Peoples endeavor are geared toward goals, which involves setting and achieving them. Parts of every aspect of life require goals for instance on how an individual conducts personal studies, what an individual may want to achieve at work, the use of time and many others (Dijksterhuis & Aarts, 2010). Everything single details always have priorities together with aspects that need to be accomplished. Therefore, without setting goals or objectives, life becomes chaotic and difficult to control (United Nations, 2016). Even so, the goals set should be SMART, professionally relevant and interrelated. With the aim of pursuing human resource management after graduation, all these goals should establish a rightful intention for professional, academic, skill-based and personal directions that can be effective in the next five years
The future of an organization relies on Human Resource Management. Its focus is on designing and developing practices and processes (Snell & Bohlander, 2011). To begin with, SMART goals are goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and time-based (Haughey, 2011). In pursuing Human Resource management becoming a well-known expert is my broad goal. The specific objective is becoming an expert who is well-known under human resource management. For measurability purposes, my success to achieving this goal is will be possible in cases where I will be required to publicly speak on the topic of human resource management at least twice in a month, get interview requests frequently and write articles on top industries publications on human resources. This can be attained through acquiring publicity firm services and also though publicity campaign (Truss, Mankin & Kelliher, 2010). The relevant aspect of the goal is that I will establish myself as an expert for small business human resource management through reinforcing my experience in the field. This would provide a setting for reaching small business human resource managers who will need management advice. The time-based concept of the goal is considering the human resource management plan thin a period of five years.
An academic intention goal after graduation within the five-year period is to pursue an Innovation Technology Management Master’s degree. In the current world, advancement of technology is a vital factor (Stone et al., 2015). As such being in the management of human resources, the aspect of competition in the market is crucial. As such this academic intention will be very effective. The reason for this is that in the five years span I will be able to advance my knowledge of innovation of technology together with management. Having this knowledge will put me at per with the latest technology necessary for Human Resource management. This means that I will be having more if not enough knowledge of human resource management.
Based on the future, strategic Talent Acquisition and Talent Management is a goal that should be set. In managing human resources, the human culture and way of life need to be considered. Human beings have different talents. In employment or utilization of the human resource, a self-driven work power comes from a talent (Gallardo-gallardo, Dries & González-cruz, 2013). The proper approach to this management involves grouping the human resources in accordance with what they are good at. A successful recommendation for this is that the human resource management should have the complete details of its human resources properly outlining their talents. This would aid in the division of labor in accordance with employee talents. As a result, there will be an efficient flow of operations. Moreover, an interrelated goal to be set is training the human resource personnel. Efficient managing of human resources involves flowless operations in the organization with minimal errors (Tiwari, 2013). Achieving this goal will require that the productivity of the human resources is at top notch and this can only be achieved through training. This can be implemented by developing training programs before signing of a new employee.
For the ongoing work/life balance, an evidence-based plan is performance management. The degree of performance of the human resources is directly proportional to the productivity and profitability of an organization (Buller & McEvoy, 2012). Managing this can be done through performance review of the entire human resource. This method will provide statistics on the progress of an organization on what is working well and what requires adjustments. The recommendation of this plan to ensure that it is performed regularly. This would ensure that every time period is accounted for.
In a period of the five years, succession planning is a critical aspect that should be addressed. This is the process involving the identification and development of new leaders to replace the existing ones (Staehr, 2015). The information of this method is that in meeting goals of the organization, the organization relies on staff to carry out missions and for the provision of services. The success recommendation for this is removing the leaders in the organization who are not productive. This method is also effective for the aspect of work-life balance, as old leaders can benefit retirement to allow them to rest due to age. An appropriate pathway for achieving this is through performance review and work analysis. Therefore, determining of underperforming leaders together with those who need a time off will be easier. As a result, the organization will be operating with the best possible strong human resources.
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Buller, P. F. and McEvoy, G. M. (2012) ‘Strategy, human resource management and performance: Sharpening line of sight’, Human Resource Management Review, pp. 43–56.
Dijksterhuis, A. and Aarts, H. (2010) ‘Goals, Attention, and (Un)Consciousness’, Annual Review of Psychology, 61(1), pp. 467–490.
Gallardo-gallardo, E., Dries, N. and González-cruz, T. F. (2013) ‘Human Resource Management Review What is the meaning of “ talent ” in the world of work ?’, Human Resource Management Review, 23(4), pp. 290–300.
Haughey, D. (2011) ‘SMART Goals’, Group, pp. 1–2.
Snell, S. and Bohlander, G. (2011) Managing Human Resources, IEEE Engineering Management Review.
Staehr, A. E. (2015) ‘Human resource risk and succession planning’, Agricultural Finance Review, 75(1), pp. 133–139.
Stone, D. L. et al. (2015) ‘The influence of technology on the future of human resource management’, Human Resource Management Review, 25(2), pp. 216–231.
Tiwari, N. (2013) ‘Managing Human Resources in International Organizations’, Global Journal of Management and Business Studies, 3(4), pp. 2248–9878.
Truss, C., Mankin, D. and Kelliher, C. (2010) ‘Strategic Human Resource Management’, Human Resource Management, 14, pp. 365–382.
United Nations (2016) The Sustainable Development Goals Report, United Nations.
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