Negotiation Skills



Negative publicity, especially from the media, originates from many cases where a given leader is not prepared. The media has been cited as a platform where negative publicity sells. As such, the case of Brian Epstein was exaggerated given that the press took advantage of his lack of experience in his business field. In my view, I would create an environment that fosters the positive feedback from the media and involved stakeholders. Logically, I would minimize the damage that would otherwise tarnish my reputation. First, there is need to engage the staff and satisfying the immediate personal about the importance of reducing military information to the media. A key strategy in the managing of negative reputation would include appropriate training for the staff members given the fact that they are ambassadors of any given business enterprise or firm. I would actively engage the staff personally in proactive training programs that would enhance positive images and impacts to the society in general. Then again, I would dwell more on the improved practices at within the organizations which would include recent programs that involve the local communities. Such a strategy would instill the credibility and accountability of my organization (Epstein, 2011). Press queries also formulate the basis of the negative publicity from the general media houses. In light of such an acknowledgment, I would be on the forefront to address queries by the media. In my absence, I would ensure that questions of various nature land to the right personnel as compared to the case with Brian Epstein who allowed the media to access unclassified information from the band members. Then again, I would establish a crisis management team that would adequately assess arising situations and formulate workable solutions that would counteract the negative messages doing round within my industry of practice. 

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The decision to partake in the contracts demands a significant set of skills that would help in proper management of the media issues. For instance, I believe that with established skill of problem analysis, I would be easy to understand the conflicts of interests between the involved parties which would lead to an effective projection of the end goals. For instance, there is need to acknowledge the areas of conflicts for the interested parties. I would take a time to identifying the overlying issues in both the U.S.O. and Armed Forces Radio. This means that I will have to develop strategies that will help me understand the focal matters of the two parties. Preparations are also significant for the involved parties given that there is need to establish the common ground. In simple terms, I would have to acknowledge the interests of the groups, which ranges from what they would want to be released to the public. On the same ground, I would have to engage the parties in active listening where the verbal communication process revolves around the parties (Poole, 2016). This approach would be effective in understanding the functionality structure of the other parties and their expectations from my team. 

Teamwork is another primary skill that would be foundational during the exercise with the military. Such an essential skill demands that group members work towards a common goal. Logically, planning would entail challenges and barriers from various aspects of the society. In this view, there is need to develop the positive attitude towards problem solving and decision-making. As a manager, I would be entitled with the responsibility to ensure a deeper understanding of various roles from the involved parties. My team would be tasked with the responsibility of emotional control for effective communication given it fosters working relationships. 


The term negotiations refer to the process of finding a reasonable agreement for parties. In this view, strategy would mean the game plan involved in the entire process suing tactics, which are the elements of the plan. In light of these developments, I would opt to use to strategies in dealing with the involved parties. I would use the collaborating negotiation strategy. This approach would be significant in that the issues to be addressed are equally valuable for the parties involved and the objective of the process is to integrate differing viewpoints. Then again, there is the issue of commitment from both my team and the US military who play the overall role. Additionally, there is need to understand the dynamics of the U.S.O. and Armed Forces Radio. Importantly, these groups are worth working with even in the future given the case that they would want to renew the contract upon its expiry (Kubasek, Brennan & Browne, 2016). The other negotiation approach that would be applicable in the scenario is the collaborating kind. The military would be viewed to be reasonable when evaluated from a scholarly point of view. The justification to such reasoning is that they would offer alternatives that would also work for my band. Next, the military would engage my band in circumstances that are important for the other parties involved. Thus, they would take responsibility for every action during their peace mission. In light of such a realization, it would be beneficial to prove one’s worth in terms of supporting harmony during the contract period. It would also be agreed that there could be conflicting areas during the contract. As such, an accommodative approach would ensure a level of understanding and each of the parties would view the other to be primary in their overall mission. Lastly, the involved parties would want to be viewed as rational. 


I would consider alternatives during the negotiation process that would include the controlling and compromising approach. My steps during the execution of such a strategy would include: 

  1. Breaking the contract: – this will include integrating the negotiation platform into useful segments that would address various issues of my contract. For instance, I would demand that the involved parties accept all my terms and conditions. In the vent that they would want to re-negotiate my terms, I would refuse to sign any agreement.
  2. The fair approach: – I will formulate a debate that would swing in my favor using justifications related to the commonly accepted standards of the music industry. For example, I would demand that my team is compensated before any performance or contact engagements. This strategy would be significant in the sense that it would give my team the upper hand in the entire negotiation process. 
  3. Real influence or issue: – The tactic would include understanding the demands of the parties involved and the outcome of the collaboration they are willing to establish. At this point, I would be quick to bring the various issues of my team, which would include accommodation costs and transport. 
  4. Controlling: I would take charge of the contract by negotiation on the timings of the various campaigns and locations of the same. Such a strategy would also be significant in the sense that it would help create a balance of power between the U.S.O. and Armed Forces Radio. Importantly, the two strategies would shed light on anticipated challenges that would arise in the future given the case that there is bound to be areas of misunderstanding. 
  5. Prioritize: – I would have to reflect on the most pressing matters that would generate revenues and enhance the evaluation of risks before taking the decisive action.


A manager has the responsibility to handle the routine activity of the artists during the various phases of development. In this view, they have a weighty responsibility to ensure that their artists are creative in all aspects of their lives. Thus, they should set the terms of the contract given that they are the representatives of both the artists and the music. Managers are the trusted entities that represent the artists in the various legal framework aspects. They are tasked with the duties to ensure that performance contracts are satisfying and meet the demands of their artists. The manager is again the interested party that sets those expectations of the artists. Under such acknowledgment, any form of payment that does not satisfy the demands of the artist would be viewed as inappropriate (Kubasek, Brennan & Browne, 2016). 

The hard-earned revenue would only be appropriate if approved by the artists. As such, the manager is the overall oversight body that understands the music industry and the dedicated clientele. Empathically, the manager knows the musical industry better than the artists given the fact that it is a categorical scope of business. Their duties are to ensure that the sale of services favors their interests. Industry members would not write the contract for a significant number of reasons. Firstly, the nature of the business in drafting the agreement may be corrupted or biased given the task. For instance, an industry member may be paid to write the agreement by their challenges within the field. Secondly, some of the sector members would want to draft a contract for counteracting any form of competition. Under such a scenario, the contract will be developed to underpay or undermine the efforts of other record labels.

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Did you like this sample?
  1. Epstein, B. (2011). A cellarful of noise. London: Souvenir Press.
  2. Kubasek, N. K., Brennan, B. A., & Browne, M. N. (2016). The legal environment of business: A critical thinking approach. London: Pearson 
  3. Poole, J. (2016). Textbook on contract law. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
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