Globally most school systems have been under great pressure to ensure promotion of student skills and the enhancement of student achievement which will allow students to effectively participate in economies globally and also nationally. In order to attain this objective school reform policies have been implemented which particularly focus on change of the education system based on the notion that the performance of schools will be enforced by the mission of the school and strategies that are based on the dynamic culture of the school and the operations of the school.
Modern day school reformation policies comprise of test-driven accountability, embracing virtual learning and teaching, common core standards, using vouchers and charters to enhance choices parents and elimination of teachers who are considered ineffective in relation to test scores of students among other major issues. Over several decades ago Historical methods for adoption of school reformation policies mostly did not do much to address major student achievement issues. These traditional techniques for adoption of school reform policies did not even enhance education particularly in the United States. However compared to contemporary techniques, traditional and historical techniques sort to fundamentally alter the core schooling and education structure. In addition the traditional techniques paved way for major changes particularly with regards to long term strategies and policies that will significantly impact on the school and education system (Metcalf, 1954).
In the United States of the most recent efforts with regards to school or education reform policies has been the No Child Left Behind policy which purposes to make sure that each and every child in the United States is provided with good education and that no child is particularly left behind. The education policy in other words intends to ensure that each and every student attains good scores in maths and reading standardized tests. The policy requires that all children particularly in the third grade through to the eighth grade be given math and reading state based assessment tests. In the event a student fails the assessment tests, then he or she is considered not to have attained good education and on the other hand if the specific school does achieve the Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) especially on the test scores of the students then the school is considered not provide to students good education and therefore improvement is required. In this case the specific school encounters severe sanctions. Schools that generate good scores are mostly considered to provide good education to students and are therefore rewarded (“No Child Left Behind and Educational Impact on At-Risk Youth”, 2017).
In 1965 the United States Congress passed into law the Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) which was later revised and modified in 2001 as the No Child Left Behind education reform policy. In addition both the US Senate and House are now debating around the modification of the NCLB reform policy with the most recent NCLB version not focusing on the provision of good education to all children and students but only to particular student demographics. To modify this particular education reform policy, math and reading needs to be assessed from the tenth grade to the twelfth grade at least once and also in high schools. Another modification would be assessment in science in addition to the assessment of reading and math. The No Child Left Behind reform policies requires the development of comprehensive curriculum standards especially in science, reading and also math (Ravitch, 2017).
To implement the desired changes in relation to the NCLB education reform policy, more courses especially in English, math and science should be considered. Provide assessment tests in this case exit exams particularly for students in high schools in the specific three subjects. To implement the required curriculum standards in the three subjects, provision of funding for relevant agencies is essential as these agencies will be responsible for ensuring that standardized tests are developed in accordance with the required standards. To lead the modification of NCLB education reform policy, the US Congress will aid modifications through reauthorization of this particular reform policy. Fund relevant agencies to aid with the modification and also ensure public awareness of the education reform policy modification (“Revising No Child Left Behind”, 2017).
In the modification attempt of the NCLB education reform policy several challenges might be encountered particularly in a traditional bureaucratic school. Most traditional schools have not developed relevant systems for data collection, data analysis and reporting as required by this reform policy to show Adequate Yearly Progress and therefore challenging to implement modifications. Another challenge with regards to modification attempt is that Educators and parents are resistant particularly with the standardized tests and therefore they will not provide support for the modifications. Another barrier is the unavailability of funds required for implementing the modification attempts in terms of funding relevant agencies.
There are different ways of promoting the modification of the NCLB reform policy. Sustaining funding of agencies in order to ensure that proper standardized tests are established; encouraging assessment tests for children of all ages through to high school in the required subjects, and also narrowing the relevant achievement gap for all students the required subjects. In order to transition the reform policy modification in a learning organization redesigning the testing into standardized assessment regulations that will allow for students to stay focused is particularly essential.

Professional development and training teachers on how to implement NCLB reform policy modifications and also creating awareness will also allow for smooth transition. It is also essential to enhance the learning environment for students by developing a community that will provide a proper foundation for transition with regards to the education reform policy modifications. Measuring the academic progress of the students in math, science and reading against the established and developed standardized testing in order to ensure a smoother transition from traditional testing to standardized assessment or testing with regards to modifications of the NCLB education reform policy. Development of elaborate system in schools for data collection, data analysis and data reporting which is particularly required by this specific education reform policy to display Adequate Yearly Progress and generally allow for a smooth transition of the modifications.
- Metcalf, T. (1954). School Athletics: Problems and Policies. Educational Policies Commission. The School Review, 62(6), 369-371.
- No Child Left Behind and Educational Impact on At-Risk Youth. (2017). Asbury Schools. Retrieved 21 July 2017, from
- Ravitch, D. (2017). The Lost Purpose of School Reform. The New York Review of Books. Retrieved 21 July 2017, from
- Revising No Child Left Behind. (2017). CQ Researcher by CQ Press. Retrieved 21 July 2017, from