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An environmental issue in my local community, Charlotte Metropolitan region is air pollution, which is the release of various gases as well as solid particles into the atmosphere. These solid particles and gases include particulates, biological materials, chemicals, and many other substances. Air pollution is one of the major concerns of people in the region since it among the main and frequently growing regions in the country. Hence, the fog in the zone affects the atmosphere and a large part of the human population and non-human animals. Moreover, the region is rated as one of the country’s smoggiest parts and in 2010 and 2011, was positioned among the top ten haziest cities in the USA. The pollution contributes to various climatic changes, affects the health of the humans and animals as well as the well-being of the environment, and impacts the standard of life.
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Many policies are available for encouraging positive environmental conduct to deal with the pollution, and the adverse and optimistic outcomes of air pollution can maximize pro-environmental actions. Besides, the innovative technologies have both the constructive and destructive effects, which impact the atmosphere and; hence, environmental startegies affect the environment.
Strategies for Encouraging Positive Environmental Behavior
According to McCollum et al. (2013), air pollution emanating from industrial and traffic sources raises cardiovascular mortality and morbidity, mainly in populations with a history of heart disease. Various strategies exist for promoting positive environmental behavior, which are intended to fight the outcomes of this type of pollution or decreasing the volume of unwanted gases as well as dust and chemicals into the environment. Two of the most effective strategies include bringing about social consciousness of the consequences of pollution as well as applying the law to punish the polluters and the action of releasing the mixture of solid particles and gases in the environment. Social awareness is one of the most efficient ways of encouraging positive environmental behavior, which shifts people’s attention to the consequences of air pollution concerning the atmospheric effects as well as draws the considerations of people regarding the informative data concerning the health hazards of such an environmental issue.
Immediately people are aware regarding the environmental effects emanating from air pollution, there will be a better opportunity, which will support positive ecological conduct concerning the modification of behavior and practices, which contribute to the release or emission of the combination of gases and chemical and dust particles into the environment (McCollum et al., 2013). Another policy to encourage positive environmental conduct is to employ the environmental law against the people who pollute and the practices of emitting these substances into the earth’s atmosphere. Through such an action, it displays the concern regarding this ecological subject, and this undertaking can encourage the progressive ecological behavior of other people concerning the modification of the actions and progressions that lead to the emission of the mixture of the solid particles and gases in the environment.
Adverse and Constructive Effects of Air Pollution increase Pro-Environmental Performance
The positive and adverse effects of this type of pollution have the capability of improving pro-environmental conduct in various manners. The adverse effect of this pollution is that it impactss the atmosphere, leads to change in climatic conditions as well as contribute to the decreased well-being of both human beings and animals. Precisely, for people, air pollution increases death and respiratory diseases, mainly for the person with underlying cardiovascular illness (McCollum et al., 2013). Such types of adverse effects lead to the pro-environmental conduct regarding the protection of the atmosphere and people well-being from the consequences this pollution and change in climate (Steg et al., 2014). These adverse effects can lead to sanctions for people and firms, which do not observe the stipulated standards to minimize the emission of the solid particles and the mixture of gases into the environment.
Hence, the adverse effects of the sanction result in behavior, which contributes to ending the negative consequences of this kind of pollution and results in the pro-environmental conduct to evade the penalties. Regarding the benefits improving pro-environmental behavior, when people appreciate that handling the harmful impact of pollution results in benefits including reducing the negative results concerning the environmental pollution as well as the human life they contribute to positive behavior (Steg et al., 2014). Therefore, such an action inspires people to act in pro-environmental ways to minimize the hazards related to the adverse impact of air pollution that results in pro-environmental behavior. Moreover, these benefits will keep on leading to pro-environmental conduct to, not experience additional and future consequences of the pollution.
The Way Technological Advancements have influenced the Atmosphere
Technological advancements are rendering the supply, handling, manufacture, improvement, and exploration of resources as well as substitute resources more cost-efficient, and protecting regarding the surrounding. These advances give the human beings a way of fighting the negative consequences on the atmosphere that result from human errors, people’s conduct concerning the exhaustion of the reserves, and behaviors that lead to adverse ecological consequences including air pollution. Consequently, technical advancements can have constructive implications for the surroundings; nonetheless, they can also result in adverse outcomes on the atmosphere. Various active and harmful examples are available regarding the technological advance, which affects the surroundings. For example, the use of Hybrid Electric Vehicles is a positive effect of the technological advances on the environment.
