Lesson Plan of Tuberculosis Treatment and Management

Subject: Health Care
Type: Evaluation Essay
Pages: 5
Word count: 1285
Topics: HIV

Lesson one: Education of a patient


  • This lesson is to equip patients above age 18 years with the necessary skills on how Tuberculosis can be prevented from being spread amongst various patients and the means of measuring the effectiveness of the existent programs. The education levels of the learners is high school diploma and any other higher qualification with the education setting being patient education 

Rationale/Purpose for the lesson 

  • This lesson is important because it will enable the learners to identify the causes of latent TB and how TB can graduate to a strong infection.
  • The lesson will also enable the learners to identify risk patients, such as those suffering terminal illnesses such as Cancer and HIV/AIDS and how they could manage the situation.
  • The lesson will also equip the learners with references that are related to the causes and prevention of Tuberculosis. 

Goals and Objectives  

Instructional goal

  • The main goal of this lesson is to educate the patients on how they will identify symptoms and reduce the spread of TB in addition to adherence to medication and managing of their health condition (Tupasi et al., 2016)

Learning objectives


  • Students will be able to determine self-reading sources that would help them in managing their health condition with 80% accuracy.


  • During the lesson, learners will share on their TB experiences and how they manage their TB condition with each student participating actively in the discussions. 


  • Learners will be granted a quiz at the end of the lesson which they are to fill and return for assessment and evaluation. 

Instructional Methods and Evaluation of Learning

Objective ContentInstructional MethodTime AllottedResourcesMethod of Assessment/Evaluation
Cognitive domain: Identification of reliable sources related to TB managementOffer lecture of latent TB, symptoms, management and sources

Issue handouts

Lecture and discussion15 minutesHandoutsLearners to go through the entire lesson handout

Instructor to issue course evaluation form to identify areas that may need revision

Affective Domain: Sharing of TB experiences through active class participationAsk the learners to share on how they would detect TB symptoms and the strategies that they use or would use to manage the conditionClass discussion15 minutesFlip chart and marker penLearners and the instructor to participate in the group discussion
Psychomotor domain: Conduct personal research on how TB can be effectively managed by a patientAsk the learners to come up with reliable sources on detecting and managing TBPersonal interaction with each student30 minutesInstructional aidsLearners to fill course worksheet with the guidance of the trainer. 
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Lesson two: Family Education


  • This lesson will equip family members of the patients with TB on how they could ensure that they adhere to medication and avoid the spread of TB to the wider population.

Purpose and rationale of the lesson

  • To equip the learners on how they will enable their family members with TB to adhere to medication and doctor’s advice.
  • To instruct the learners on how they could live with the TB patient without being affected through proper hygiene and better living conditions such as adequate aeration in their houses

Goals and Objectives 

Instructional Goal

  • The goal of the lesson is to equip the family members with requisite skills on how they could manage the health condition of the patient and how they would minimize the spread of TB (Ansumana et al., 2017)

Learning objectives 


  • The family education participants will get to understand the TB medications, treatment and management of the TB illness. 


  • The students will share the effective mechanisms that they employ to help their family members to manage their TB condition and minimize or eliminate any further spread (Meyers, Sandstrom, Ball, Denny, Hurlston, Peeling & Boeras, 2016).


  • The students will be granted tasks to search on the home based care strategies employed to manage the TB conditions for various patients while at home. 

