Table of Contents
Question 1
Vroom-Yetton is an efficient decision-making model that helps a manager to determine the most effective leadership style to use in his or her organization. The model helps one to answer the questions at hand using a well-structured decision tree (Rigolosi, 2005). The decision tree will be appropriate for Masayoshi Son to select the right decision-making style to assimilate into his company. The Vroom-Yetton model diagram provides seven crucial questions, which are essential in the decision-making process. The first question in the description concerns the quality of the desired elucidation. At this point, one is expected to weigh the nature of different solutions available to be able to select the best one. In light of this aspect, Masayoshi Son will decide on the possible alternative solutions. Here, he will determine whether T-Mobile and Sprint Company should merge or simply have Sprint do away with the deal and work on its own. The two possibilities differ in the extent to which the Sprint Company will effectively compete with its competitors (AT&T and Verizon) in telecommunication sector (Stanford, 2007).
The next question relates to a manager’s ability to get quality information to help him in achieving a definite solution. In this case, Masayoshi Son does not have adequate information to help him make an informed decision. He faces the challenge of knowledge of information insufficiency because the two proposed deal of companies merging concern two dominant phone operators in the telecommunication sector. The merger deal is a risky undertaking as it threatens the competitiveness of both T-Mobile and Sprint against AT&T and Verizon since they have limited resources. Therefore, the dilemma causes the antitrust managers to examine the market situation in the next five years if the merger takes place or not. Thus, the issue poses a challenge to Masayoshi Son, thus making him lack sufficient information in problem solving.
The other question helps the manager determine whether the present problem is structured or not. Typically, a well-structured issue involves a decision that is obtained from quantifiable facts that are known, meaning that it can be retrieved quickly (Rigolosi, 2005). Contrariwise, unstructured problems make their decisions from qualitative data whose location source is unidentified. Concerning the merger deal between T-Mobile and Sprint Company, the problem is unstructured. Notably, there is an unknown locality of data and the only possible alternative to get information is from qualitative data. Hence, to attain a solution, in this case, each option is evaluated severally through sound judgment.
The fourth question on the diagram helps one determine the essence of decision approval of the personnel to allow them to execute the solution efficiently. Decision acceptance is significant as it helps the organization achieve its goal. Concerning merger deal, the Sprint company must engage the staffs to work harmoniously to reach the ultimate decision of whether to purchase the T-Mobile or not. The decision will be made after the firm involves all employees in working towards the achievement of their goals. At this stage, all employees are required to help in the execution of the ultimate solution.
The next question is whether the group leaders and subordinates should accept the decision if it were made by the manager, Masayoshi Son. In this case, the answer should be – No. The probability of the staffs accepting the decision is limited since the merger deal affects a wide range of stakeholders (Vroom, 1976). Additionally, it is imperative that the decision is highly dependent on the managers of the company rather than Masayoshi Son, after critically examining the benefits and disadvantages that are likely to occur through the acceptance or rejection of the deal.
The sixth question inquires if there is uniformity in goals among the subordinates in the corporation to help them in finding a solution. The possible answer is – Yes. The workforce will share many similarities through their collaboration in problem-solving process in the organization. Therefore, they will portray congruence in the goal relating to the merger deal between T-Mobile and Sprint Company, which will help in reaching a decision.
Finally, will the staff experience any form of conflict over the preferred solution? The answer is –yes. Due to varied opinions among the staff members, some will deem the merger deal as profitable while others will not. However, despite the conflicting ideas, only one ideal solution will be considered for implementation of the decision.
Question 2
The best decision-making style preferred for Masayoshi Son is Group-based style or collaborative decision style as brought out in the Vroom – Yetton decision model. The Group-based decision model requires a regulator to present the problem to the various groups and facilitates a discussion until an agreement is attained for the ideal solution to be executed Vroom, 1976). Moreover, the model involves a decision of high quality, acceptance of the decision by the workforce, and a good deal of time is consumed in reaching the conclusion.
The decision model in Vroom-Yetton decision tree transformed my way of thinking of acquiring a different perspective in decision-making. Initially, I thought that the managers did not hold a pivotal role in decision making in their organizations. I assumed that their source of information is unlimited. Thus, decision-making involved teamwork with all internal stakeholders in the corporation. However, I have realized that managers are the key role players in decision making in their organizations when it comes to making the ultimate decision.
Therefore, I would recommend the use of the Group-based decision-making model by Masayoshi Son. It allows the manager to apply quality decision to solve the problem, which portrays a wide range of useful possible results as suggested by the Vroom-Yetton diagram. Furthermore, the collaborative decision-making style results in multiple quality decisions, which will end up being accepted by the workforce; hence, reduce conflicts.
Question 3
The Vroom model provides power-driven steps to the derivation of ideal solutions. It makes the decision-making process easier and attainable through the presentation of best solution alternatives. As well, a leader should be flexible in selecting leadership models since it is applicable to all. Therefore, Vroom-Yettom decision style is appropriate as it is not static; thus, it fits in all situations. In such a way, it can be the most suitable for Masayoshi Son to use in selecting the most appropriate solution alternative that will help his company attain its goals.
Therefore, I would suggest the organization to undergo training on the Vroom-Yetton model so that the workforce can acquire relevant skills in decision-making. By doing this practice, the company will increase its effectiveness as their goals will be uniform; thus, conflicts will be minimized. Importantly, the management will efficiently conduct staff diagnosis to determine the efficacy of each, and hence, solve any underlying problem.

- Rigolosi, E. (2005). Chapter 6: Diagnosing the task. Management and leadership in nursing and health care: An experiential approach. New York, NY, USA: Springer Publishing Company, 2005.
- Stanford, N. (2007). Decision-making. Guide to organization design: Creating high-performing and adaptable enterprises. Profile Books/The Economist, London, GBR, pp. 225-231.
- Vroom, V. (1976). Can leaders learn to lead? Organizational Dynamics, 4(3), 17-28.