Logistic Efficiency

Subject: Health Care
Type: Informative Essay
Pages: 2
Word count: 533
Topics: Civil Engineering, Logistics, Public Health

One of the greatest advantages of facility design change in a health care organization is the fact that it will boost efficiency of service delivery in terms of the operation of activities. The new design is bound to also increase smooth workflow as the operations are carried out to the maximum effective level possible. There is also the advantage of the fact that the information with the new design is bound to flow smoothly (Papiez, 2014).  

The disadvantage with this change is the fact that in order to attain the maximum benefits, the cost of the change is massive and may lead to the health care facility incurring loses. If the design is not agreed upon by the employees and the patients as part of the stakeholders, they may not easily embrace the changes and hence the positives in the operations and information flow will not easily be attained. 

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When there is a change in facility design that is much more efficient in service delivery such as ensuring the information from one department to another flow smoothly and on time, patients are happy. Their care is also ensued to be of top notch as the employees operate to their most efficient possible (Papiez, 2014). Patient care will therefore be better, they will be satisfied and this is also bound to reduce their readmission rates. 

Most health care organizations are known to lose patient files or delay in retrieving them and this affects the patients care and especially during emergencies (Papiez, 2014). With the changes being made in facility and logistics design to increase efficiency, all these negatives of the former design will be avoided. Quality care will now be provided on time and by the best of the hospital employees available all these due to an increased in operation efficiency (Damberg, et al. 2014). 

One of the logistical efficiency systems in my health care organization that has been receiving ultimate success is in the communication. This is the communication from one department to another and especially in regards to patients’ files and hospital records from the moment a patient comes to the health care facility. This logistical efficiency has linked departments such as the admissions, pharmacy, health records office, doctor’s offices and even the billing department. 

When a healthcare organization embraces value-based purchasing, they are rewarded for the great work and quality care that they provide to their patients. The rewards is a way to also ensure that  these health care organizations always receive positive feedback from their patients based on the quality of care and patient satisfaction they provide on a regular basis (Damberg, et al. 2014). It is also a way to motivate them to do even better in the future. 

The downside to the system of rewards based on the value-based purchasing is that it largely depends on the size of the hospital as well as relying on English as the primary language. In areas where the hospital size is smaller and especially the hospital beds or a large number of patients are non-English speakers, then the system fails to work (McFarland, Ornstein & Holcombe, 2015). Such health care facilities even though they receive patient satisfaction are not rewarded. 

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  1. Damberg, C. L., Sorbero, M. E., Lovejoy, S. L., Martsolf, G. R., Raaen, L., & Mandel, D. (2014). Measuring success in health care value-based purchasing programs. Retrieved from http://www.rand.org/content/dam/rand/pubs/research_reports/RR300/RR306/RAND_RR 306.pdf
  2. McFarland, D. C., Ornstein, K. A., & Holcombe, R. F. (2015). Demographic factors and hospital size predict patient satisfaction variance—Implications for hospital valuebased purchasing. Journal of Hospital Medicine, 10(8), 503–509.
  3. Papiez, M. R. (2014). Transforming healthcare facilities: How a broader approach to sustainability can improve patient care and the bottom line. Retrieved from https://c.ymcdn.com/sites/www.usgbcnc.org/resource/collection/2560B284-4714-4B27- BF6A-7BD9EC3EE05E/Papiez_GreenNC2014E_Final.pdf
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