Table of Contents
The history of the United States of America breaks down to regions that take shape into the different decisions the nations have to make. Looking at the voting styles of different areas, then the regions break down to different parts that make it clear that the United States of America has divisions to different regions. These regions dictate the swing vote. Different regions have the different ideologies and agree on the candidate to support, whereby the combined vote put the preferred candidates to power (Thomas 2). The areas are divided by the share ideologies of the referent regions, for example, the level of class and the political opinion. The history of America looks into realizing the groundbreaking issues that the areas based themselves on. The eleven regions have also brought about political change as the regions have a common idea of the people they want to elect into power and the measures they take to keep the person in the ruling. These regions also come together to decide that their support will go to specific energy and the winning is comfortable with the help of the areas.

The book by Colin Woodard about the American Nations separates the regions into eleven distinct regions that take shape in the growth of the economy and the political opinion (7). The book looks at the individual regions with a keen interest in what determines their grounds for the separation. Among the eleven identified areas in the book are the Yankeedom who emphasizes the political rule, education, and the desire for the good of all the people in the community. The Yankeedom region was on the whole northeast north of New York City as well as parts of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota. Other area is the New Netherland, the Midlands, the Tidewater, the Greater Appalachia, the Deep South, the New France, El Norte, the Left Coast, the Far West and the First Nation (13). The Deep South and the Yankeedom have dominated the significant decisions of the American regions hence considering them as superpowers.
The Midlands region is almost like a strip that stretches from the Yankeedom to the Quaker Philadephia. The Midlands region extends through the German-dominated Midwest. Someone with an origin in the Midland went to visit the war battlefields and came up with findings that he took home (Foner 12). The conclusions later became the stories told in paintings and sculptures narrating the Midland history of the civil war. Ralph Sitter looks into the account of the ear relating to his grandfathers and the soldiers they describe with during the civil war. Ralph sitter is a descendant of the civil war soldiers therefore carefully refers to the people in question. Bonnie is married to Sitter, and they are both of different descent regarding the war. The grandfathers of the couple were rivals during the war, but the difference does no dictate their union. When Sitter and Bonnie tried to root information about the civil war, the difference brought strain as Sitter’s mother in law could not relay the information about what the people of Sitter’s origin did to the grandfathers of Bonnie and vice versa.
The Civil war divided people into the different regions as they were fighting each other. The buildings and the setting had critical goals of not interacting and causing any other harm. When the civil war broke out, people died in large numbers and regaining the same stability that used to exist before the war was almost impossible. Indeed, the civil war had an enormous impact on the economies of different regions especially the Midlands. The Midlands region had focused on neutralism and political stability which was bothered after the war; the Midlands region is still struggling to construct the pieces left and bring together the entire zone (26). The political divide in the eleven parts, however, continues to cause a rift that is not easy to seal. The Midlands region sits on a stretch that quickly allowed the bordering areas to invade and cause war on the political and economic systems before the war were stable and functioning. The war tore everything apart and getting things back together is still in the process of full construction.
The Civil War in America originated in the Yankeedom region where there was no political divide, but the opinion of the Yankeedom region had weight. People of the neighboring regions came together and borrowed the ideologies of the Yankeedom people, and that is how they used to sway opinion to have the upper hand in the political arena. For example, Abraham Lincoln during his election year was on the losing end, and it took the intervention of the Yankeedom influence to come up with the swing vote that saw the win of Abraham Lincoln. The Midlands were initially not in support of Abraham Lincoln either (40). This divide on the ideologies also built a rift in the opinions of the regions as the different regions had the different priorities in their operations. Taking into account that American elections were on a regional basis, the candidates had the task of ensuring that the manifestos they presented to the people addressed the different ideologies of the different regions. That was the only way of providing that the areas supported a particular candidate.
Woodard notes that the political opinion of the different regions over the years was not as a result of the class differences or the struggle with the economic difference and commercial interests but rather the coalitions and shift in the alliances with leading rivalry existing between the Yankeedom and the Deep South. The civil war in the ancient days stemmed from the difference in ideologies and the Christian influence on the thinking of people. People moved from one region to another trying to set foot on their doctrines and placed them on the existing people to get them to join them in their beliefs (Foner, 44). New York was the economic power and still is to date as it weathered the high mobility of different people and could accommodate the shift in people that had economic power. Other than that, Yankeedom dominated the region this had the leadership and the political control of the part.
The Midlands region securely sat under the superpower of the Yankeedom region that had higher authority and influence on the political decisions that affected entire America. The American Civil war saw divides that were purely by the political opinions with different sides trying to overthrow each other. During the ruling times of Charles there was witnessed a lot of resistance and attempt to defeat them but since then the politics of that time have changed from what we see today and democracy took charge (Woodard, 47).
At the time of the first English Civil War Anglican Virginia committed to work with Charles I and II and fight the Puritan Parliamentarians (Goedeken 20). Towns in Catholic Maryland were seized and invaded during the war, and also there were laws processed to do away with preachers of Puritan origin. In the short period of the English Republic, New Englanders wrongly treated and even killed Quakers. Puritans from Maryland raided Virginia trying to take over the government there but instead made peace when Charles II got back to the throne. In 1676, a prominent Puritan force went against the rule in Virginia and began a different approach to rule in Maryland, getting into control of the capital before several constant battles finished them.
Woodard is of the opinion that the Midlands region is bound to grow and gain political mileage and even be in a position to control the majority vote. Being at the center of all the zones and being central to most of the economic and academic ventures. The businesses that have come up in the Midlands region challenge the entire eleven regions regarding growth and the expected projections in a few years to come (34). Increase in the use of technology helps keep the district afloat and encourages other regions to want to invest in the Midlands region and make it a business hub in the growing American economy. Having the control of the part will make the Midlands region a controller of the political opinion gradually as well. Significant efforts of the leadership and power of the resources is a crucial controller in the growth. Stability in the region also allows potentials to look into the zone and want to invest in the Midlands region.
I agree that the Midlands are on a growing scale and it is a matter of time before the economies blow over. The regions take keen concern in their economic growth and shun any political influence. Politics to some extent are the major contributors to the decline of economies in the regions and the world as a whole (Woodard 56). Advancement in technology, improvement in the education sector is all part and parcel of the growth process. They analyze the potential of a region by the steps already taken in the growth and the plans that the district has for its growth. Technology and growth of businesses is a clear indication of growth and advancement in any economy.
In conclusion, the book by Woodard gives a clear view of the political instability that existed in America and the effects it had on the people the separation of the regions was the result of political differences. Therefore, control of political influence is the first step to any stable and growing economy.
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- Foner, Eric. Reconstruction: America’s unfinished revolution, 1863-1877. Harper Collins, 2011.
- Goedeken, Edward A. “The Literature of American Library History, 2010–2011.” Information & Culture48.4 (2013): 506-536.
- Thomas, Richard M. Animals, economy and status: integrating zooarchaeological and historical data in the study of Dudley Castle, West Midlands (c. 1100-1750). Archaeopress, 2005.
- Woodard, Colin. American nations: A history of the eleven rival regional cultures of North America. Penguin, 2011.