Instructional methods and Evaluation of Learning 

Objective ContentInstructional methodTime AllottedResourcesMethod of Assessment/Evaluation
Cognitive domain:  Understanding  TB management, treatment and medicationLecture on TB patient by the family members to the patient including issuing a lecture guideLecture and interactive class discussion15 minutesHandouts Completion of the handout as detailed in the handout guide
Affective Domain: Taking care of a TB patient and eliminating spread of TBThe learners to share on their homecare experiences and how they manage their client situationsParticipatory discussion within the classroom15 minutesFlip chart and marker pensReflective thoughts and group discussions 
Psychomotor domain: Research and homecare strategies employed for the TB patients Learners to conduct online searches of the strategies that they would employ to advance homecare to the TB patients at homeLecture instructions coupled with computer based interactions 30 minutesInternet, compute PCS and handoutsBrainstorming and reflective thoughts on the searches being conducted by the students. 
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Lesson three: Staff development


  • This lesson is to equip the nurses with the evidence based practices that are needed to manage the health conditions of TB patients and how they could receive adequate and appropriate care within medical facilities.

Purpose/Rationale for the lesson

  • This lesson is crucial as it equips the care givers and medical personnel with the necessary skills that they need to care for the TB patients including the evidence based practices.   

Goals and objectives

Instructional Goal

To offer awareness to the learners on the latest evidence based practices that could be used in the treatment of patients with TB and the effective medication for TB (Kimerling, Lambregts-Van Weezenbeek & Jaramillo, 2016)

Learning objectives 


  • The students will be able to identify the latest research on TB treatment and management based on information that has been published in the latest journals which could enhance their skills as they take care of the TB patients. 


  • The staff taken into the training program will be able to share on some of the work practices that they put in place to manage the patient conditions within their health facilities to ensure that the TB patients are safe and reduce the chances of spread of the disease to other patients.


  • The learners will be tasked to use online searches in researching about the best practices in managing TB within the health facilities including the evidence based practices related to TB treatment and management within the health facilities (World Health Organization, & Stop TB Initiative, 2010)

Instructional methods and Evaluation of Learning

Objective ContentInstructional methodTime AllottedResourcesMethod of Assessment/Evaluation
Cognitive domain: being taught of the evidence based practices that are related to care for the TB patientsGive a lecture that details the evidence based practices related to the management of TB amongst various TB patientsLecture and interactive classroom discussion 20 minutesHandouts Instructor to have reflective thoughts in the lesson and learners to have an understanding of all the main concepts in the course. 
Affective Domain: The learners share of the best practices that they work on during their care of patients.  Learners to have a brainstorming session as they discuss the best practices that they use within the health facilities. Brainstorming session20 minutesFlip chart and marker penLearners to have a group session with each learner granted a session to share his or her best experiences. 
Psychomotor domain: Learners conduct an online search of evidence based practices and management of TB patientsOffer demonstration to the learners on how they can conduct online searches of reputable sources with evidence based practiced related to TB careComputer assisted demonstration 1 hourComputer, internet and search guide issued by the tutorLearners to go through the entire search guide issued by the tutor. 


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  1. Ansumana, R., Keitell, S., Roberts, G. M., Ntoumi, F., Petersen, E., Ippolito, G., & Zumla, A. (2017). Impact of infectious disease epidemics on tuberculosis diagnostic, management, and prevention services: experiences and lessons from the 2014–2015 Ebola virus disease outbreak in West Africa. International Journal of Infectious Diseases, 56, 101-104.
  2. Kimerling, M. E., Lambregts-Van Weezenbeek, K. & Jaramillo, E. (2016). Programmatic control of multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Tuberc Essent, 237, 249.
  3. Meyers, A. F., Sandstrom, P., Ball, T. B., Denny, T. N., Hurlston, M., Peeling, R. W., & Boeras, D. I. (2016). Quality assurance for HIV point-of-care testing and treatment monitoring assays: lessons from the field. African journal of laboratory medicine, 3(2), 1-7.
  4. Tupasi, T., Gupta, R., Danilovits, M., Cirule, A., Sanchez-Garavito, E., Xiao, H., … & Gentry, L. M. (2016). Building clinical trial capacity to develop a new treatment for multidrug-resistant tuberculosis. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, 94(2), 147.
  5. World Health Organization & Stop TB Initiative (World Health Organization). (2010). Treatment of tuberculosis: Guidelines. Geneva: World Health Organization.
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