Following Nordelöf et al. (2014), a HEV is a kind of a hybrid and electric vehicle that combines traditional internal combustion engine (ICE) thrust technique with propulsion system powered by electricity. Such kinds of automobiles decrease the consequences of emission that are emitted into the environment that contribute to pollution since they apply propulsion methods, which do not need the utilization of fuels. On the other hand, certain technologies have weaknesses, and cannot meet precise objectives or needs of people regarding not to affect the environment. Hence, the HEVs are also categorized as negative examples of the way the advanced technologies change the atmosphere. HEVs utilize electric propulsion methods together with internal combustion structure according to Nordelöf et al. (2012). Thus, the need for the utilization of the fossil fuels that release emissions into the environment contributing to adverse environmental consequences such as air pollution is still there. Moreover, such of automobiles still depend on fossil fuels including grease to oil the moving components of the propulsion systems; hence, the need for fossil fuels will remain. Technical improvements can have constructive consequences on the atmosphere; however, at the same instance affects the atmosphere in several adverse ways.
Evaluating the Impact of Conservational Strategies
Environmental plans can result in both optimistic and undesirable results for the people and the community as a whole, as Clayton et al. (2016) states. These policies are commitments of individuals and companies to come up with regulations, strategies, and plans, which are of the sustainable concerns for the environment and environmental problems. Regarding people, they can embrace and adjust conduct to obey the ecological rules or become subjected to the penalties of not observing conservational laws. Various ecological laws can destructively affect a specific person due to the costs of non-compliance with these regulations; nonetheless, these laws have effective results for the larger part of the population in agreement with (Clayton et al., 2016). Regarding the society, when the environmental strategies or policies are efficient, they positively affect the community. Persons and firms have impacts on applying environmental policies concerning the way both individuals and companies change the atmosphere, and the way what happens in as well as to the air affects the people living in the environment.
Hence, executing conservational laws happens at different levels regarding the protection, manipulating, and aiming at people and for impelling and compelling companies to safeguard the surrounding and the people and animals that live in the environment (Clayton et al., 2016). Environmental regulations have constructive outcomes for the atmosphere since they safeguard the atmosphere, individuals and animals as well as ecosystems from the adverse activities of people and organizations. Such strategies repeatedly require adjusting or improving, protecting, and protecting the environment and the people who live in such regions.

Air pollution is a problem in the environment, which affects the well-being of humans and animals and their habitats, looking at all the information provided in this paper. Policies including the introduction of the social consciousness to the ecological consequences of the pollution as well as utilizing the law against the people who pollute the environment through releases into the environment that have a capacity of encouraging and supporting constructive environmental behavior. It can also be noted that the positive and adverse effects of the pollution have the capacity of improving the pro-environmental conduct. Hybrid Electric Vehicles is a good example of the way the improvement in technology can positively as well as negatively affect the atmosphere regarding the issue of air pollution. Moreover, environmental laws or policies have a high possibility of affecting the environment positively when they are implemented and utilized appropriately.
- Clayton, S., Devine-Wright, P., Swim, J., Bonnes, M., Steg, L., Whitmarsh, L., & Carrico, A. (2016). Expanding the role for psychology in addressing environmental challenges. American Psychologist, 71(3), 199.
- McCollum, D. L., Krey, V., Riahi, K., Kolp, P., Grubler, A., Makowski, M., & Nakicenovic, N. (2013). Climate policies can help resolve energy security and air pollution challenges. Climatic change, 119(2), 479-494.
- Nordelöf, A., Messagie, M., Tillman, A. M., Söderman, M. L., & Van Mierlo, J. (2014). Environmental impacts of hybrid, plug-in hybrid, and battery electric vehicles—what can we learn from life cycle assessment?. The International Journal of Life Cycle Assessment, 19(11), 1866-1890.
- Steg, L., Bolderdijk, J. W., Keizer, K., & Perlaviciute, G. (2014). An integrated framework for encouraging pro-environmental behaviour: The role of values, situational factors and goals. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 38, 104-115.