Society, since time immemorial, has had a different approach to viewing those who are indifferent. The expectations are always very high for respecting and following the norms, values and worldviews held by a particular society. To a greater extent, one can argue that society promotes homogeneity and does not, in any circumstance, accept divergent views. Anyone who goes contrary to the societal expectations is most likely bound to face objection, not only from the people around him or her, but even the authorities whose role are on maintaining law and order. Homosexuality has been regarded as such a weighty issue in the society and the world is yet to come to the reality of the people who choose to remain different or a such, hold different viewpoints. The movie, The Imitation Game provides an accurate account of this ordeal, especially how Alan struggles in a society that does not accept him as a homosexual. Therefore, the essay argues that Alan Turing’s ordeal shows how the society does not support indifference and considers such as going against its set norms and values and as such, can punish the individual in the cruelest way.
One of the perceptions that the movie The Imitation Game evokes is that the society does not focus on the achievements that one has made so far but will be engrossed in underlining the undoing of individuals and not the good that they have had or brought about in the society. In the movie, Alan Turing is undoubtedly the center of attention, having been exposed to all manner of tragic circumstances. For instance, Turing ends up changing or bringing about the revolution in the war by inventing a machine that leads to the computer development or computer age. However, it is quite sad that the very society that he does try to help vilifies him for being different and as such, faced a hefty punishment for homosexuality. England in this era was quite harsh and cruel on homosexuality and anyone caught doing so would severe penalty (Thomspon). Nevertheless, for the opposing arguments, some would suggest that a person is supposed to abide by the rules and norms that govern the behavioral ascriptions of individuals in the society. From such a standpoint, the actions of Turing to engage in homosexuality are punishable and the government is right with its action to arrest and convict him. In part, they would argue that any sane society does not condone ‘indecency’ and divergent behaviors. Such arguments are refutable because people should focus on what others do and contribute to society. Homosexuality is a personal choice and in fact, barely affects the society. Everyone has the right to choose what to follow and it is not by force to follow what one does not love. In so doing, the movie highlights how Turing, despite being despised, is the closeted genius who ends up saving many lives and as such, shortening the war. However, the society only recognizes his indifference and he ends up being exposed to chemically-induced castration during the jail time. Hence, the movie confirms how the society is not receptive of divergent views and in part, how a person who holds different ideological viewpoints is considered as an outcast and deemed punishable in whatever means.

One of the lessons that can be picked up from the movie is that despite the contributions that one has made in so far in making the society a better place and changing the world for the better, it is always apparent that society deserves the right of making the life of indifferent people as difficult as possible. In this sense, the society does not uphold contributions made by homosexuals and other indifferent perspectives or viewpoints as genuine, especially when they contribute towards its common good. However, as the movie shows or highlights, the ordeals faced by people who hold divergent values are subject to the possible privileges that can make the society to reconsider its stand on how it views people who hold divergent views. Alan Turing faced the ordeals because of the government secrecy that made it impossible for the authorities to reconsider or sympathize with him (Tyldum). In the movie, Thomspon argues that there is no contribution in the war than Turing’s efforts towards defeating Hitler (Thomspon). He cracked the Enigma code from which the Nazi military instructions were being delivered (Tyldum). In all his dealings, he calculates the information that the allies would possibly act on without ending up giving the game away. However, the homophobia held by the society as well as the secrecy with which he held his invention renders him an outcast. In this case, being indifferent is further considered an ordeal especially when one lives a secret life. In the contemporary society, homosexuality is characterized by secret lives that lead the society to further reject and have negative opinions on such people. Some would argue that living with secrecy is a danger or a threat to society whose safety depends on transparency in behavior. To a greater extent, such arguments are refutable because a society should encourage individualism. The most important thing is how and to what extent one contributes to the society in a positive manner. In retrospect, Turing’s game saved many lives but he is being regarded as an outcast because of his secret lifestyle. Hence, his ordeal shows how the society least considers the best that one does to improve it but rather dwells on a person’s perceived negative behavior that goes against the usually held norms in the society.
Finally, a major and simple assessment of the movie is that it reflects the current opinion that the society has towards homosexuality. Homophobia is real and the victims have been facing incessant and cruel negative reactions from the society. The only difference with Alan Turing’s situation is that he existed in an era when the government promoted homophobia and as such, a person could be arrested for being homosexual. However, the society, especially the general public, is yet to come into terms with people engaging in homosexual behaviors and as such, considers the individuals as indecent. Alan Turing’s innovation game, for instance, brought a major a major revolution in the society during the war time but the objection he received for being homosexual did not allow him the chance and opportunity of enjoying his life. The movie portrays the same case in the contemporary society whereby one is ever judged for being homosexual but barely do people consider the good things that the same individual has done in their lives. Hence, the movie adds to the common argument or perception that in the society, the positive things people do are baseless so long as one develops behavior that the society believes or considers as going against its morals.
In summary, the argument indicates that The Imitation Game highlights the negative perception that the society has towards indifference. Although Alan Turing triumphed in making sure that Hitler was defeated during the war, such is never emphasized by the society. The society holds indifference as going against its norms and as such, warrants punishment in whichever means or ways as possible. The movie shows how the sexuality cannot live with homosexuality as one of the behaviors going contrary to the usually held perceptions.
- Thomspon, Kate. “The Immitation Game review: A lonely hero”. December 31, 2014. Web. 13 May 2017.
- Tyldum, Morten. “The imitation game official”. Jul 22, 2014. Web. 13 May 14, 2017.