies used to follow. In present scenario, everybody follows the employment centred work process. They changed entire work system. Learning new thing is the most important part of new work process. There are knowledge training programs arranged for the employees. The leaders are participating in employment work training. It creates good relationship with employees which help to understand the employees easily. There are separate principals for employees which basically help to work smoothly. 

Real world example and other supporting evidence 

Richard Charles Nicholas Branson is a founder of Virgin Group. Virgin Group is famous for their business and their interactive employee oriented work culture.  He mainly focuses on employee centred work process rather than hard and strict rules. He believes that employees are more important rather than other factors in the organisation. In all companies in Virgin Group, there are interactive and friendly work atmosphere. The employees are not always dependent on the higher authorities’ instruction (Lumley, Coetzee, Tladinyane and Ferreira, 2011, 112). They have the right to explain their opinion. It is very important which helped to get great success for Virgin Group. The employees are participating in the organisational decision. There are different facilities for employees. The Virgin Group mainly focuses on employees’ job satisfaction. The employees are motivated towards their works. They strive to get more success and develop the organisation position in the current market place. There are employee oriented policies which help to develop friendly work culture. 

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Steve Jobs was the co-founder of Apple Inc. He was a very workaholic person. There are work oriented cultures in the organisation. The employees have to be very sincere about their work roles. There are various polices which have to be followed strictly. The employees are hardworking and self-oriented. It creates work oriented atmosphere. They follow instructions and try to implement in the work process. Low level employees do not have the right to share their opinion.  

There are various organisations, of which few organisations follow employee centred leadership and few follow organisational strict culture (Qureshi, Iftikhar, Abbas, Hassan, Khan and Zaman, 2013, 765). Both organisations are successful in their perspective. They follow different work culture and different work polices for their employees. In the recent industry situation most of the companies follow employee centred work culture.  The leaders try to motivate employees in various ways. They provide necessary advices for betterment of work. They create interactive work culture for employees.  


According to all the theories, there are various observation on employees work process and work culture. Most of the companies like to create employee oriented work culture. The managers should give them various facilities which motivate employees. It needs to establish trust, mutual respect and confidence with employees in the work process. The employees believe that leaders are always ready to help them in any situation. They believe to help and create comfortable work environment. The leaders create group structure for their future goals with the help of employees. In the present industry work culture, various organisations follow employee centred leadership to encourage employees. It is necessary for developing the work process in the organisation.  The managers need to motivate employees in various ways for the betterment of the work. They provide necessary advices which help in work procedure. They provide chances for the interaction to employees. The leaders have optimistic views of the world and their roles in it. It fosters connection throughout their lives by managing and building personal network. It is related to person oriented leadership. The leaders inspire employees to develop the work process. Before taking any vital decision for the organisation, leaders always like to discuss with other employees. 

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  1. Dhar, R. L. (2011). Living with organizational politics: An exploration of employees’ behavior. Work40(2), 153-164.
  2. Mar Alonso-Almeida, M., & Rodríguez-Antón, J. M. (2011). Organisational behaviour and strategies in the adoption of certified management systems: an analysis of the Spanish hotel industry. Journal of Cleaner Production19(13), 1455-1463.
  3. Lumley, E. J., Coetzee, M., Tladinyane, R., & Ferreira, N. (2011). Exploring the job satisfaction and organisational commitment of employees in the information technology environment. Southern African Business Review15(1), 100-118.
  4. Qureshi, M. I., Iftikhar, M., Abbas, S. G., Hassan, U., Khan, K., & Zaman, K. (2013). Relationship between job stress, workload, environment and employees turnover intentions: What we know, what should we know. World Applied Sciences Journal23(6), 764-770
  5. Qureshi, M. I., Iftikhar, M., Janjua, S. Y., Zaman, K., Raja, U. M., & Javed, Y. (2015). Empirical investigation of mobbing, stress and employees’ behavior at work place: quantitatively refining a qualitative model. Quality & Quantity49(1), 93-113.
  6. Saravakos, P., & Sirakoulis, G. C. (2014). Modeling employees behavior in workplace dynamics. Journal of Computational Science5(5), 821-833.
  7. Seijts, G. (2006). Cases in Organizational Behavior. London: SAGE. 
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